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View Full Version : lisa still misses rootbeer

01-18-2017, 11:59 PM
rootbeer: yeah shes still obsessed with me lol
rootbeer: calls me all the time
rootbeer: calls (THE WOMAN WHO HE HAS A CHILD WITH) a stupid bitch whore
rootbeer: such a retard

Wendy <3
01-19-2017, 12:01 AM
She's trying to gain a lot of weight in hopes of luring him back

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:02 AM
Um no. He wishes.

Never called them.

He's gross. He's the worst I've ever had.

01-19-2017, 12:03 AM
Too bad, Lisa ruined her future

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:04 AM
Gross, no thanks. I had every oportunity if I wanted him back but like I told him repeatedly while he begged to get back with me, no thanks.

01-19-2017, 12:05 AM
Overlying can damage your brain

01-19-2017, 12:06 AM
rootbeer: shes gonna deny it but she still begs for sex
rootbeer: for love
rootbeer: (THE WOMAN WHO HE HAS A CHILD WITH) threatened to get the police involved and did but jursitictions and that stuff
rootbeer: one time she called so methd out she said she wood pay to flyout and fuck me again
rootbeer: i was in michigan and (THE WOMAN WHO HE HAS A CHILD WITH) was drunk and angry and they yelled on the phone

01-19-2017, 12:07 AM

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:07 AM
Wtf is this garbage? Is he saying that for real? Jesus christ when I break them they sure do stay broken.

None of that is true and I think we all know that.

01-19-2017, 12:07 AM
I thought it's filtered

01-19-2017, 12:07 AM
I'm going to take rootbeer's word on this, he's an honest guy

01-19-2017, 12:10 AM
rootbeer: (THE WOMAN WHO HE HAS A CHILD WITH) called her a whore over and over and she said TOO BAD (ROOTBEERS REAL NAME) STILL LOVES ME AND WE CHAT ALL THE TIME NAN NAH ANANANAAAAA you know how a child do
rootbeer: i still find the forum sort of funny and theres still good postsers but i wont go back sense lisa will have another meth freakout episode and blow up my phone again
rootbeer: im already not on good terms with (THE WOMAN WHO HE HAS A CHILD WITH)

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:10 AM
Don't even. Come off it.

Is that for real Deso or are you just being a fucking try-hard. That's fucking disturbing.

01-19-2017, 12:10 AM
i can copy paste this all night bout to get some coffee and fire it UP

Wendy <3
01-19-2017, 12:11 AM
She wants his doorknob inside her again

01-19-2017, 12:12 AM
gross phrasing

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:13 AM
I have never called him or messaged him. He stopped messaging me when I posted all those messages he sent me aftr he got debbie pregnant and was buying me an apartment ir something delsuional and retarded after I told him very clearly no. Debbie called me one time saying she was going to kick him to curb and asked me if he had been calling me, I said "No." and hung up on her.

What a fucking freak show, is that for real? He needs mental help if so.

01-19-2017, 12:15 AM
rootbeer: she sucked in bed too i couldnt cum
rootbeer: always begging to be slapped around and other dom kinky sex
rootbeer: she got wet easy and would always dry hump me when i was asleep. she mentions i cum on her leg but in reality she would try jack me off when im sleepin and she wouldnt be able to have vaginal sex somedays cause she was so dried out for whatever reason

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:18 AM
Oh gross, I don't fucking think so. Show debbie this shit

01-19-2017, 12:18 AM
rootbeer: she asked for anal a lot and would want ass-to-mouth fucking sick.
desolation: whats wrong with that?
rootbeer: nothing except the way she would use her tongue on my penis after in her ass.
desolation: l mfao fjdsllshfjasd ????
rootbeer: she loved eating ass it was gross
desolation: ye m2

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:19 AM
I wouldn't even suck his dick, what was the fucking point when he blew his load on my leg everytime. He's repulsive.

01-19-2017, 12:20 AM
Lisa anus isnt clean.... Gross

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:20 AM
I flat out do not eat ass, not for anyone. Just no.

01-19-2017, 12:20 AM
rootbeer: she sucked a good dick tho but it was probably cause she had so many bogans rednecks family members niggers homeless men
rootbeer: lots practice ya?
desolation: i beg your pardon
roobeer: she would fantasize haveing me beat her while i tried to fuck her box. i could only really enjoy her mouth, she loved swallowing cum and i hated fucking her pussy so it worked out haha

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:21 AM
Lisa anus isnt clean.... Gross
Yeah it is, I wash it at least once a day and I have flushable wet wipes I use after every poo.

