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  1. one (0 replies)
  2. Ruby did mom give you to many vaccines (0 replies)
  3. Friday is a WORKING day (0 replies)
  4. m0nde how is life being GAF (0 replies)
  5. i use Dolly Cleaners for all my cleaning needs (0 replies)
  6. Stevey have a good WORKING Friday (0 replies)
  7. shut the hell up about dolls (20 replies)
  8. m0nde when did u reslize you are GAF (0 replies)
  9. Dolly Construction (0 replies)
  10. i'm gonna Uber when i get muh Van back (3 replies)
  11. Marko, i wish you were still alive. I wish you hadn't died being raped by mandingo niggers :( (3 replies)
  12. DOLLY Cleaning for all your cleaning needs (2 replies)
  13. Man tomorrow is Friday end of the WORK week (1 replies)
  14. i'm WORKING while m0nde thinks of niggr diks (1 replies)
  15. Ah need an intervention for dis BIG dik addiction (1 replies)
  16. m0nde's niggr obsession (1 replies)
  17. sold my WORK Van for somr ciggies and gas station food (1 replies)
  18. Ivan don't work (2 replies)
  19. Tricking autist kenny rankine (0 replies)
  20. Gets a work van (0 replies)
  21. i WORK so niggrs can sit around (1 replies)
  22. i WORKED my balls off all day (1 replies)
  23. just got Muh ass reamed by Mutumbo and Kamala (8 replies)
  24. WORKING is good for building muh muscles (1 replies)
  25. muh ass + ur black dik = heaven (0 replies)
  26. Stevey new business is DOLLY CLEANERS (2 replies)
  27. faggot janitorial squad (1 replies)
  28. WORKING is Good (1 replies)
  29. Stevey do you have a GOLD handle plunger (1 replies)
  30. Stevey where did you get your degree in Janitorial Science (1 replies)
  31. Stevy i'm WORKING just like your WORKING (1 replies)
  32. Stevey i know your WORKING but pick me up a pack of Newports on way home (0 replies)
  33. party in Da back of muh mouf and all the Niqqrs are cumin (1 replies)
  34. Stevey how was your WORK day (1 replies)
  35. fjs (0 replies)
  36. leaving Wifey for muh black Boy friend Mutumbo (1 replies)
  37. Stevey did you join the turd chaser's Janitorial Union (4 replies)
  38. just finished a nooner with 2 huge black dicks (1 replies)
  39. luv gittin Muh ass fukdt by 10" niqqr diks (1 replies)
  40. Stevey your dad is proud your WORKING (1 replies)
  41. Stevey i'm glad your WORKING hard to keep America clean (1 replies)
  42. Stevey can you get Deso a job WORKING in janitorial (1 replies)
  43. Stevey do you rub one off while WORKING (1 replies)
  44. Stevey your WORKING hard and paying your FICA taxes (1 replies)
  45. Stevey did you go to Janitorial school to learn your trade (1 replies)
  46. Stevey your WORK is important to keeping America clean (1 replies)
  47. just got Muh shit pushed in by a niggr (4 replies)
  48. ah have to Shit outside so muh Wifey doesnt smell the Niggr cum that drains from Muh ass (4 replies)
  49. want some cheese from under my folds (0 replies)
  50. Stevey went to the Psy Doc and said i'm a dirty faggot with assburgers (1 replies)
  51. muh obsession with HUGE nigger dicks is causing Marital problems for meh (9 replies)
  52. Lily fuck you pay me $50 (1 replies)
  53. Stevey how was your WORK day (6 replies)
  54. marko (6 replies)
  55. DP can you fly to penguin island and bash lisa's skull (0 replies)
  56. are you insane (2 replies)
  57. gout gone Van gone (0 replies)
  58. All Your nigger cum r belong to Me (8 replies)
  59. gonna fuck all the niggers (6 replies)
  60. Deso what kinda lip stick you wearin (5 replies)
  61. My name is m0nde and I love having sex with under aged kids (3 replies)
  62. if i was aussie (0 replies)
  63. got poison ivy on Muh dik JO in the woods (1 replies)
  64. tomorrow work hump day Stevey (0 replies)
  65. was your work day good (0 replies)
  66. My name is Marco and I love having sex with black men. (9 replies)
  67. Hi i'm Garth (0 replies)
  68. marco and his street shitting buddy (1 replies)
  69. lisa goes to to lunch with her hermit mumzy (3 replies)
  70. can i get my money back i lent you for the Van (2 replies)
  71. gotta clean the gout in muh Van (0 replies)
  72. oi oi oi royal baby oi oi oi we no speak english (2 replies)
  73. why u so mad bruh (1 replies)
  74. Marco's Porch Monkey Paradise (8 replies)
  75. marco's nigger fucking extravaganza (8 replies)
  76. Its steveyos666 appreciation week (2 replies)
  77. Lily owes me some cock sucking (0 replies)
  78. Have nice day at work Stevey (10 replies)
  79. Kent owes me $50 as well (3 replies)
