View Full Version : Imagining the 11th dimension

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:05 PM
is meant to be impossible but let me try.

If you can imagine the 10th dimension as all universes and all their possible outcomes (one universe with all possible outcomes is a point of infinity, from which you can imagine other infinite universes, an infinite amount again, to which you can imagine all as a single point as the 10th dimension) as a single point. Now once you have reduced the 10th dimension to a single point which is what we do to imagine each dimensions up until 10, why not "zoom in" a bit and apply the ekpyrotic universe model to this so instead of imagining it as a point imagine it as a flat membrane, a 2 dimensional object instead of a zero dimensional one. Now I will show you a picture...
Ok so now imagine all those branes in a line connected, so now all those branes (with all possible outcomes branching from them, but "zoomed out" so that firstly they are 2 dimensional, flat branes and then zoom out a little more until they are one dimensional, all the branes you could imagine as a single line, now twist that, so instead of imagining branes colliding flat side on, imagine yet another string of branes along side that string, and instead of the branes colliding flat side on along side each other in a one dimensional line imagine they collide on the zero dimensional edge with another 2 dimensional string of branes (because you have imagined all those branes like in that picture as a continual string) vibrating along side the first. And there, I think I just imagined the 11th dimension. Fucking eat that for breakfast bitches. Done my bit for the universe today.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:14 PM
I think I did this by instead of reducing the 10th dimension to a single point of indeterminate size (zero dimension) I zoomed in one dimension to make that more tangible, because it works up until the 10th dimension but once you hit the 10th dimension we hit a block, so why not if you can apply zero dimension to each dimension why not when you reach as far as you can go with that apply the 1st dimension to that instead, it makes it mire tangible to our minds and by doing that you can concievably keep imagining dimensions beyond even the 11th dimension which is meant to be unimaginable, yet it IS imaginable if you apply the first dimension to the tenth dimension as you applied the zero dimension to the first 10.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:25 PM
Perhaps the pattern is simply taking the first number for whatever dimension you are conceiving of, so that 0-09 you apply the zero dimension to conceive of the one higher, but when you get to 10 you apply the first dimension to conceieve of the next, ok so for example to conceieve of a 12th dimension all me to show you a picture as to how you might imagine imaginining beyond the 11th dimension.... ok so this picture is 3 dimensional but you could imagine these strings as strings of flat branes alongside each other, forming each string, each string being 1 dimensional...

So this imagine is more zoomed out than you need to imagine the next dimension, the 12th dimension but it gives you an idea of how much more complicated this can get. Because we never even applied "zoom" as a dimension within itself to any of the 10th dimensions, yet in imagining the first 10 dimensions we do so by "zooming", "zoom" must be a dimension and if it isn't the in the first 11th, I imagine it to be the 12th dimension, sorry I don't do the math on this, I only theorise, math is tedious but I'm sure it can be calculated by some math genius to have a formula for those who need it. I'm not that guy, I'm the other guy who just comes up with theories that can either be validated by boring tedious math or disproved. Show me the guy who can do the math on this because I want to talk to him.... or her.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:39 PM
So like the 12th dimension, it would bore a hole right through the other 11 dimensions, so maybe I'm wrong in that I now imagine the 12th dimension as 3 dimensional with a hole right through it... but that makes me think that maybe "zoom" is the 13th dimension and I'm missing a dimension, I seem to have skipped the 12th dimension but now I imagine it as te strings of branes forming an interwoven fabric so that they now can be concieved of... no wait that's still just the 11th dimension.... I'm missing one, I'm missing the 12th dimension, because I'm thinking "zoom" is the 13th dimension that can bore a hole right through all the other dimensions so that you could concievably move from the first dimension to the 13th dimension. But I know I'm missing a chunk of logic here, which is the 12th dimension. I'll get nack to you on that, unless no wait, the 12th dimension is the space in which the now concieved of as "fabric" of the 11th dimension resides and from that 12th dimension there is a 13th dimension that bores right through all other dimensions. Zoom out and concieve of that as a zero dimensional point, beyond that I get nothing, less that nothing, beyond that I get simple non existence (infinity is already concieved of in a much earlier/smaller dimension) Beyond that I cannot concieve of a 13th dimension but I think I did pretty well considering I only set out to conceieve of the 11th dimension.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:41 PM
I made some mistakes along the way in my thinking but I think I resolved them.

