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View Full Version : Garfeels, what's your skype?

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:26 PM
I have 2 whole people on it, which means I'm having good people on it. I got reno and Donny. Want in? I deleted snapchat.

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:29 PM
I'm not hanging out here with the no-life loser brigade. I'll check later. I wouldn't trust that I actually get any pms sent because you know, Deso is a retard.

08-12-2016, 11:37 PM
I'm not hanging out here with the no-life loser brigade. I'll check later. I wouldn't trust that I actually get any pms sent because you know, Deso is a retard.

Your an ugly fuken head case who're

08-12-2016, 11:38 PM
Then go you unwanted fully

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:39 PM
Your an ugly fuken head case who're

I'm hotter than you.

Just so you know if anyone forwards me a copy of any e-mails you have sent them regarding me I can have you arrested again. So you undstand I have a restraining order on you? Try me. I will be happy to do the community a favor and have you locked up again.

08-12-2016, 11:39 PM
i dont hve one do you use aol instant messenger?

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:39 PM
i dont hve one do you use aol instant messenger?

Nah. I'll find you on steam?

Wendy <3
08-12-2016, 11:40 PM
You sure spend a lot of time here instead of at your new forum where you claim people actually like you

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:41 PM
You sure spend a lot of time here instead of at your new forum where you claim people actually like you

You're an obsessed retard. I ahve spent about 10mins here in the past month. You posting about me 24/7 in here has nothing to do with me, loser. Go play with monde and marco. You will always be rejected by anyone you are interested in. No-one is interested in you.

08-12-2016, 11:42 PM
my steam is cummy cargo pockets

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:42 PM
some people seem to wish or think they are Garfeels

08-12-2016, 11:42 PM
you cn tell its me because i havent played a game in two years and im in the fjs group

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:43 PM
my steam is cummy cargo pockets

Ok, I'll find your renoesque name on steam.

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:43 PM
you cn tell its me because i havent played a game in two years and im in the fjs group

K. Thanks. Give me 5

08-12-2016, 11:44 PM
lisa i dont have a request from you yet

08-12-2016, 11:45 PM
lisa im going to troll all your friends with basic food question threads

08-12-2016, 11:45 PM
lisa, I'm just trying to figure out whats going on in between you, peter Quinn, and this anne woman. I've had multiple calls and emails from two different new south wales police departments and I don't know why you put me in the middle of this shit

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:46 PM
Can't find you. You'd have to add me again. Lisa loves you is my name I think.

Anyway stay good. Later.

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:48 PM
lisa, I'm just trying to figure out whats going on in between you, peter Quinn, and this anne woman. I've had multiple calls and emails from two different new south wales police departments and I don't know why you put me in the middle of this shit

Retard. I told you years ago to just delete anything from Peter Quinn. I have a restraining order on him. If you think YOU'RE being harassed try being me. Delete him, he is using you and here as a go between to continue his now YEARS long stalking of me. You've read the newspaper stories right, like the actual ones I've linked? This is not a game clay. Are you a fully functioning intelligent adult? If so delete him.

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:50 PM
lisa im going to troll all your friends with basic food question threads



Also add me, Lisa loves you. I deleted snapchat but hey I might have a month where I don't delete everyone so I'd like a way to get your been fishing updates.

08-12-2016, 11:51 PM
lisa i added you

Wendy <3
08-12-2016, 11:52 PM
The crazy lady is still here 25 mins after she said she was leaving

08-12-2016, 11:53 PM
hi jizz were having a conversation i know youre really bored but me and lis are friends if you want to talk to someone quit trying to force your way in by being rude.

Lisa Battery
08-12-2016, 11:57 PM
lisa i added you


By the way it always shows me as offline but I'm always on anyway, it eventually notifies me if I get a message. On ipad.

08-13-2016, 12:00 AM
Lisa will delete you in steam if you stopped talking with her, you have to talk her everyday

08-13-2016, 12:01 AM
I cant "delete" the police calling me like 6 times a week. I've been getting non stop calls from one station that says cows police from Victoria, and one that is Windsor police in new south wales. Ive told them about 15 times that I don't know anything about these 45 year old adults having a cat fight on the internet

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:02 AM
Lisa will delete you in steam if you stopped talking with her, you have to talk her everyday

That's not true at all. I hardly message people. I deleted you because you repeatedly believe retard shit about me and say stupid shit. I was your friend but you were shit so I deleted you and here you are in the forum believing even more retard shit so no. I'm not adding you again. I prefer cool people who have at least half a brain.

08-13-2016, 12:02 AM
I cant "delete" the police calling me like 6 times a week. I've been getting non stop calls from one station that says cows police from Victoria, and one that is Windsor police in new south wales. Ive told them about 15 times that I don't know anything about these 45 year old adults having a cat fight on the internet

You know the police from Victoria have no jurisdiction to call someone in Texas

08-13-2016, 12:03 AM
That's not true at all. I hatdly message people. I deleted you because you repeatedly believe retard shit about me and say stupid shit. I was your friend but you were shit so I deleted you and here you are in the forum believing even more retard shit so no. I'm not adding you again. I prefer cool peopke who have at least half a brain.

