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  1. how many times per month do you reinstall windows (0 replies)
  2. 1080p gaming (0 replies)
  3. max grafix at 1080p (0 replies)
  4. niggrs are disgusting animals (0 replies)
  5. the Mexican people (0 replies)
  6. Bourdain was a week liberal lefty fry cook (0 replies)
  7. i like being an idiot (1 replies)
  8. Idk Steffies suicide (11 replies)
  9. agreed everyone is sick of Steffies ninf grade education (0 replies)
  10. who want to see my pussy (1 replies)
  11. Steffies never finished the ninf grade (1 replies)
  12. we all agree Steffies is mentally ill and needs put away (0 replies)
  13. i need the Woodside apartments computer genius (2 replies)
  14. Duz steve post hur? (1 replies)
  15. adapt or parish (0 replies)
  16. does everyone agree Steffies is retarded (5 replies)
  17. we never had a 44th President (5 replies)
  18. to partition or not to partition (1 replies)
  19. my mcdonalds girlfriend is so great (5 replies)
  20. Love me some Cag (1 replies)
  21. it's almost time to play ffxv single player (36 replies)
  22. Steven gtfo (2 replies)
  23. Partitions r good (2 replies)
  24. swagbucks might be automatic too now (8 replies)
  25. Steffies sukdt muh Dik (1 replies)
  26. i need help (1 replies)
  27. who wants to Fuk my ass royal tonight (5 replies)
  28. since you were such good boys today and raged so much for me (1 replies)
  29. i'm a Lumber jack (1 replies)
  30. you see i loved Cag even when i thought she was a Tranny (1 replies)
  31. you see i want to be buried with my titan (1 replies)
  32. my mental problems are better than yours (1 replies)
  33. i've been cringe worthy lately (8 replies)
  34. posters mess with me and get slain (8 replies)
  35. i'd Fuk Traci DoDrill if i wasn't a faggot (0 replies)
  36. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  37. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  38. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  39. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  40. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (2 replies)
  41. ok microsoft can try all they want but I'm not buying a thumb drive or dvd drive (75 replies)
  42. so does anyone think elz will ever compare his pc's performance to mine? I've even screenshotted my steam library! (16 replies)
  43. Sorry steveyos (19 replies)
  44. conoce a un buen chico en la campana de taco (4 replies)
  45. cag this girl at mcdonalds when she saw me smiled and said I haven't seen you in a while have you been here (45 replies)
  46. Poll: Hot dogs or tacos? (3 replies)
  47. no se permiten mexicanos (1 replies)
  48. ELz (2 replies)
  49. Ruby loan me some more money to start my dress business (7 replies)
  50. god i wish these welfare payments could come in sooner (6 replies)
  51. more rage please (4 replies)
  52. I timed it out (8 replies)
  53. I peaked at 12 (0 replies)
  54. 32 year old virgin who lives in nursing home collecting ssdi (0 replies)
  55. i'm mentally ill and i JO a lot (0 replies)
  56. i get no pussy i angry (3 replies)
  57. can someone ask elz in spanish if he's recorded himself playing arma 3 yet? (15 replies)
  58. I'm sick of you guys being mean to me it really hurts my feelings posting ruby's IRL PICTURE BECAUSE I AM MAD AS HELL (4 replies)
  59. if m0nde, timmy and stevey never betrayed on to you (6 replies)
  60. Kent you forgot to take your meds today (1 replies)
  61. my balls smell like steak sauce (0 replies)
  62. why is everyone so rude here (0 replies)
  63. Captcha muh Dik in your mouf (2 replies)
  64. i want to suk Mexican Dik (2 replies)
  65. i hate you Steven (5 replies)
  66. Rainbows and Unicorns (1 replies)
  67. why niggrs get shot (0 replies)
  68. u wanna suk a Dik (0 replies)
  69. Mexicans are fucking stupid as Dog shit (0 replies)
  70. so you want to push my shit (0 replies)
  71. USA Fag Nation (7 replies)
  72. flood the nation with retarded juji's so they can vote for us and get free shit (0 replies)
  73. niggrs jews Mexicans (0 replies)
  74. i eat spunk samich (0 replies)
  75. i'm retarded i JO (1 replies)
  76. i'm retarded i mop floors (3 replies)
  77. all snow flakes and niggrs must die (0 replies)
  78. Lily is diseased pos (0 replies)
  79. after an illegal Mexican turd named angry juji (1 replies)
  80. face it Stevey you and me and Elz will never get any pussy (2 replies)