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:22 AM
Just stop deso, the guy is obviously retarded and caught toxo

It's disgusting, I've never known a bigger turn off

Wendy <3
01-19-2017, 12:22 AM
You have a loose and worn out hole that you need lube for

01-19-2017, 12:22 AM
rootbeer: lmao fucking liar she sucked my dick all the time.
rootbeer: she was having some friend over sara or something and she was blowing me when they were at the front door
rootbeer: i was trying to pull my jeans up and get the door but shes a fucking nympho and couldnt stop begging to eat my ass, lick my balls.
rootbeer: this one fucking time she forced her tongue in my ass while we were sleeping and i didnt want 2 be weird so i didnt say much but she was just licking my asshole when she thought i was asleep

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:23 AM
You have a loose and worn out hole that you need lube for
No it's tight, guys always tell me it's tight. I need lube because some dicks are a bit big. I'm a very small woman.

01-19-2017, 12:24 AM
rootbeer: one of the main reasons i dumped her slut ass is i m sure she was sleeping around on me
rootbeer: we wood go out sometime and we would see random dudes just all over her
rootbeer: 'hes just an ol pal"
rootbeer: the way some of them looked at me i think she was blowing them too

01-19-2017, 12:25 AM
rootbeer: shes a lying whore and ever yday i am more relieved i got out of that place and away from her drugs, sexual harassment and awful lifee
rootbeer: i just want her to leave me and my child alone now

Goodtouch MyDaughter
01-19-2017, 12:25 AM
guys tell me I'm really tight and my fussy tastes good and I've never been lied to so humpf

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:28 AM
Nah. I had offers but I pushed Darryn off me when he tried to kiss me when rootbeer was here. I was actually trying to give it a go seeing as he came all the way here.

How repulsive, the guy has obviously lost his mind about me.

I really think I've got toxo, I'm not sure how else to explain these guys going psycho about me.

Tell him it's just a parasite in his brain and to get a cat and not eat the cat poo.

01-19-2017, 12:28 AM
Winner thread

01-19-2017, 12:29 AM
desolation: This is making me more uncomfortable than those sad stories in ruby's podcast
rootbeer: shes a freak liar druggie psycho sick bitch dont ever trust her
rootbeer: i just want her away from me and my child

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:29 AM
Winner threadshut up idiot.

01-19-2017, 12:30 AM
I strongly believe what rootbeer says because he does not project

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:30 AM
Seriously though is debbie aware of this meltdown and obsession about me? I mean she's not the brightest spark but she should probably know about this.

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:31 AM
I strongly believe what rootbeer says because he does not project

You're a fucking retard. Get lost elz.

01-19-2017, 12:31 AM
Debbie would beat the shit out of you

Goodtouch MyDaughter
01-19-2017, 12:32 AM
makes you wonder if Peter quin was really guilty

01-19-2017, 12:36 AM
rootbeer: one time i saw her smelling my boxers when she thought i was at garden
rootbeer: fingering herself using them on her face
desolation: l mfsao sldfg hdflk gj ahha hah s
rootbeer: on the floor and hunched over
desolation: flisdjg hklajs nfksldgfjn s
desolation: gfsldjgnpofdslckjmgjpzlcxkgvm;zlkgszx;clgkm;lxfkbmx;lvbmn
desolation: did she cum ? xd
rootbeer: idk prolly shes disgusting

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:36 AM
Um the fact that peter has been in and out if jail since before I was born and is actually a comvicted repeat sex offender that is widely reported in the news papers who I have still as recently as last year had to go to the police about is enough thanks. If you couldn't already tell from his insane bullshit with holes in every story then you're just missing a chunk between the ears.

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:37 AM
What the fuck do I have to lie about?

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:38 AM
Yeah I'm bored of that repulsive rootbeer shit Deso. That is concerning but you have fun with that. I want to keep down my lunch today though.

01-19-2017, 12:39 AM
What the fuck do I have to lie about?

Peter is married with hot woman and never been in jail. Keep lying.

01-19-2017, 12:40 AM
rootbeer: the drugs was what scared me
desolation: What drugs? xddxd
rootbeer: lisa was on pills i dont know what they are meth weed of course which i dont have issue with but cigs and weed and alcohol not much but some but a lot of meth
rootbeer: meth dealer was this shady scrawny guy that would hit on her. once he saw me there he would stop hitting on her then do it again when he would bring more meth over. his name was charley i think.
desolation: Oh dear
rootbeer: i was pretty sure she was fucking him cause she wouldnt always pay but would hug him kiss him tight when he wood come by with the drugs
rootbeer: she was doing a lot of meth around when i leaved. she wasnt do any when i got there but
rootbeer: this is around the time i got out this was pushin me over the edge
rootbeer: my health for the flight was the major blocker

Goodtouch MyDaughter
01-19-2017, 12:41 AM
What the fuck do I have to lie about?

how crazy you are and how shitty you life is and how it's a danger to be around you and how its infuriating to here you spin these various lies

01-19-2017, 12:41 AM
youre welcome to join the IRC chat if u want leece

two old flames, rekindling their sexual tension.

im never coming back in here again rootbeers a retard but he sounds like he got fucked out of this deal i just wanted his side of the story since we only get lisas. im a fair and balanced reporter with no agenda.

