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Plug Drugs
12-08-2013, 05:15 AM
powerade "ion 4" - there is just as much magnesium in tap water

caffeine/acetaminophen/aspirin same dosages, same brand, but one is called "migraine relief" instead of "headache relief" and costs 5 dollars more

acetaminophen is one of the most hepatotoxic drugs known to man when comparing its medicinal dose to its toxic dose. Any dose of acetaminophen will be damaging to the liver. More than 8 grams at once can cause significant damage; more than 12 grams can be fatal. The recommended dose is 1 gram; just one twelfth of a dose that can kill, and has killed.. Even alcohol's lethal dose is not that close to the usual dose people take of it.

Subway's "9 grain wheat bread" is just white bread with trace amounts of whole grain wheat

yogurt is not healthy food, its sugar and fat.

if for some reason you are ever about to be hit with nerve gas and you know this at least 20 minutes in advance, taking an overdose of diphenhydramine (benadryl) or dimenhydrinate (dramamine) could save your life. This is because diphenhydramine and dimenhydrinate are potent anticholinergics in high doses, and will sufficiently help to block the effects of nerve gas (which kill people by elevating synaptic levels of acetylcholine by inhibiting its metabolism to the point of causing convulsions and keeping every muscle in the body stuck as tense to the point of not being able to breathe).

The levo isomer of methamphetamine is sold over the counter in vicks inhalers.

brand name clothes are for smarmy dickheads

a large fraction of bartenders in the US are college graduates

the united states has less than 5% of the world's population but more than 24% of the world's prison population

Plug Drugs
12-08-2013, 05:23 AM
since we cant get away with castrating undesirables, we just throw them in prison

Plug Drugs
12-08-2013, 05:23 AM
and you're next in line ;)

Coon Hound
11-13-2014, 08:05 AM