  81. Lily fucks niggers and lets them squirt in her (2 replies)
  82. nice tanty (3 replies)
  83. Wanna sniff my skid marks (0 replies)
  84. i put my mattress on some stolen milk crates (0 replies)
  85. i'm moving to Rockwall Texas (0 replies)
  86. niggrs are fuking ugly as shit (0 replies)
  87. i'm so stupid i sit in a room all day and eat Stoffers then JO (0 replies)
  88. i'm so stupid i still think it's 2005 (0 replies)
  89. Elz is so stupid he doesn't understand he's stupid (0 replies)
  90. where do you buy your drum's (0 replies)
  91. thanks to trump I will have to charge more for my drums (0 replies)
  92. visit my on line drum's store (2 replies)
  93. no more sex for my husband (0 replies)
  94. cags tits are so gross and stupid (0 replies)
  95. Steven (5 replies)
  96. coon Dik soup (2 replies)
  97. guys I'm gonna need a little bit of rage in this thread (4 replies)
  98. timmy's smoko is out of hand (4 replies)
  99. save the daisy's (1 replies)
  100. i suck Dik in the park for free (0 replies)
  101. I was on the train in gta online and suddenly it kept going faster and faster (4 replies)
  102. Lonnie got lost in the Liberry (2 replies)
  103. Having phantom pains where my dick once was (0 replies)
  104. Hey cag do you want to be my girlfriend (1 replies)
  105. more posts! (0 replies)
  106. Steven is not really my son (2 replies)
  107. average Mexican IQ is like niqqr (3 replies)
  108. to many niqqr here (12 replies)
  109. Deso (43 replies)
  110. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (3 replies)
  111. my ass crack is so sweaty in this heat (0 replies)
  112. ATTN: juji the moron (4 replies)
  113. Steven's hot dog leggens (1 replies)
  114. Steven Yelle is a cross dressing race traitor (1 replies)
  115. Steve M. Yelle? (16 replies)
  116. Reported Post by maks (0 replies)
  117. Made my first sale (4 replies)
  118. Pizza Hut sux (8 replies)
  119. remove that offencive avy (0 replies)
  120. guess how many pounds of poo i shit a day (1 replies)
  121. Cag would eat your cock after you pounded her tight fudge hole (12 replies)
  122. What experience do you have with womens fashion? (1 replies)
  123. Anal play all day (1 replies)
  124. ATTN Steffies (17 replies)
  125. Steven can you wear a go pro during your daily routine (2 replies)
  126. How many milk crates will it take to hold 6 thousand dollord worth of dresses (26 replies)
  127. fried chicken watermellon (6 replies)
  128. lift up my LuLa dress and stick your finger in (1 replies)
  129. RI is full of faggots on Welfare (7 replies)
  130. Free pair of magic underwear with every 10 dresses bought (1 replies)
  131. Thousands of Women Say LuLaRoe's Legging Empire Is a Scam (3 replies)
  132. I bleed when I poo (1 replies)
  133. LuLaRoe independant consultant (1 replies)
  134. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  135. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  136. i'll be your (3 replies)
  137. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  138. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  139. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  140. Please Ban me (1 replies)
  141. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  142. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (3 replies)
  143. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  144. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  145. It just occurred to me (41 replies)
  146. just stop it clay (1 replies)
  147. 10 percent off all stained dresses (3 replies)
  148. I feel Fantastic (1 replies)
  149. El Chupacabras' post is estar de regress (4 replies)
  150. Gonna use the dresses as my cum rag before i sell them (4 replies)
  151. sticking 2 fingers in it aint getting the job done anymore (2 replies)
  152. i'm such a faggot i'm now quoting Rootbeer (1 replies)
  153. Steffies, that's how I baked pizza properly (16 replies)
  154. LuLa Lizard Dresses fur sale (2 replies)
  155. Cag is a Genius (0 replies)
  156. i have masturbation problem (0 replies)
  157. anyone wearing your LuLa Dress please chim in (0 replies)
  158. Reported Post by Lily (1 replies)
  159. Reported Post by Kathleen Blake (9 replies)
  160. Buy my Lizard Dresses (0 replies)
  161. having Cag around is just cover (0 replies)
  162. who's mad at come in this thread (0 replies)