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 12:43 AM
Herp that dickhead will you.

I'll pass.

FYI only losers ever try and call me leece.

01-19-2017, 12:44 AM
rootbeer: the drugs was what scared me
desolation: What drugs? xddxd
rootbeer: lisa was on pills i dont know what they are meth weed of course which i dont have issue with but cigs and weed and alcohol not much but some but a lot of meth
rootbeer: meth dealer was this shady scrawny guy that would hit on her. once he saw me there he would stop hitting on her then do it again when he would bring more meth over. his name was charley i think.
desolation: Oh dear
rootbeer: i was pretty sure she was fucking him cause she wouldnt always pay but would hug him kiss him tight when he wood come by with the drugs
rootbeer: she was doing a lot of meth around when i leaved. she wasnt do any when i got there but
rootbeer: this is around the time i got out this was pushin me over the edge
rootbeer: my health for the flight was the major blocker

Hahahahahaha Charley, new Peter Quinn

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 02:34 AM
Not one thing the sick retard is saying is true. That is repulsive. No wonder debbie has left him. If you'll recall I'm the one who dumped him. He was delusional. He is obviously very sick in the head. I would have never had kids with him, pretty sure he'd sexually abuse them, not even joking about that, there was just something really, really sexually wrong with him, he had no sexual control at all, premature ejeculation, constant walking around trying to jack off, not one of those things he is saying happened. Debbie has obviously left him and he's mentally very very sick in the head.

I'm as repulsed by him as I am with peter. He displays every behaviour of a sex offender. If he doesn't get help he's going to get locked up. I feel sick to the stomach that he's been around kids.

Battery Bits
01-19-2017, 02:52 AM
You need to underrstand too that I never actually invited him here. I WAS good friends with him but at the time he was nothing like this, you all knew him, he was nothing like this... we DID have plans for me to go there though, it was completely on his insistance, he was going to pay for everything including putting my cat in a cat hotel because I said I couldn't, anyway I got my arm twisted and agreed to go there and meet him but I told him I would stay for no longer than 2 weeks and I would not leave here without a return ticket. Anyway one day teknorat was tormenting him and told him he was going to fuck me, next minute I know I get a text message from sherman saying he was getting on a plane and would be at melbourne airport the next morning. Now I'm not actually such a horrible person that I would let a person I considered my friend to be left standing alone at an airport after flying half way accross the world to meet me so I went and picked him up. The very first day he asked to marry me and I said no. He kept asking everyday and I would say no. I tried to give it a go but we all know why it didn't work out, his sexual problems and he seemed delusional, he wouldn't listen or accept it when I told him no about things, he would not leave when I repeatedly told him he needed to go home. In the end after he already cancelled numerpus return tickets without telling me I booked a hotel out at the airport, ordered him into my car and drove him there. I saw him onto the plane and that was it.

You know I was looking at studies that show when someone has been attacked before (badly or sexually) their walk and everything changes, there actually a way a so called "victim" (I don't like to think of myself as a victim but this is what the study was about and what I'm thinking here) walks and looks and that predators instinctively recognise them as a target. This goes some way to explain why there are some people who are repeatedly attacked. And I'm wondering if this might be why I seem to attract sex offending pieces of shit. If rootbeer ever jumps another plane and turns up on my doorstep I'm calling the police.

I'm going to take solace in the fact that out of the encounter he certainly seems to have come off way worse than me. Let that be a lesson to any piece of shit. I hope you do target me so I can break you too. Pieces of shit. I'll give you a nasty fucking shock if you think you can victimise me, sexually, physically or mentally.

01-19-2017, 08:59 AM
You know nothing about sincerity and honesty

01-19-2017, 10:05 AM
hey look another wall of text from our resident meth addict

01-19-2017, 08:04 PM
she left once i posted these allegations

01-19-2017, 09:40 PM
did I ever thank you for that? I should

Wendy <3
01-19-2017, 10:10 PM
Post her can fucking video

01-19-2017, 10:17 PM
sorry sirs

Wendy <3
01-20-2017, 01:21 AM
She fixed her account so let's see that can get crammed

10-14-2018, 11:15 PM
man what a IRC night this was

10-15-2018, 01:09 PM
wow this is sick lisa i cant believe what im reading

10-15-2018, 01:11 PM
pretty twisted - hope you're ok

10-15-2018, 01:11 PM
can't tell who is telling the truth though.

Autistic Spectrum
10-15-2018, 01:44 PM
the truth is somewhere in the middle, alls we can know for sure is

roobeer definitely has a broken dick and got beat up by a small aussie woman

lisa definitely smokes meth and fucks her drug dealer for free drugs