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View Full Version : just watched dr strangelove, i want to talk about it noooww

Plug Drugs
04-24-2012, 11:17 PM
there was no doomsday device,
hence the russian ambassador taking more pictures of the war-room at the end

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 12:10 AM
LOL WOWW.... REALLY?? REALLY mplug durgs? Really. Wow, those are some frkacinag amazing observations about a 40 year old movie with more analysis written on it than many books from that time period.

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 12:11 AM
:shock: Im anger about the spoilers in the OP... Clay, can you remove those for us please? Thanks. ;]

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:19 AM
yeah no one else seems to have come up with that theory surprisingly

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:22 AM
:shock: Im anger about the spoilers in the OP... Clay, can you remove those for us please? Thanks. ;]
I know! i should have put a spoiler warning in the thread title, i'm so sorry
PS: please don't ban me!

04-25-2012, 12:25 AM
I'm tired and hungry and if I'm hungry I won't be able to sleep but if I eat it'll crank my blood sugar and I won't be able to sleep fuck this getting up for work shit

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:26 AM
fasting is actually one of the greatest cures for insomnia known to man

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:26 AM
except of course, heavy drugs

04-25-2012, 12:27 AM
My laptop suddenly decided it no longer has vt/x capabilities and since the machine I do everything for work on is a 64 bit vm which resides on that laptop I'm pretty fucked until I feel like putting fucking virtualbox on my gaming machine because that's the only machine I have with an extra 2GB of ram that isn't currently running a different virtualization software. fuck computers.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:28 AM
if you are really hungry and you just eat a shitload, you'll sleep like a baby. Don't eat 'just enough' to not be hungry anymore or else that will wake up your metabolism and 'increase blood sugar' as you mentioned. But if you just drop a big turd on your metabolism (i.e., an entire frozen pizza) you'll get the tiredness you're looking for

04-25-2012, 12:28 AM
Hi I'm an acer laptop my bios lets you set the time the boot order and the administrator password and nothing else and I like to forget that I am vt/x capable so when that happens you can't even go in there and turn it off and on again and get some illusion of power over me, your acer laptop

04-25-2012, 12:29 AM
if you are really hungry and you just eat a shitload, you'll sleep like a baby. Don't eat 'just enough' to not be hungry anymore or else that will wake up your metabolism and 'blood sugar' as you mentioned. But if you just drop a big turd on your metabolism (i.e., an entire frozen pizza) you'll get the tiredness you're looking for

the only reason I'm not in bed right now is because I'm too tired and lazy and pissy to take the garbage out so I'm sitting here bitching on the internet instead. In other words I'm not really inclined to make myself a turkey dinner.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:32 AM
sounds like you better run to the store and buy another shitty brand-name laptop and install core software on it before work-time if you want to keep your job

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:34 AM
the only reason I'm not in bed right now is because I'm too tired and lazy and pissy to take the garbage out so I'm sitting here bitching on the internet instead. In other words I'm not really inclined to make myself a turkey dinner.

i think my lazy slothness is rubbing off onto other posters or something
i'm too lazy to even bag up all the old beer cans that are piled up around my room
and when one pile gets too big and starts to jenga down on top of me, i either relocate some of the cans to another pile or just spaz and kick all the cans out of my way

04-25-2012, 12:37 AM
im sunburned

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:38 AM
rub semen on it (it really works)

04-25-2012, 12:46 AM
i think my lazy slothness is rubbing off onto other posters or something
i'm too lazy to even bag up all the old beer cans that are piled up around my room
and when one pile gets too big and starts to jenga down on top of me, i either relocate some of the cans to another pile or just spaz and kick all the cans out of my way

oh no I've always been this way, there's a table in my room but you can't even tell it's a table because it's surrounded by cd's of duckman I downloaded off of kazaa and the boxes from my last 8 motherboards and broken 300W power supplies

04-25-2012, 12:48 AM
sounds like you better run to the store and buy another shitty brand-name laptop and install core software on it before work-time if you want to keep your job

or I could just add my exchange account to the mail client on my mac and remote into my boss's win 7 vm when I need to use excel or something.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 12:49 AM
"cool! there's a rug in this room! i never knew that!"