  80. chop chop lrt's get r done (1 replies)
  81. Lily still owes me $50 (16 replies)
  82. JJ quit posting all this shit about stevey (0 replies)
  83. marko (2 replies)
  84. doll boy and his street shitting buddy (6 replies)
  85. this retarded doll fag is ghosting me (6 replies)
  86. i did the spork not stevey (2 replies)
  87. when the purge comes Stevey your first (0 replies)
  88. burn in hell doll fag (1 replies)
  89. get this doll fag the fuk outta here (0 replies)
  90. Steffy make me some doll clothes (0 replies)
  91. gon get a job tomorrow (2 replies)
  92. who the fuk Cares (0 replies)
  93. get your Dik likt (0 replies)
  94. JO and play with dolls all day (1 replies)
  95. Cody eat abag of Diks (2 replies)
  96. retarded America (0 replies)
  97. i'm a retarded JO Doll faggot (0 replies)
  98. retarded doll faggot (0 replies)
  99. Lisa plz come back? (1 replies)
  100. stop ghosting me doll niggr (0 replies)
  101. clay can you put the Rainbow Flag in the header (0 replies)
  102. steve stop fuking Around (2 replies)
  103. am i a homosapien (0 replies)
  104. stevey (2 replies)
  105. Deso has pretty Lips (1 replies)
  106. human is inherently evil (1 replies)
  107. m0nde is muh bf (5 replies)
  108. m0nde raped Meh (1 replies)
  109. m0nde you like my creamy white boobies (1 replies)
  110. steveyos (3 replies)
  111. Creepin on some old Lady tonight while JO (0 replies)
  112. Creepin on some old Lady tonight while JO (0 replies)
  113. saw an add for sperm Bank donors (0 replies)
  114. you see i don't have to get up and go to work (1 replies)
  115. GAF in rio rico (0 replies)
  116. muh pu55y hurts (1 replies)
  117. play with Muh dolls all Day (0 replies)
  118. JO and play with dolls all day (0 replies)
  119. m0nde your people (0 replies)
  120. kill every shit stain in Dallas (0 replies)
  121. kill shit stains at the border (0 replies)
  122. who wants to cum in my ear (0 replies)
  123. are you a Democrat (0 replies)
  124. m0nde how long did you Fuk that Ham Beast Alison (0 replies)
  125. P00P in the StreeT (0 replies)
  126. dad i really want to work at McDonalds please help (0 replies)
  127. if you don't want a job then you don't eat (0 replies)
  128. Have you ever taken a shit so massive that the pile was touching your ass after you were done? (0 replies)
  129. are you a little chubby lose weight in my sim (1 replies)
  130. my Sim is evil (1 replies)
  131. who wants my used tampons (2 replies)
  132. muh Sim crashed what can i do (1 replies)
  133. muh a55 hurt from All the diks crammed in side Me (0 replies)
  134. playing with my balls (1 replies)
  135. Letz play Dollz (1 replies)
  136. brought home waffles for dinner (0 replies)
  137. i'm all niggr (1 replies)
  138. fuk off faggot (5 replies)
  139. fat boy in da woods (0 replies)
  140. visiting elzzeljerk soon (2 replies)
  141. got Sim (1 replies)
  142. fuking Darkie niggrs get out (1 replies)
  143. i wear a hijab everyday when i go out (2 replies)
  144. i play sim while you work (16 replies)
  145. my sim gf has a Dik (0 replies)
  146. Retards (3 replies)
  147. JJ come chop the wood on my 9 sims (1 replies)
  148. this weekend I get to sniff Samara's Big ass (0 replies)
  149. Latinos are cock roaches (0 replies)
  150. talked to a girl in my 9 sims wide i think (0 replies)
  151. Ah luv it when Niggrs drill me with There anus augers (1 replies)
  152. so many liberal faggots are moving into Texas (3 replies)
  153. being able to Take huge Blakkk dicks aint No joke (1 replies)
  154. just ate whole Mac n Cheese casserole (2 replies)
  155. marko, i don't want to hear any more bullshit out of you (0 replies)
  156. fag doll living in a Movie (27 replies)
  157. I <3 you lily (1 replies)
  158. U never fixed my Play Station (0 replies)
  159. i'm never leaving the Farm (1 replies)
  160. Im a racist Bastard (1 replies)
  161. you stupid doll faggot (6 replies)
  162. stupid doll fag (1 replies)
  163. hey doll boy (1 replies)
  164. steven u wanna sniff my ass (0 replies)
  165. we wuz Kangz n sheet (1 replies)
  166. please give Deso a reply in his latest thread (0 replies)
  167. Why are some 30 yr old men still living at home with parents? (1 replies)
  168. Join my new Gay fight club (3 replies)
  169. Eat my nasty cunt faggots (1 replies)
  170. dirty dune coon babies rolling around in shit (3 replies)
  171. you ever go to Golden Corral (10 replies)
  172. nugget (9 replies)
  173. Lonnie u gotta understand something (3 replies)