Can I think a thought,
or can't I think a thought.
I thought I thought a think,
I mean I think I thought a thought....
... oh what the fuck, I didn't.... I think.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:42 PM
Nah I did.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:44 PM
is meant to be impossible but let me try.

If you can imagine the 10th dimension as all universes and all their possible outcomes (one universe with all possible outcomes is a point of infinity, from which you can imagine other infinite universes, an infinite amount again, to which you can imagine all as a single point as the 10th dimension) as a single point. Now once you have reduced the 10th dimension to a single point which is what we do to imagine each dimensions up until 10, why not "zoom in" a bit and apply the ekpyrotic universe model to this so instead of imagining it as a point imagine it as a flat membrane, a 2 dimensional object instead of a zero dimensional one. Now I will show you a picture...
Ok so now imagine all those branes in a line connected, so now all those branes (with all possible outcomes branching from them, but "zoomed out" so that firstly they are 2 dimensional, flat branes and then zoom out a little more until they are one dimensional, all the branes you could imagine as a single line, now twist that, so instead of imagining branes colliding flat side on, imagine yet another string of branes along side that string, and instead of the branes colliding flat side on along side each other in a one dimensional line imagine they collide on the zero dimensional edge with another 2 dimensional string of branes (because you have imagined all those branes like in that picture as a continual string) vibrating along side the first. And there, I think I just imagined the 11th dimension. Fucking eat that for breakfast bitches. Done my bit for the universe today.
* One dimensional edge, I menat one dimsional edge, not zero. Zero dimension doesn't have an edge, one dimesnional is just an edge... so to speak in our dimesnion.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:49 PM
I think I had this until I stuffed up and had to just leap back in my logic, just know there a chunk of this thought that should be scrapped, but it made sense to me in the end, though I an confused and struggling with it lol

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:50 PM
I don't know what you thought about today.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 04:58 PM
You see and from the 13th dimension you can go from absolutely everything concievable to a point of absolute nothing, the 13th dimension is like everything turned inside out, you bore right through all other dimensions, that's what the 13th dimension is. It is both everything and nothing and everything in between.

I'm gonna go have a bath now I cracked god theory.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 05:02 PM
Not that it matters but in some "universes" I'm right and in some I am wrong, infinitely right and wrong at the same time.

I could be just as right or wrong as if I said simply "potato".

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 05:03 PM
So in other words.....


Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 05:09 PM
But how could you not concieve as "zoom" as a dimension when you had to "zoom" in or out to concieve of the 10 dimsensions... so there are more than 10, I got to 13 I think. So anyway I'm an existensialist in this universe so mote it be. I'm right because that's what I think.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 05:11 PM
And I did this before breakfast. So what will I do for the rest of day? Maybe watch someone jerk off.

Goodtouch MyDaughter
02-11-2017, 06:31 PM
damn you're smart

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 06:37 PM
It's a willingness to be wrong, being wrong is a process of elimination.

It was an interesting thought process, I like things that challenge my thinking, force me to think beyond what I already know, to try and grasp difficult concepts, if there is a concept I can't quite grasp I don't relent until I can grasp it.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 06:39 PM
I wish I had a ruler, blank paper, a pencil and eraser to draw some of things I tried to explain in text.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:15 PM
Someone out there has conceived of 26 dimensions which is twice as many as I got (I pull up at 13, to me the 12th one was the hardest because I already had a notion of "zoom" being a dimension, seems nuts to me that a tool used to consider 10 dimensions was never within those dimensions considered as a dimension in of itself, it has to be but what dimension was it? I thought maybe 12 after I had thought of 11 but that seemed to still skip one dimension so I had to tyen concieve of the 12th then "zoom" seemed to fit to my crazy logic to 13) but I can't find anything on that, I can't find any theory beyond 10 dimensions other than my own. I'm going to keep looking because I'm interested in how my train of thought measures up against others who have gone further than 10.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:19 PM
"I know that current string theories state that there are 10, 11, or 26 spacetime dimensions in superstring theory, M-theory, and bosonic string theory, respectively."