04-25-2012, 12:58 AM
also there's like 6 power strips under my desk but I really don't need half of them because there's quite a few chargers to shit I don't own anymore plugged in down there. every time I unplug my android it's all 'unplug the power to conserve power' and I'm all yeah tell that to my razr charger and the power brick from the laptop I bought in 1998

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:00 AM
there are bags and boxes i still havent unpacked from 3 years ago that i just carry around with me from one place to the next

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:07 AM
do you own a mac for pleasure or for business

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:08 AM
voluntary mac users must die

04-25-2012, 01:09 AM
I have hundreds of CDs from when I was a teenager I haven't played an audio cd in at least 12 years

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:13 AM
they might one day become collectibles,
or be worth 25 cents a piece in a garage sale, who knows?

04-25-2012, 01:13 AM
do you own a mac for pleasure or for business

My macbook pro is the best machine I've ever owned, so was my previous macbook pro. I find windows too limiting (and don't get me started on its security), I like the power and familiarity of the bash shell but I also spend all day fixing other peoples computer problems so I don't have the patience to deal with linux and it's contant niggling little issues. osx is perfect for me, and the hardware is rock solid. Literally the only bad thing about owning a mac is the other people who own macs.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:20 AM
what about non-upgradeable hardware,
overpriced hardware,
a clunky esoteric interface designed with the intention of impressing investors and not catering to the user's best interest,
an overall lack of compatability with software
poor tech support and a difficulty (if not impossibility) in repairing it once shit turns in to a state of disarray

like abercrombie and fitch, getting a mac is just paying for a brand name. They suck, i hate the shit out of them
their response back in 2000 or whenever it was to windows XP is unforgiveable, that thing they created was an uncooperative undisciplined monster

"we better create something to compete with windows if we don't want out corporation to fade into obscurity, then we'll give our product to elementary schools for free so students grow up accustomed to our shitty senseless interface"

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:28 AM

04-25-2012, 01:29 AM
I heard Windows 8 will beat Mac OS X

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:33 AM
windows doesnt need to beat mac osx, mac osx beats itself

04-25-2012, 01:35 AM
They say Microsoft 8 is compatible with ARM cpu what it can install on tablets, also for desktops and laptops, its boot is 50% faster than Windows 7 and metro interface makes the impact of lifestyle

04-25-2012, 01:36 AM
If i would to buy minimac for $999 to develop iDevice apps, but nevermind, it sucks and .ipa can be easily cracked, i got million of cracked apps on my ipod

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:37 AM
well they better come up with a fashionable advertising campaign full of celebrities that ultimately just say "if you dont own windows 8, ur gay" because this generation won't buy anything unless they think they are becoming a part of some exclusive club to impress their friends

04-25-2012, 01:42 AM
what about non-upgradeable hardware,

it's a fucking laptop. I can change the RAM and the hard drive, like any other laptop. I can use the same RAM and hard drive as any other laptop.

overpriced hardware,

The only manufacturer who comes close on build quality is Lenovo and their prices are about the same

a clunky esoteric interface designed with the intention of impressing investors and not catering to the user's best interest,

It has a little search bar at the top, as soon as you type 3 letters of the name of a document or program it pops up. That's not clunky, it's brilliant. Ripping it off for the search bar in Windows 7 is the smartest thing Microsoft ever did, and now it's gone in 8. Anyone who says OSX's interface is 'clunky' while reciting the virues of the fucking start menu is an idiot or just looking to bitch for bitching's sake.

an overall lack of compatability with software

Just about everything for linux gets ported to mac, if anything it has a much larger software library than windows if you want to do anything other than playing games. I don't want to play games on a laptop, that's what I have a desktop for.

poor tech support and a difficulty (if not impossibility) in repairing it once shit turns in to a state of disarray

I've had them apart and used to service laptops for a living. They're no more or less easy to take apart and swap parts on than your average laptop.

like abercrombie and fitch, getting a mac is just paying for a brand name.

More like buying a mercedes, you're paying for quality along with the supposed prestige.

They suck, i hate the shit out of them

...for no apparent reason. That's a lot of anger to be carrying around about something dumb like a brand of computer.

their response back in 2000 or whenever it was to windows XP is unforgiveable, that thing they created was an uncooperative undisciplined monster

I don't know that they responded to XP at all, mac os has been on the market since 1984, windows was created to compete with it. microsoft reacts to what apple is doing, not the other way around. always have and likely always will.

"we better create something to compete with windows if we don't want out corporation to fade into obscurity,

if you're talking about the change to osx then you have no idea how incredibly powerful and standards compliant a *nix system is. giving up on 'classic mac' and switching to bsd was the smartest thing they've ever done.

