View Full Version : Jack Venooker taking it up the ass since 1962

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 04:58 PM
Are Comics Really Bad For Kids?


Registered: 11/11/99
Posts: 12596
Loc: 1812 Pucker St, Stowe, VT 05672

A lot of things that have happened recently on these, and other boards have gotten me to thinking.

I am a survivor or childhood sexual abuse. I was raped by my father repeatedly when I was young, both orally and anally, and was also beaten severely by him, as well as screamed and yelled obscenities and put down's constantly by him on a sometimes daily basis. The rapes would occur when he would lose heavily in gambling. My mother, severely crippled by rheumatoid arthritis, never had a clue to what was happening, as she spent most of my young life in a wheelchair, zonked out on Darvon, or whatever it was they made after that when Darvon didn't work anymore. Simply put, my real life was a fucking hell.

Why I'm still here I believe, is because of comic books.

After a little time with Daddy, I found the world a rather bleak and scary place. There was no one to protect me. Really, I had no one. My older brother was lost in his teen years in the early 60's, and claimed he wasn't aware of it either.

So, I would get lost in my comics, of which I had hundreds. Those of you who have also been abused know how easy it is to "numb out". When I would read my comics it would stop the hurting and make me forget how scared I was. So, I grew up in that world, essentially. Each month, I would spend every spare penny I had, or could beg borrow or steal to get my books. I probably spent 3.50 a month on comics back then, which in 62 for a 7 year old is a LOT.

I have to say, my sense of balance, of truth and justice, of honor and of perspective was kept in place by reading these stories, and living in them. I could escape the real world effortlessly, and these "friends" were always there. The good guys always overcame terrible adversity and won in the end, and the world was safer in there, and safe as a result.

When Jack Kirby died, I felt like my real daddy died, I'll tell you that.

The idea that comics could foster pedophilia is insane, whether pedophiles are associated with them or not.

Trust me on that one.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:06 PM
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Gender: GoDaddy
Posts: 1330

Short Story - Death Of My Father


Pictures and flowers everywhere.

A typical Jewish funeral. All the zaftig cousins decked out in obscene black, displaying their wares like so many morbid cigarette girls.

I was wheeling my brother around in a wheelchair, his sternum recently sawed in two so they could rescue his artery clogged heart and give him more time to hate himself properly. No one would speak to me...I had estranged myself from this freakshow years before, and showed up because, well that's what you do when you want to put it to rest for good, isn't it?

The rabbi was late. Clueless, he had no idea who he was eulogizing.

Then a wonderful thing happened, the rabbi finished his bullshit, and asked the congregation to speak about the dead guy.


I was thunderstruck at first, because I assumed at some point I would be required to speak, or that at the very least, my brother would. But no one spoke.

The alta cacka cleared his throat and asked again for someone to speak about this mans life.

Not a peep. In my heart of hearts, something shifted, ever so slightly.

I was not alone.

I counted the minutes of sweet quiet, and contemplated the hate that suddenly vacated my soul like some black and useless hair clog in the sewer of my life. A congregation of 112, everyone who knew him in life, and no one would speak at his funeral. Blissful.

The rabbi said, "I don't know this man, one of you will have to speak about him, so we may eulogize him properly. It is the Jewish Way."

Finally, after 16 minutes, my bastard half sister spoke.

"He was an asshole."

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:13 PM
VKD has deemed you XXX. Not for amateur use


Gender: GoDaddy
Posts: 1330

Short Story - Death Of My Father


Thanks for the critique. I did a little editing. Think that does it?

Funny, for me this was just cathartic, and many years in the writing. I'm less aware that most people don't have monsters for dads I guess.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:22 PM

What are you doing these days without a message board full of people half your age to post on you fat, jobless fuck?

C'mon gnome, tell us. I know you're here.

Quit sucking cock to support your crack whore wife and post here with one of your socks. You're dying to post on the internet. I know it.

