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View Full Version : +michael passineau see the anger you have this is why you have problems and it's not even your fault and I understand that so I

01-09-2017, 11:50 AM
+michael passineau see the anger you have this is why you have problems and it's not even your fault and I understand that so I will continue to be a nice good person and people will continue to ignore me even though I haven't cut my hair or beard or styled it in over 20 years I don't care about the clothes on my body I am high 24/7 and I go into wal mart by the way at 3 in the morning lol if ya'll just could find a way to not be angry and shit you'd be so much better off I wish I could help you via internet but I can't but I can only tell you to try to get the help ya'll need and nobody will ever look at you in a bad way again <3 *hugs*

01-09-2017, 12:00 PM
+michael passineau yeah I've never been to target, well I have, same outfit, plenty of times, many other stores, many other times of day, but I care so little about all of this I forgot what store ya'll were going on about lol, those were two very angry posts and it frightens me that I have had such an impact on youbushpig but you have to understand this what you're doing now, the cops and employees can basically sense it coming from you, I'm even frightenend of you right now and we're probably thousands of miles away lol so ya gotta work on that

01-09-2017, 12:06 PM
cool man I don't think I have anything I couldn't care less about this conversation you're arguing with me right now lol you're an angry person simple as that I'm just trying to let ya'll know the American dream is real and I am living it, and what it actually is is being able to live on land where I can be me and have people protect me form people like you that's the American dream is being protected by the cray crays lol

01-09-2017, 12:10 PM
look at it this way all that really needs to be done to get the ball rolling on fixing all of these problems is police need to be allowed to mow down protestors who do things like anti-animal or occupy wall street if you go to those ya gotta go if not you're ok that's where we gotta start all the sjw soverign citizen people all people like that are gonna be the ones that eventually get me shot when cops have no choice but to go insane with paranoia lol
I mean anyone who can't take the blame, like people walking around that look like leatherface wondering why people are looking at them lol

01-09-2017, 12:21 PM
Speak english

01-09-2017, 12:25 PM
damn now I want taco bell

01-09-2017, 12:30 PM

01-09-2017, 12:45 PM

01-09-2017, 03:01 PM

Ok, it's time to stop pretending like a creepy stalker with brain of Lisa

01-09-2017, 03:04 PM