04-25-2012, 01:42 AM

04-25-2012, 01:43 AM
I heard Windows 8 will beat Mac OS X

what are you talking about windows has been beating mac since the early 90's microsoft has like an 80% marketshare

04-25-2012, 01:43 AM
well they better come up with a fashionable advertising campaign full of celebrities that ultimately just say "if you dont own windows 8, ur gay" because this generation won't buy anything unless they think they are becoming a part of some exclusive club to impress their friends

Yeah, that's stupid, i feel forced to use Windows 8 when i purchase new parts for my future desktop which is broken

04-25-2012, 01:44 AM
what are you talking about windows has been beating mac since the early 90's microsoft has like an 80% marketshare

That's not my fault, mos analysts say that

04-25-2012, 01:46 AM
That's not my fault, mos analysts say that

I'm not blaming anyone, I'm questioning where you said "I heard Windows 8 will beat Mac OS X". Of course it will, every Windows since 95 has beaten mac os in marketshare, how is that news?

04-25-2012, 01:49 AM
Honestly I don't even feel that passionately about it, I use all 3 major operating systems on a daily basis and they all have their pros and cons, but literally everything plug drugs said itt was so amazingly stupid and uninformed and wrong that it boggles the mind

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:49 AM
I don't know that they responded to XP at all, mac os has been on the market since 1984, windows was created to compete with it. microsoft reacts to what apple is doing, not the other way around. always have and likely always will.

you don't remember the "one button interface" they added so it would be 'less confusing than a PC's two-button interface'? As if the average person is too stupid to understand what two different buttons will do (i get my lefts and rights mixed up durrrr), so now everyone has to suffer.
If Apple had it there way, we'd all be paying a monthly fee for their gay shit that would do little more than check facebook and edit photos because we're all SUPPOSED to be out planting trees and calculating ways to reduce our environmental impact

04-25-2012, 01:51 AM
I'm not blaming anyone, I'm questioning where you said "I heard Windows 8 will beat Mac OS X". Of course it will, every Windows since 95 has beaten mac os in marketshare, how is that news?

Well, i read news, so mainstream

But you are talking how you are defending mac, it won't resolve forever

04-25-2012, 01:54 AM
you don't remember the "one button interface" they added so it would be 'less confusing than a PC's two-button interface'? As if the average person is too stupid to understand what two different buttons will do (i get my lefts and rights mixed up durrrr), so now everyone has to suffer.
If Apple had it there way, we'd all be paying a monthly fee for their gay shit that would do little more than check facebook and edit photos because we're all SUPPOSED to be out planting trees and calculating ways to reduce our environmental impact

I'm not here to defend their marketing, I think it's dumb and don't pay any attention to it. I'd like to kick that asshole from the 'mac vs pc' commercials in the cock, and also the asshole advertising exec who decided "pc = windows" when really "pc = personal computer" and every single macintosh in the world except for the xserv is a pc. You want to get upset about the commercials, fine, I'll agree they're crap. But you haven't made one argument about the technology, hardware or software, that was informed or true. Every one of your facts was pulled directly out of your ass.

04-25-2012, 01:57 AM
Well, i read news, so mainstream

But you are talking how you are defending mac, it won't resolve forever

I'm not even defending it, I'm just setting the record straight. If he has said that the giant apple logo on the back is obnoxious, or that it's bullshit it has to reboot to run updates even though every other *nix seems to handle it just fine, or that they missed the boat adopting zfs and that hfs+ isn't much better than ntfs, then I would have agreed with him. I'm not saying they're perfect, I'm not naive. I do however do this for a living and I might have had better reasons for picking this machine than that I wanted to look cool at starbucks.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 01:59 AM
ultimately both operating systems are going to become mirrors of each other with minor differences, but back in the late 90s early 2000s, Mac catered to "creative people" with little more going for them than okay photo-editing software and movie-making bullshit and whatever else, while Microsoft tried to be realistic and catered to "business people" with programs like excel and power-point.
Windows is just more organized and doesn't try to hide the mechanics behind how a program or something is working so it becomes irreparable when a bug inevitably occurs.