  163. I Capitalized a Bunch of Random Words for No Reason (9 replies)
  164. Gave Jonathan a Cleveland Steamer last night (2 replies)
  165. daz right (0 replies)
  166. Reported Post by maks (0 replies)
  167. God my Dik smells so lovely (0 replies)
  168. Prepare (0 replies)
  169. i was deeply hurt (0 replies)
  170. retardation fur sale (0 replies)
  171. Scientists Create Half Chicken, Half Human Embryos (0 replies)
  172. my pussy is all wet (0 replies)
  173. Stevey join my pyramid scheme (1 replies)
  174. I found a job (27 replies)
  175. I done raped them white girls and they liked it. (0 replies)
  176. Reported Post by Wendy <3 (0 replies)
  177. Marco and steveys weekend plans (0 replies)
  178. Marco and steveys weekend plans (0 replies)
  179. Marco and steveys weekend plans (0 replies)
  180. Cram it in my ass (1 replies)
  181. Steven's pu55y (0 replies)
  182. cag's pu55y (1 replies)
  183. JO feel good (0 replies)
  184. Nerd cooking with marks (0 replies)
  185. coon hides fur sale (3 replies)
  186. these stupid Niqqrs (0 replies)
  187. Cag has lost her edge (15 replies)
  188. why you choose to stick your Dik in another mans shit hole (0 replies)
  189. Slow cooking with marks (12 replies)
  190. FIgured out why brown turd Lina like marks (4 replies)
  191. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  192. Cag does good Sex onlne (0 replies)
  193. reno exposed (4 replies)
  194. i produce my own Mayo for my samiches (2 replies)
  195. doesn't that milksnap guy look like meth green (1 replies)
  196. steveyos (1 replies)
  197. attn lina goldberg (35 replies)
  198. Delete this fourm (1 replies)
  199. http://koinme.com/?affili=1RQNJF-k1y (0 replies)
  200. malifoobarbi (1 replies)
  201. who likes canned peas (4 replies)
  202. this is Juju Farrari (0 replies)
  203. is Elzelark not the real juji (0 replies)
  204. what's the milk discord (9 replies)
  205. suk a Dik fatty (1 replies)
  206. I hate plastic surgery (6 replies)
  207. Steven do you know what FICA taxes are (3 replies)
  208. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  209. PJ's creepy dolls (1 replies)
  210. 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 (2 replies)
  211. Where is the Tanty url (7 replies)
  212. The Stovey show (1 replies)
  213. anyone else hear the news I'm a stupid faggot (1 replies)
  214. anyone else hear the news windwos 10 is killng compuers and this latest version is super super super bugged edge freezse several (7 replies)
  215. Retard Roll Call (4 replies)
  216. We're hunting retarded juji's (0 replies)
  217. Reported Post by maks (1 replies)
  218. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  219. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  220. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  221. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  222. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  223. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (1 replies)
  224. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  225. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  226. Reported Post by Dirty Harry (0 replies)
  227. Lonnie read this something is going down (0 replies)
  229. dad thinks Sandy Hook was real (2 replies)
  230. I say it's alright to corn hole another guy (0 replies)
  231. clayburn said go home (0 replies)
  232. Your all in my field of ignorance (0 replies)
  233. Where's muh Free Shit Army (0 replies)
  234. America is divided and Candada is GAF (1 replies)
  235. Yelle / Blake 2020 (1 replies)
  236. Hire me I can clean toilets (0 replies)
  237. Stevens stupidity (0 replies)
  238. they're still really going strong in the politic game up top (13 replies)
  239. muh Dik (5 replies)
  240. attn m0nde (0 replies)
  241. i have Jewish family members (1 replies)
  242. trump raped my butt (2 replies)
  243. dear Visual Transgender (0 replies)
  244. Call the ICE Po Po we have illegal MS-13 in here that needs deported (0 replies)
  245. i have niggr family members (6 replies)
  246. Steffies Grass Cutting Service (0 replies)
  247. Imagine being so Fat you can't get outa bed and do some shitty brake work on your wigger truck (1 replies)
  248. Imagine being 55 years old and not being allowed to swear online (4 replies)
  249. Elz and his retarded family need kicked out of the USA (0 replies)
  250. Elz is faggot and opinion doesn't matter (0 replies)