Ok so where is the exaplanation for the 26?

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:22 PM
Oh ok, so the 26 dimensions is for Bosonic string theory, and only contains bosons.... I mean though that could mean moving smaller than the zero dimension, I never even considered negative dimensions. Oh no.... here we go again. I might spare you this.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:25 PM
No straight away I see problems or flaws with bosonic string theory, first of all there cannot be mass, and it supposes there is. I'm scrapping this.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:28 PM
There is fuck all on this shit. This right here might be the most info on any theories beyond 10 dimensions, if we are to scrap bosonic string theory which we will do because of its fundamental flaws.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:32 PM
this dude says 11, I love this dude so I'm going to watch this


Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:36 PM
He says I'm wrong, that the math collapses on itself after 11... but of course I don't do the math.

It was a good exercise, and it can't be proved or disproved anyway.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:37 PM
Got a wank lined up to watch. Later. xoxo

Wendy <3
02-11-2017, 07:39 PM
Looks like someone scored meth this weekend

CAG <3
02-11-2017, 07:40 PM

Wendy <3
02-11-2017, 07:43 PM
Be honest cat avatar guy is this stupid bitch really your friend now?

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:45 PM
Wendy you're the stupid bitch and no she isn't your friend.

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:45 PM
Wendy from eminem.com

Battery Bits
02-11-2017, 07:55 PM

ok but it's ok for him to talk about planck energy destabilising the universe but I'm not allowed to destabilise the universe by concieving of higher dimmensions than 10.... well I say fair's fair and I can.

Wendy <3
02-11-2017, 10:12 PM
Yeah wendy from eminem.com because i supposedly followed you here or something

02-11-2017, 10:24 PM
blowing my mind

Wendy <3
02-11-2017, 11:50 PM
Nortynippy did you ever talk to your rapist on facebook

CAG <3
02-12-2017, 11:44 AM
blowing my mind

02-12-2017, 09:54 PM

02-12-2017, 10:35 PM
is meant to be impossible but let me try.

If you can imagine the 10th dimension as all universes and all their possible outcomes (one universe with all possible outcomes is a point of infinity, from which you can imagine other infinite universes, an infinite amount again, to which you can imagine all as a single point as the 10th dimension) as a single point. Now once you have reduced the 10th dimension to a single point which is what we do to imagine each dimensions up until 10, why not "zoom in" a bit and apply the ekpyrotic universe model to this so instead of imagining it as a point imagine it as a flat membrane, a 2 dimensional object instead of a zero dimensional one. Now I will show you a picture...
Ok so now imagine all those branes in a line connected, so now all those branes (with all possible outcomes branching from them, but "zoomed out" so that firstly they are 2 dimensional, flat branes and then zoom out a little more until they are one dimensional, all the branes you could imagine as a single line, now twist that, so instead of imagining branes colliding flat side on, imagine yet another string of branes along side that string, and instead of the branes colliding flat side on along side each other in a one dimensional line imagine they collide on the zero dimensional edge with another 2 dimensional string of branes (because you have imagined all those branes like in that picture as a continual string) vibrating along side the first. And there, I think I just imagined the 11th dimension. Fucking eat that for breakfast bitches. Done my bit for the universe today.

my thread outlining how to obtain gordon's address and phone number, which was verified as real, was deleted by lisa bitching to ruby about me doxxing her.

unfortunately all you have to do is google "australian white pages" - click "residential" search for Gordon Mc_8urni3 (you know the name) and put the location to albury as that's what his linked in says....

so yeah if you wanted to call gordon and tell him about the accusations of sexual abuse lisa made against him online go ahead.

but id say im an obsessed bushpig. obsessed fucktards are more of a marco

02-12-2017, 10:39 PM
so (02) 6041 1131 then

02-12-2017, 10:39 PM
703 Uralla Ave, Albury NSW 2640

02-12-2017, 10:40 PM
(muhhahaha, etc)

02-12-2017, 10:40 PM
should etc be etKKK I forgot how flaggercat worked

Forum Fairy
02-12-2017, 11:14 PM