If people want to be creative they can go play with a fucking etch a sketch

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:06 AM
"mac had a spreadsheet program before windows did" whatever, windows still had more options for their software so you wouldn't have to do everything "the mac way" and no legitimate businesses back in the early 2000s even supported mac-based files. They did that for a reason; not just because windows was more popular, but because Mac was a bitch and a half to try and get to cooperate

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:10 AM
Well, i read news, so mainstream

But you are talking how you are defending mac, it won't resolve forever

the liberal jew media tries to make it sound like mac already won its war with windows like it was some distant war in the past, to try and convince young college faggots that mac is the way to go when really it isn't -- all because mac sponsored them basically

04-25-2012, 02:13 AM
ultimately both operating systems are going to become mirrors of each other with minor differences

both are going to become mirrors of ios because ios has the best profit margins. when this happens I will start using linux exclusively.

Mac catered to "creative people" with little more going for them than okay photo-editing software and movie-making bullshit and whatever else

and a hardware architecture better suited to multimedia. I wouldn't have bought a PPC mac, I like a little more flexibility than that. x86 might not be the greatest architecture but it's what we've got.

Windows is just more organized

did you really just say that the one with the start menu and the registry is more organized? what did I tell you about saying stupid, provably false things?

I guess I'm going to have to go off on another rant

Installing an application in Windows:
run the setup.exe. This will put the executables and libraries in either /program files or /program files(x86), write some configuration to the registry, put some configuration data in ~/my documents, more in ~/appdata and still more in ~/appdata/roaming. the program is launched by navigating to the start menu, clicking 'all programs', clicking the appdev folder, clicking the appname folder, then clicking the app shortcut.
Uninstalling an application in windows:
click start, control panel, programs, add/remove programs, find your program in the list and run the uninstall.exe that setup.exe stashed away in yet another random place on your hard drive. run ccleaner to clean up the crap in the registry that the uninstaller forgot about

Installing an application on the mac:
download the .app file, drag it wherever the hell you want. configuration is stored somewhere under ~. Launch it by hitting cmd-space and typing the first 3 letters of its name.
Uninstalling an application on the mac:
Drag the .app file into the trash

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:18 AM
don't think there isn't still spare shit laying about somewhere on your macs hard-drive that uninstall exes 'forgot about'. They just hide it even better than windows does

04-25-2012, 02:22 AM
~/.appname. just drag that to the trash too. or leave it, a few k here and there isn't going to make a difference and it's not like it's going to bog down or destabilize the entire system like the fucking registry

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:23 AM
and if you have a grudge about crap in the registry, its with the programmers who made the program, not microsoft

04-25-2012, 02:24 AM
"hey bill how about if in this new windows95 product we do away with simple to edit plain text .ini files and introduce a monolithic database that's impossible to navigate and can get so filled up with garbage that it brings the system to a screeching halt"?

"that's awesome! you win 'most organized employee of the month'!"

04-25-2012, 02:25 AM
and if you have a grudge about crap in the registry, its with the programmers who made the program, not microsoft

no, it's microsoft. left to their own devices the devs would use a plain text file like they do on every other operating system.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:29 AM
i reinstall my OS every year or so when shit gets bogged down,
i keep all my important files organized so they are easy to back up when the time comes
reinstalling windows and getting things set up again takes a few hours, but its a fair price to pay for knowing that any piece of software i download will be written for windows and the programmers making a version for mac only comes secondary

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:33 AM
the main difference between you and me is that i am on the tightest budget a person can be on,
and when it comes to cost-effectiveness, windows>mac

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:36 AM
its funny to me that mac appeals to liberal bohemians but when it comes to "living minimalistic", mac is much more expensive - in the range of a few hundred dollars at least. That's beer and cigarettes and drugs for a few months for me

04-25-2012, 02:37 AM
i reinstall my OS every year or so when shit gets bogged down,
i keep all my important files organized so they are easy to back up when the time comes
reinstalling windows and getting things set up again takes a few hours, but its a fair price to pay for knowing that any piece of software i download will be written for windows and the programmers making a version for mac only comes secondary

That's the right way to handle windows. I got sick of that, I want the machine I do my browsing and banking on to stay the same until it's time to replace it. You should try using the built in ntbackup, it does a reasonable good job of putting back personal stuff

the main difference between you and me is that i am on the tightest budget a person can be on,
and when it comes to cost-effectiveness, windows>mac

The price doesn't have a lot to do with the os, it's just that apple doesn't bother selling cheap hardware. If I hadn't gone with the macbook pro I would have spent just as much on a different high end, reliable machine and ran ubuntu on it.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:39 AM
mac hardware may have become cheaper in recent years, but for the longest time, making your own PC with windows was much cheaper, and I only know windows.
When it comes down to it, I don't know shit about Mac, I don't even know if you can make a Mac from scratch, you probably can't, and when you try to, the Mac OS is probably at a loss for finding appropriate drivers for your hardware and the like. Just guesswork but from my personal experience with Macs, it sounds about right.

