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View Full Version : you know what's great about monde let me tell you what's great about my good frined SID

12-26-2016, 03:43 PM
100,000 points for this foldingcoin thing in a month gets you a rare magic the gathering 4chan pokemon meme mashup card they only give out 40 a month

in six days, maybe five, not running 24/7 I"ve been keeping it paused to game all day cause I dont' wanna deal with the fucking idiot lady that is hopefully evicted, I have gotten over 700,000 points lol, I could literally collect all 40 of those rare hard to achieve in a single fucking month for anybody else things, because I am so fucking smart that I built literally, as in literally, the best computer on earth lol, and if BUSHPIG woudla helped me set up gridcoin and even found out about this shit and helped with this too cause my pc can easily handle both I would be doing the pool mining where MY PROFITS ARE SHARED WITH EVERYONE YOU CAN KEEP ALL THE MONEY FOR YOURSELF OR SHARE IT WITH EVERYOEN ELSE DOING THIS SHIT, I WAS GONNA SHARE IT, SID COULDA GOTTEN PAID BACK BY NOW LOL HE'S SMART I'M TELLING YOU GETTING MAD ABOUT SHIT THAT IS NOT EVEN REAL AND NOT HELPING ME IS SO MUCH BETTER AND A MUCH BETTER SIGN OF A MENTHALLY HEALTHY STABLE PERSON SID IS VERY SANE AND NORMAL AND HEALTHY AND HAS A GREAT LIFE AND HE HASN'T BEEN POSTING LATELY BECAUSE HE IS BUSY AS FFFFFFCCCCCKKKKKK AND LOVING IT HE HAS A MAJOR LIFE AND IS A MAJOR PERSON IN THE GOOD PERSON COMMUNITY

12-26-2016, 03:46 PM
also since posting again at timnet just from using the edge browser to troll you guys I've made over $40 and perk tv is almost at a total of $2000 now overall it's spent lol but yeah it's just really annoying being smarter than everyone and havin geveryone think they're smarter than you and sid is reading this lulzing his ass off righ tnow because of how great and better than me he is ya know

12-26-2016, 04:06 PM
*King of 2k* steveyos has Arma 3 Just now
as soon as I can play as a hot chick in a bikini then sure, until then they're gonna have to deal with this since I'm still giving them money because I understand they are not the best at developing and only haven't added it yet because of that fact

you on the other hand, don't have to deal with it, smash brothers doesn't even have steam there's litearlly no reason at all for you to be here how'd you get steam on a wii anyway

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 04:17 PM
Sid is a small man and a pathetic retard. He gave $50 to a disabled mental patient then got mad and ran a campaign on him when the said disabled mental patient didn't get a job and pay him back. He's a fucking retard himself and pathetic.

12-26-2016, 04:27 PM
no the problem is he's disabled mentally I'm disabled physically, he thinks I'm neither and just lazy when if I was lazy I'd have sat down in a chair within the past four months lol

12-26-2016, 04:28 PM
he also said some shit about he knows some guy in a wheelchair who still works because people in wheelchairs don't have their own fucking Olympics or anything because not all of them really got it that bad their legs don't work so what lol

12-26-2016, 04:28 PM
I would rather have my legs not work than have the pools of blood in my feet I currently got ya know

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 04:29 PM
Well I don't know what it says about him that he runs campaigns on mentally disabled people. At the very least it doesn't speak well of his character. He's a shit person. He should have never made you feel bad about giving you $50. A good person would have just given it you and not held it over you, like ruby does, ruby does it because he's a good person and he doesn't give you shit about it. A shit person would have used it as an excuse to abuse you.

12-26-2016, 04:30 PM
I can't understand how going from 340 pounds raised on mcdonalds to 180 all on my own no cheating no surgery no special diets lots of physical activity but I'm lazy somehow it's really odd!

12-26-2016, 04:31 PM
please don't think I feel bad the last thing I feel is bad lmao ruby's getting every penny back and I'm taking care of him for the rest of his life, I'm doing the same with people who have given me NOTHING lol fuck you sid you fat divorced dead dog paki fat

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 04:31 PM
I don't think you are lazy. I think you are not mentally able to work at the moment.

12-26-2016, 04:36 PM
that would suck if it were true and I would kill myself thankfully it's not true I was just raised on mcdonalds and my physical health is very bad

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 04:43 PM
No it's ok. You should go to the doctor and ask if you are bipolar, heaps of people have it at varying degrees. I want a second opinion and see if I'm right. Then if you do it can be managed heaps better.

12-26-2016, 04:58 PM
lisa I'm on disability they check you for all that shit all the time I'm checked like twice a day for mental issues never had them never will I qualify for disability solely because of physical problems which is also why I'm not appointed to see any like mental doctors just physical doctors like come on now

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 05:01 PM
lisa I'm on disability they check you for all that shit all the time I'm checked like twice a day for mental issues never had them never will I qualify for disability solely because of physical problems which is also why I'm not appointed to see any like mental doctors just physical doctors like come on now
I'm not insulting you but I think you have a mental problem. I can't insult you about it because I have my own mental problems. Flight of ideas is a mental disorder and you can't tell me you don't have flight of ideas.

12-26-2016, 05:11 PM
I don't know what flight of ideas is and can you understand that I am just here to make money I am not here to have real conversation I don't care what aI type that's why it's all random I'm literally ust trying to pass tine like goin g into a trance to makemMONEY lisa, I'm making money postin ghere, from cmirosoft bing rewards, as long as I'm actively using the edge browser I can't leave it open and walk awy I have ot use it, and also I will walk away for a second in between commas and forge twher I was oing due to not caring and just tyring ot mak emoney, ok but do you not belive that do youthink I wanna have a real conversation herfe with the likes of cag and cody and marco oooooooooooough why no lisa

12-26-2016, 05:12 PM
I knoe you'tr noy insulting me I'm not mad either I just odn't care about internet and no matter aht the vierosatnasotdn like my right index finger, seriously, barely works right now I coudlnt' care less about anything other than the fact pressiong buttons makes me money righ tnhow

Battery Bits
12-26-2016, 05:19 PM
I don't know what flight of ideas is and can you understand that I am just here to make money I am not here to have real conversation I don't care what aI type that's why it's all random I'm literally ust trying to pass tine like goin g into a trance to makemMONEY lisa, I'm making money postin ghere, from cmirosoft bing rewards, as long as I'm actively using the edge browser I can't leave it open and walk awy I have ot use it, and also I will walk away for a second in between commas and forge twher I was oing due to not caring and just tyring ot mak emoney, ok but do you not belive that do youthink I wanna have a real conversation herfe with the likes of cag and cody and marco oooooooooooough why no lisa Look it up, "flight of ideas"

Cody isn't here, marco is a piece of shit in the herp, cag is cool and floating around somewhere and I'm just me.

Do it though, it can't hurt. Do it while you are young, don't spend the next 20 years with something that could be made a lot better now. At worst it isn't going to hurt you and at best it could make your life much better and easier.

12-26-2016, 05:55 PM
oh ok yeah you are reading my posts on a forum where I'm literally just trying ot make money and you think they're serious that's what's happening here lol

12-26-2016, 05:55 PM
and yes cody's been posting in this section by himself making fun of marco posting in the herp by himself he made the thread like a week ago