  174. let's all stay home and play with our balls (0 replies)
  175. Sid i have more children for you to groom (5 replies)
  176. JJ made this for u (2 replies)
  177. my nigga bf beat me grandma just stood there (0 replies)
  178. i need fukdt good (0 replies)
  179. why does m0nde want to rape me (2 replies)
  180. steveyos is a pussy destroyer (2 replies)
  181. ivan do lawn care (0 replies)
  182. creepyos (3 replies)
  183. marks is a creepo (1 replies)
  184. juji forgot to mow my yard yesterday (3 replies)
  185. i'm to good to work (1 replies)
  186. Steven would you like a job (1 replies)
  187. http://gangstagrid.outworldz.net:8002/ (0 replies)
  188. https://dlive.tv/r/refer/streamer?name=dlive-pvhuxggncy (0 replies)
  189. 06rs have always been cringe (5 replies)
  190. i buried a couple homeless faggots out here in the woods (1 replies)
  191. stupid nigger fucking homo (7 replies)
  192. pushing 300 lbs muh tiddies are creamy white (2 replies)
  193. Cag remember the old days (0 replies)
  194. to who ever is impersonating me (17 replies)
  195. dad stop them from saying mean things (6 replies)
  196. stop sending cag messages (1 replies)
  197. can someone help me (2 replies)
  198. Jonathan bought a Bullet proof vest for himself and none for me (0 replies)
  199. i play game of Waffles at work (2 replies)
  200. http://gangstagrid.outworldz.net:8002/ (0 replies)
  201. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus ////////////////////// (2 replies)
  202. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbuayy//dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus https://dlive.tv/stevey_short (0 replies)
  203. Reported Post by steveyos (0 replies)
  204. Reported Post by steveyos (0 replies)
  205. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus https://dlive.tv/stevey_short (0 replies)
  206. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus ewok zo (0 replies)
  207. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  208. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  209. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  210. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  211. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  212. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  213. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  214. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  215. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  216. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  217. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  218. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  219. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  220. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  221. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  222. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  223. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  224. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  225. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  226. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  227. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  228. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  229. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  230. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  231. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  232. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  233. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  234. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  235. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  236. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  237. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  238. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  239. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  240. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  241. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  242. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  243. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  244. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  245. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  246. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  247. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  248. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  249. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)
  250. https://dlive.tv/stevey_shortbus (0 replies)