04-25-2012, 02:40 AM
its funny to me that mac appeals to liberal bohemians but when it comes to "living minimalistic", mac is much more expensive - in the range of a few hundred dollars at least. That's beer and cigarettes and drugs for a few months for me

owning a computer is not 'living minimalistic'. Anyway their philosophy isn't minimalism so much as simple and uncluttered. They like to do things in software and eliminate hardware buttons, stuff like that. You have that luxury when you control both the os and the hardware it runs on.

04-25-2012, 02:45 AM
mac hardware may have become cheaper in recent years, but for the longest time, making your own PC with windows was much cheaper, and I only know windows.

again, if you'd built your machine using the same components as an apple it would have cost around the same amount. their stuff is a much higher grade than the $350 barebones kits they sell on tigerdirect. for an example look at the price difference between a western digital 'green' vs 'black' hard drive or hynix vs crucial RAM.

When it comes down to it, I don't know shit about Mac, I don't even know if you can make a Mac from scratch, you probably can't, and when you try to, the Mac OS is probably at a loss for finding appropriate drivers for your hardware and the like. Just guesswork but from my personal experience with Macs, it sounds about right.

you can, but it's like linux 8 years ago where you have to check everything against an HCL and still struggle with drivers and worry about the next update breaking the whole damn thing. not worth it. ubuntu is easier than osx on non-apple hardware.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:45 AM
Mac just seems to me like the abandoned stepchild of the PC world that, after being dead for several years, tried butting its way back into the PC world while everyone was perfectly content with windows and the direction windows was going in, using clever advertising campaigns that appealed to the consumer population's retardedness and desire to feel special and loved

04-25-2012, 02:53 AM
nope, it's a solid platform with that incorporates many of the advantages of both open source and proprietary into one system that unfortunately has an undeserved stigma attached to it because of the way it is marketed.

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 02:53 AM
owning a computer is not 'living minimalistic'. Anyway their philosophy isn't minimalism so much as simple and uncluttered. They like to do things in software and eliminate hardware buttons, stuff like that. You have that luxury when you control both the os and the hardware it runs on.

well, my computer substitutes any need for entertainment for me. I don't need to go to the movies or rent them; I don't need to buy CDs.
My computer has brought me so much more than any single <$1000 device could have brought me. I practically learned everything I know about drugs, pharmacology, and synthesis over the internet. If it weren't for dumb wikipedia articles, I would have never gotten into philosophy or psychology.
As far as minimalism goes, I imagine my life without a computer and I see me spending thousands of dollars a year on worthless shit to feel satasfied - the same type of useless shit that my computer brought me all on its own.

04-25-2012, 02:58 AM
I'm really disappointed about PS Vita SDK


Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 03:02 AM
one of these days a swarm of roaches or a nest of squirrels is going to make its way through the giant rip in my window screen, and i'm going to have the battle of my life, thrashing around breaking shit, trying to get rid of them

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 09:34 AM
Lol... erm? Get back on topic you retards.

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 09:34 AM
I'm really disappointed about PS Vita SDK


input M0ndeFail

04-25-2012, 10:21 AM
i kind of remember the movie it was really slow and boring

04-25-2012, 10:36 AM
who is hiroshima

04-25-2012, 10:37 AM
you must not be that important if you dont know who i am

04-25-2012, 10:41 AM
im kind of a big deal heh

04-25-2012, 10:51 AM

lnopia the great
04-25-2012, 10:52 AM
if i remember correctly he was one of the mods on the price is lol

04-25-2012, 10:53 AM
lnopia has bad memory

04-25-2012, 10:54 AM
if i remember correctly he was one of the mods on the price is lol

so its a steve yelle alt?

