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View Full Version : dp, add me on steam

09-15-2016, 04:22 AM
want to give you some dupe steam keys i goit from humble bundle that i don't want. they're all, like $2.00 games. add, pls we can talk platitudes and shit.

Autistic Spectrum
09-15-2016, 04:35 AM
don't have a steam i lied to tim to make him jealous i just steal shit

Autistic Spectrum
09-15-2016, 04:42 AM
Plus i have too.many rom sets to get though as it is http://imgur.com/jDCn3NQ

09-15-2016, 10:24 AM
hugs, man. add me so we can play. i think i have the game, otherwise you can buy it for me for $2.00 and we can share a smoke and some plats (short for platitudes). waiting

09-15-2016, 01:21 PM
hugs, man. add me so we can play. i think i have the game, otherwise you can buy it for me for $2.00 and we can share a smoke and some plats (short for platitudes). waiting

Rebekah springs into action on hearing that Isaac intends to bless Esau when he takes his father a dish of game.

Battery Bits
09-16-2016, 04:24 AM
Monde keeps trying to ip ban me at mondenet but keeps asking dp to show him the video of me fucking a lube bottle. He's a disgusting creep. His personality is almost exactly the same as cody's, he is actually a piece if shit but tries really hard to convince people he's not. He's also a liar.

The thing is if he wasn't actually a piece of shit he wouldn't have to try to fucking hard to convince people he's not, he makes out he's helping people but is actually stabbing them in the back. He's a repulsive person. He says they need someone to attack and I think in response he's well and truly volunteered for that position himself.

If you're going to run campaigns on people or take shots I feel you should at least have enough spine to not try and weasle your bullshit to make out it is someone else. Running campaigns against peole and then trying to pretend you're just their friend and trying to help them. Disgusting. Not to mention he thinks everyone else's business is his, trying so very hard to be involved when he's actually not. Making up bullshit about people and claiming to know first hand.

Even I'm more of a man than that worm and I don't even have a dick, but at least I have a god damn spine. I call it like it is and don't act like two faced weasle. If I hate someone I'm direct about it and own it. I don't run around trying to manipulate people, back stabbing and two faced like some sociopathic cody level loser. I have discernment about the people I like and dislike and monde is one hell of a low life worm.

Battery Bits
09-16-2016, 04:28 AM
Not to mention he steals everyone else's jokes like he made them up himself and then runs them into the ground in the most unfunny of fashions.

09-16-2016, 05:12 AM
Monde keeps trying to ip ban me at mondenet but keeps asking dp to show him the video of me fucking a lube bottle. He's a disgusting creep. His personality is almost exactly the same as cody's, he is actually a piece if shit but tries really hard to convince people he's not. He's also a liar.

The thing is if he wasn't actually a piece of shit he wouldn't have to try to fucking hard to convince people he's not, he makes out he's helping people but is actually stabbing them in the back. He's a repulsive person. He says they need someone to attack and I think in response he's well and truly volunteered for that position himself.

If you're going to run campaigns on people or take shots I feel you should at least have enough spine to not try and weasle your bullshit to make out it is someone else. Running campaigns against peole and then trying to pretend you're just their friend and trying to help them. Disgusting. Not to mention he thinks everyone else's business is his, trying so very hard to be involved when he's actually not. Making up bullshit about people and claiming to know first hand.

Even I'm more of a man than that worm and I don't even have a dick, but at least I have a god damn spine. I call it like it is and don't act like two faced weasle. If I hate someone I'm direct about it and own it. I don't run around trying to manipulate people, back stabbing and two faced like some sociopathic cody level loser. I have discernment about the people I like and dislike and monde is one hell of a low life worm.

nobody cares stevey

Battery Bits
09-16-2016, 08:08 AM
You can call me stevey, seems only fair seeing as he's me

And I'd much rather be stevey than monde, stevey is a much much better person, more honest, less cody like, stevey is not a bad person and I'm sick of pieces of shit like monde saying he is just because he's jealous that ruby buys him stuff. That's up to ruby if he wants to buy his friends stuff. Personally I wouldn't buy friends myself, I'm always too busy culling them for being crap to buy any, plus too poor anyway lol, but that doesn't make stevey a bad person, stevey is straight up and honest when compared to someone like monde.

I just want the campaigns here to pick an actually deserving target for once, a piece of shit instead of slagging off an actually nice guy just because he's poor

Battery Bits
09-16-2016, 08:15 AM
And at least stevey realises he made some a poor choices of friend, they just used him for all the glory that was fjs (lol) when it suited them and then started a campaign against him when he didn't do their epic cody level trolls which are beyond fucking lame and pathetic, in fact I think they are more lame than anything cody ever pulled, even cody was more honest and he was a compulsive lying sack of shit

Battery Bits
09-16-2016, 08:15 AM
*steps off soap box*

You heard me.

09-16-2016, 08:40 AM
*steps off soap box*

You heard me.

Beloved ones we are now children of God but it has not yet been made manifest what we will be.