How? I don't remember what I said stupid shit since you enjoyed my video

08-13-2016, 12:03 AM
You know the police from Victoria have no jurisdiction to call someone in Texas

which is why I ignore them and tell them to fuck off, which is why they keep calling me. they said that if a case is brought they are going to subpoena my records. if I don't give them my logs, and they pressed the issue, I could have a warrant placed for my arrest. I.e. lisa the turd fuck could make it to where I could never visit australia

08-13-2016, 12:05 AM
Lisa will delete you in steam if you stopped talking with her, you have to talk her everyday

she deleted me because I kept trying to get nude photos of her so that I could post them on here. how fucked up is this bitch

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:05 AM
I cant "delete" the police calling me like 6 times a week. I've been getting non stop calls from one station that says cows police from Victoria, and one that is Windsor police in new south wales. Ive told them about 15 times that I don't know anything about these 45 year old adults having a cat fight on the internet

I'm so sorry you are used to dealing with retards on your level but I've obviously got about twice your IQ. The police are not contacting you. Why are you trying to prove to me you're a moron? I already know and accept you are. Go ahead and prove me wrong, no you won't do that will you because that would require you to behave like an intelligent reasonable adult and you can't have that can you? Not when you have to post with losers like monde, jazz and marco, whatever will they think?

Fuck off moron.

08-13-2016, 12:05 AM
I guess Lisa have manipulated the police to call you, I don't know why did you give your number to Lisa or someone else

08-13-2016, 12:06 AM
I have 2 whole people on it, which means I'm having good people on it. I got reno and Donny. Want in? I deleted snapchat.let me in i want to see your thighs once more, you are my best friend <33 , pls!!1

08-13-2016, 12:14 AM
Your an ugly fuken head case who're

Then go you unwanted fully

I'm hotter than you.

Just so you know if anyone forwards me a copy of any e-mails you have sent them regarding me I can have you arrested again. So you undstand I have a restraining order on you? Try me. I will be happy to do the community a favor and have you locked up again.
if this exchange is real, that is fucking hilarious. you are both insane and need to be admitted to a psychiatric facility and be barred from the internet. it makes you both unewell.

08-13-2016, 12:15 AM
I'd request something to god of reason to get a pic of Lisa and a pic of Gemma to compare who is hotter

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:19 AM
if this exchange is real, that is fucking hilarious. you are both insane and need to be admitted to a psychiatric facility and be barred from the internet. it makes you both unewell.

You've got bigger mental problems than anyone here.

Loser, get a life.

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:19 AM
I'd request something to god of reason to get a pic of Lisa and a pic of Gemma to compare who is hotter

There is no gemma, there is only whateve ice junky he has scraped off the street, they are repulsive.

08-13-2016, 12:21 AM
What's about Jessie Quinn?

Wendy <3
08-13-2016, 12:21 AM
hi jizz were having a conversation i know youre really bored but me and lis are friends if you want to talk to someone quit trying to force your way in by being rude.

Unless it's about your imminent funeral, keep it private

Wendy <3
08-13-2016, 12:22 AM
if this exchange is real, that is fucking hilarious. you are both insane and need to be admitted to a psychiatric facility and be barred from the internet. it makes you both unewell.

I bet lisa does bath salts along with meth

08-13-2016, 12:23 AM
Unless it's about your imminent funeral, keep it private


08-13-2016, 12:28 AM
You've got bigger mental problems than anyone here.

Loser, get a life.ahahahahha, was it you who gave me rep over that comment? i'm actualy laughing out loud

08-13-2016, 12:30 AM
What's about Jessie Quinn?who is anne peterson?!11 :mystery:

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:31 AM
ahahahahha, was it you who gave me rep over that comment? i'm actualy laughing out loud


Try harder.

08-13-2016, 12:31 AM
Anne Peterson who copied all posts from here in written paper, she took hours to write the posts because she doesn't know how to make screenshots.

Lisa Battery
08-13-2016, 12:37 AM
Anne Peterson who copied all posts from here in written paper, she took hours to write the posts because she doesn't know how to make screenshots.

Because Peter Quinn gets others to stalk me because he knows if he does he'll get arrested again. Although he can actually get arrested by having a 3rd party contact me, all I'd need to do is show the police he has.

08-13-2016, 12:43 AM
Because Peter Quinn gets others to stalk me because he knows if he does he'll get arrested again. Although he can actually get arrested by having a 3rd party contact me, all I'd need to do is show the police he has.

I asked you a very important question, did you have a restraining order?

Wendy <3
08-13-2016, 01:01 AM
The government has a restraining order against her which is why she lives on welfare and gets mandatory mental medications