View Full Version : so the lisa banner's gone

09-11-2016, 02:14 PM
i just noticed by a taptatalj reason

Autistic Spectrum
09-11-2016, 02:22 PM
Clay made a poll and she won with all her alt accounts

09-11-2016, 02:34 PM
going to break out the x-site rubby quoting bbcode so we can watch what's going on from now on

Wendy <3
09-11-2016, 03:18 PM
I miss lisa

09-11-2016, 03:29 PM
can you say lisa bushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpigbushpig now?

09-11-2016, 03:29 PM
ya, she'll be back

Lisa Battery
09-11-2016, 03:38 PM
you saw what she did

09-11-2016, 04:51 PM
Clay made a poll and she won with all her alt accountsi think he won all of her law suits and just moved on