View Full Version : dog killing help plz

01-13-2017, 02:56 PM
ok guys this is gunna sound harsh but here it go i have a jack rustle terryer and have it since i was a child but he is staring to have me lots of trouble. the problem is that he wont poop out side when i took him for wallks. he waits till i am gone or am a sleep then pooped all over the house. he poop like a cow i am not kiding it is big piles and its allways dierea ever time and i have to used a small shovle to clean it up. i take him to a vet and says there is nothing that they can do for him and want lot of money to put him a sleep and i dont have to much they said. my grandmpa runed over him with a bush hog a few year ago and cut a front leg off to.i dont know what to do and i wanted to end his sufering as esasy as posible becase i really love my dog alot.and i dont want him to be in pane please help me end his sufering as humainly as possible

Sidharthaa retarded
01-13-2017, 03:45 PM
i will eat it. send it to me

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