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View Full Version : tim how many people do you got that play ark?

01-02-2017, 02:16 AM
it's probably not updated enough for me to be able to enjoy it yet but do you wanna go on a walkabout together to see what's up? I have to install it I don't have enough space at the moment too much child porn but I'll gladly move some to sid's server for now if you wanna give it a go m8

01-02-2017, 02:18 AM
I forget if you have arma 3 I got a guy with 3000+ hours in the game that claims to not be offended by bad words so we got someone who has the autism to actually wanan play the game and he can just tell us what buttons we gotta know while we do shit and we can just fuck around while still doing work so it's fun I didn't like having to remember all the stupid shit like g and i are both inventory in arma depending on the server and you'll press g and throw a grenade and kill yourself in some servers but this guy will know all that shit

01-02-2017, 02:19 AM
I'm literally no joke trying to find an all girl clan to join but I gotta find one that won't just annoy the shit outta me do you wanna join and we'll play ark and arma with a bunch of girls they'll let us in cause we both wear women's clothing