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08-29-2016, 09:38 PM
WASHINGTON,cheap jordans for sale (http://www.footsneakers.com/),cheap jordans for sale (http://www.footsneakers.com/), June 24 (UPI) -- Business leaders recognize immigration contributes to growth and jobs and also recognize the current U.S. immigration system is broken,cheap jordan shoes (http://www.audiklub.hu/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?57784), President Obama said.

"All of us I think recognize that now is the time to get comprehensive immigration reform done,cheap jordans online (http://www.footsneakers.com/)," Obama said before a White House meeting with chief executive officers, business owners and entrepreneurs to discuss immigration.

Obama said the reform would provide "very strong border security,cheap jordan shoes 1. Domino's Pizza app (http://www.srg77.com/ono/search/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/)," hold employers accountable to the rules and offer earned citizenship to 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the United States, to include paying back taxes and a fine, learning English, following the rules and getting "to the back of the line."

Those who would gain legal status "can be part of the above-board economy, as opposed to the below-board economy,cheap jordan shoes (http://www.footsneakers.com/), and a system that fixes and cleans up our legal immigration