04-25-2012, 10:58 AM
yeah im steve yelle

04-25-2012, 11:05 AM
welcome back

04-25-2012, 11:20 AM
im barry

04-25-2012, 11:20 AM
also elz doesnt really know how to code he just pretends

Plug Drugs
04-25-2012, 03:11 PM
hiroshima is a faggot whoever he is, don't encourage him
i vaguely remember seeing his name like a few years ago, must not have been that important

04-25-2012, 03:30 PM
i think youre right

04-25-2012, 03:51 PM
ive prob been around longer than u queers

04-25-2012, 05:29 PM
ive prob been around longer than u queers


04-25-2012, 07:56 PM
can macs get haunted by ghosts that make fun of Heroes for you?

nope? looks like alienware wins again

04-25-2012, 08:05 PM
alienwares have high specs but their hardware is low quality crap that's why you can spend $8000 and end up with a machine that bluescreens all the time

lnopia the great
04-25-2012, 08:37 PM
Basic Principles of Photogrammetry

What is photogrammetry?

The science and technology of obtaining spatial measurements and other geometrically reliable derived products from photographs
Measurements include distances, areas, elevations to generate digital elevation models (DEM’s), orthophotos, thematic GIS data, ect.
Digital and softcopy refer to any photogrammetric operation involving the use of digital raster photographic image data.
Historic use of photogrammetry has been the production of topographic maps

Basic Geometric Characteristics of Aerial Photographs

Considered either vertical or oblique

-Vertical photographs are made with the camera axis directed as vertically as possible (perpendicular) to the ground
-True vertical rare to obtain due to angular rotations, or tilts, caused by the angular attitude of the aircraft at time of exposure
-Vertical aerial photographs have been between 1 and 3 degrees of tilt.

-Oblique area photographs are taken with intentional tilt
-High oblique aerial photographs contain the horizon
-Low oblique aerial photographs do not.

Taking Vertical Aerial Photographs

-The photographs are usually taken along a series of parallel passes called flight strips or flights lines
-The line traced on the ground beneath the aircraft is called the nadir line
-Connects the image centers of the vertical photographs
-This lapping along the flight line is called end lap
-The area of coverage common to an adjacent pair of photographs in a flight line is called the stereoscopic overlap area.
-The pair of photos is called a stereopair
-The amount of end lap is normally between 55 and 65 %
-Need at least 50% endlap for stereoscoptic coverage

Figure 3.1

-The ground distance between photo centers at the time of exposure is called the air base
-Vertical exaggeration is the ratio of air base to flying height
-The larger the base-height (BH) ratio, the greater the vertical exaggeration.
-Adjacent flights lines are photographed so that there is also a lateral overlapping of adjacent strips called side lap
-Normally held at approximately 30%
-The photographs of two or more sidelapping strips used to cover an area is referred to as a block of photos
-A block of photos can be “cut and passed” together to create a photo mosaic over the project area.

Figure 3.3.4

Geometric Elements of a Vertical Photograph

Photocoordinate measurement can be made from a variety of devices

Can use:
-An engineers scale for low orders of measurements accuracy
-Coordinate digitizer table
-A comparator

Photocoordinates can be in “page units” or “image units”

Errors in photocoordinate measurements include:

-Failure of fiducial axes to intersect at the principal point
-Shrinkage or expansion of photographic materials
-Lens distortions
-Atmospheric refraction distortions
-Earth curvature distortions


Photographic scale is like map scale

-The scale of a photograph is the ratio of a distance on the photo to that same distance on the ground.
-On a map, scale is uniform everywhere because a map is an orthographic projection.
-An aerial photograph, on the other hand, is a perspective projection and, as will be demonstrated herein, its scale varies with variations in terrain elevation.

Scales may be expressed as:

-Unit equivalent
-Representative fractions, or
-As a ratio

For example, 1 cm on a map or photo represents 100 m (10 000cm) on the ground, the scale expressed in the aforementioned three ways is:

-Unit equivalent 1 cm = 100m
-Representative fractions, or 1 / 10,000
-As a ratio 1:10,000

Large scale vs. small scale
-1:10,000 vs. 1:50,000 which is larger?
-1: 10,000 is larger.