It's your only release in your sad little life.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:28 PM
The official version:

I got an anonymous letter in the mail a few days ago, which I posted on TK. Shitstorm by PM resulted with Jenna at one point saying Paul (Tyrant/Messenger, etc) would forgive me if I publicly apologized for starting the thread and "left him alone". For some reason, Jenna PM'ed me with all this information about the letter 4 times, all the while insisting she knew nothing about it, someone was up to something, blah blah FREAKING blah. Paul wouldn't PM me directly, was suddenly speaking through her. I think MM is Tyrant, to be honest. And that my little friends is CREEPY.

So, I'm done there til the truth is out about who sent the letter, and they own up to it.

Given who we're actually talking about, that could be a long time

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:36 PM
Looks like you two are pwned, actually. Paul NEVER saw the thread in question before it was deleted. I know that for a fact, based on when it was deleted, and the first time he actually responded to any of it. There's an archived public record of the entire sequence. Unfortunately neither of you will ever see the real event that took place.

So, if he has a copy and can send it to you like he says, there's only one reason for that, little men.

I wasn't threatened, or pwned. Paul is a sociopath, now revealed.

Now go scuttle off to sweet talk Your New Friend into committing yet another class B felony

Truly, an era at TK has now passed.


jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:37 PM
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jacks LandLady*

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 05:44 PM
Yes, as Carlos Castaneda used to say "Death is always over your right shoulder, watching"

I'm really happy actually. Business got launched (I'll PM you the address) and it's working. Should get me off the hourly treadmill after this next winter season is done. On the hourly side, I'm working on my Les Clefs d'Or, currently in my second year of three years of qualifying. Those Golden Keys are my goal for this latest phase of my life. Then travel and world exploration will take place. I've decided hospitality is where I belong. Everything flowers there, and I love to acheive the impossible, as you so well know

The family is magnificent. We are just about to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary this coming Sunday. Some place with a fireplace, a double jacuzzi and a couple of bottles of White Star, I'm thinking. Thank God for menopause LULZ.

Foliage is amazing this year. Long and slow, just getting to peak now. Hiked the Pinnacle last weekend and remembered why I used to take LSD, without any drugs. Fun.

I've lost about 40 pounds since we last met, and kept it off. All my numbers are great, and the working out keeps me on an even keel emotionally IRL. Plus I can eat CAKE occasionally!

Nice to see you.

09-29-2013, 06:04 PM
didn't read

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 06:20 PM

Actually, it's jack that keeps posting about Jack.
He talks to himself and just posts it all.

CU and Darth, well, that just gives him something else to talk about besides himself.

I remember someone once said that SC was only me posting.

And hey, Neil posts a lot. so does, Enk and Mirah. And Queen Noodle when she goes on a spree. And Jaz.

So if you don't want to see jack posting all the time, don't respond.
He will respond to himself reguardless, but he keeps it in veins.
Easily disreguardable.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 06:57 PM
The Ass Puppeteer
Fort Lauderdale

You know, with cyberstalking, multiboard hounding behaviors, obsessively charting timelines, screencapping the shit outta anything even slightly connected, and datamining all over the damn place, there is a reasonable argument that Jibbles himself is Flaglerchat.

Go ahead and connect the dots. Funny thing is, you're already connecting them in your ahead about Jacklerchat.

Funny, i see someone named [edited] in that screencap you took using the exact same posting style and language as jack...

If quite entertaining if you watch Jack's quotes/screencaps in that topic I made at RH, post #1.

Jack admits to being that person for 10-20 posts AS IT HAPPENS IN REAL TIME. Then a few weeks later he denies it. Then a week later after that he says it was never him (this was while I accused him of Flaglerchat socking) and then he comes here and claims it was me socking as Flaglerchat.

Here's the topic on RH, post #1, that exposes Jack socking as Flaglerchat.


So Jacklerchat, when are you posting the SS's from TKR registration? Let me guess, you're not.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 06:59 PM
jack venooker is flagerchat

kosher dildo
09-29-2013, 07:18 PM

09-29-2013, 07:29 PM
I remember the time when Mannix was running through the streets of Bristol, drunk off his gourd as usual and screaming STEIGH TOONT! STEIGH TOONT! over and over again. Gave the cops a hard time taking him in too.

jacks LandLady
09-29-2013, 09:54 PM
fucking land whale