Scale over flat terrain

-Can calculate scale by measuring the corresponding photo and ground distances between two points
-Points must be identifiable on both the photo and ground, thus:

Scale = Photo distance (d) or (ab)/ground distance (D) or (AB)

Scale is also a function of focal length (f) of the camera used to acquire the image and the flying height above ground, (H’)

-Scale=camera focal length (f)/flying height above terrain (H’)
-Scale=camera focal length (f)/flying height at datum (H) –elevation above datum (h)

Example 3.1

-Assume that two road intersections shown on a photograph can be located on a 1:25,000 scale topographical map. The measured distance between the intersections is 47.2 mm on the map and 94.3 mm on the photograph. What is the scale of the photograph? At that scale what is the length of the fence line that measure 42.9 mm on the photograph?

find ground distance

1 mm on the map= 25,000 mm on the ground
1mm on the map= 25 m on the ground (times each side by 47.2)
Ground Distance = 1,180 m
Scale=Photo distance (d) or (ab)/ground distance (D) or (AB)

= 94.3(0,0943)/1,180

Example 3.2

-A camera equipped with a 152 mm focal length lens is used to take a vertical photograph from a flying height of 2780m above mean sea level. If the terrain is flat and located at an elevation of 500m, what is the ground scale of the photograph?
Ans: 15,000

Example 3.3
-Assume that a vertical photograph was taken at a flying height of 5,000m above sea level using a camera with a 152 mm focal lens. Determine the photo scale at points A and B,which lie at elevations of 1200 and 1960 m. What ground distance corresponds to a 20.1 mm photo distance measured at each of these elevations?
Ans (1200): 25,000
Ans (1960): 20,000

-For the 20.1 multiply each answer by 0.201 and you’ll get your ground distance.

The average scale for an entire photograph is based on the average terrain elevation for the area imaged.

-The result of the photo scale variation is geometric distortion
-All points on a map are depicted at their true relative horizontal (planimetric) positions
-Photo locations taken over varying terrain are displaced from their true map positions
-The difference in position of geometric distortion results from a map being scaled in an orthographic projection whereas a vertical aerial photograph yields a perspective projection

04-25-2012, 09:26 PM
i dont want to hear it

04-25-2012, 09:41 PM

04-25-2012, 09:51 PM

04-25-2012, 09:52 PM
my pass is whatdidyousay, try it out

04-25-2012, 09:54 PM
ok but if i log in with my vpn you can't see my ip from recently logged in if that's what you are trying to do you genius

04-25-2012, 09:57 PM
Q: Does a wigger who sucks nigger dick?

A: Hiroshima

Q: Does a wigger who lick nigger anus?

A: Juji

lnopia the great
04-25-2012, 09:58 PM
~*~ what is, elz ~*~

04-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Q: Does a wigger who sucks nigger dick?

A: Hiroshima

Q: Does a wigger who lick nigger anus?

A: Juji

who is juji i dont even know what you are talking about

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 10:25 PM
hiroshima is hacking the sitie

04-25-2012, 10:33 PM
who is juji i dont even know what you are talking about


04-25-2012, 10:54 PM
hiroshima is hacking the sitie

Clay told me was barry

04-25-2012, 10:59 PM
...............barrys had it with his real name being posted on the forums

..............its time........ for The Revenge of Tim™

04-25-2012, 11:02 PM
...............barrys had it with his real name being posted on the forums

..............its time........ for The Revenge of Tim™

What does he demand here before to hack this forum?

04-25-2012, 11:08 PM
his only demands are that we suffer

Tim's Vengeance knows no mercy

04-25-2012, 11:11 PM
What did this forum to Tim?

04-25-2012, 11:30 PM
posting his real name too much, we have to refer to him now as Tim Who Must Not Be Named lest we incur his ungodly wrath

04-25-2012, 11:32 PM
Filter his real name before is too late

04-25-2012, 11:33 PM
it is already too late for those who oppose Tim Who Must Not Be Named

04-25-2012, 11:35 PM
Tim Abreu

Gentleman Doli
04-25-2012, 11:36 PM
tims hole lol/

04-25-2012, 11:45 PM
Tim Abreu

Timothy abreu of new south wales australia?

hey I just noticed the font in the reply box changed, weird

04-25-2012, 11:51 PM
our fonts are now under the control of Big Boy Barry

04-25-2012, 11:52 PM
hes already starting to take our g and any letter could be next

curse you fools who have invoked the wrath of The Dastardly Dunro

04-25-2012, 11:53 PM
huh for some reason the g is normal when its on its own niggersniggers fuckingniggers

04-25-2012, 11:53 PM


my mortal mind cannot comprehend the full scope of Tim's Tricks™

04-25-2012, 11:59 PM
Tim's Tricks™

04-26-2012, 12:00 AM
timothy abreu of new south wales, australia sent pictures of his erect penis and buttocks to an underage girl

Plug Drugs
04-27-2012, 12:32 AM
The opening scene of the first Mad Max is like the best beginning scene for a movie ever