View Full Version : cag I installed the epic games and bethseda launchers just cause graphics

04-27-2017, 02:34 AM
unreal engine 4 and id tech except id and bethseda are the worst two developers of all time literally so just like the new doom I know this new quake is going to suck and then I will be uninstalling the bethseda launcher I just wanna check them graphics I'm not interested in unreal tournament either but those are some holy shit graphics so I'm hoping the launcher gets like a second life but with unreal engine 4 oh my GOD I love my computer dude I don't have the autism to enjoy all these shit games you fags make popular at least I get to see them in max graphics

04-27-2017, 02:34 AM
I really have no idea why anyone uses anything other than unreal engine 4 I understand 3 and them all looked like rubber but holy shit ue4 max settings wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cag wow

04-27-2017, 02:35 AM
ea games rules because instead of ue4 for andromeda they said fuck it just like dragon age insquistion we'll make a game with the call of duty engine that has no business using the call of duty engine while the only good engine ever made is finally out we better use our fucking battlefield engine though ea games challenges fucking everything dude ok god damn I love unreal engine 4 fuck ea games fuck bioware holy shit

04-27-2017, 02:38 AM
btw I'm waiting for a mod to finish development for fallout 4 that makes the settlements like sim city you put down zones and it randomly generates shit and things inside get messed with like everything's really lived in and shit instea dof the blank bull shit autism fucking gay shi tyou need real autism to play fallout 4 without terrabytes of mods but they need to make an entire game's worth of mods without a budget so it's taking for ever I dont' know if I will ever actually play fallout 4 again dude idk man I am so sick of I don't ever wanna play another bethseda or ea or bioware or ubisoft I am full on unreal engine 4 anything that doesn't use ue4 can fuck right the fuck off ok

04-27-2017, 02:45 AM
I think this paragon game for unreal launhcer is a dota 2 idk if yours and jon's computers can run it but even with amazing graphics I can't deal with these dota 2 games so give it a try and we'll play it if you can run it and if I can be a super almost naked chick at least

04-27-2017, 02:46 AM
you and jon playing smite gives me major douche chills idk how anyone who considers themselves a gamer can play shit like that that and overwatch and team fortress 2 and dreamcast

04-27-2017, 02:47 AM
I'm about to play some card game for elder scrolls that came out in 2014 that idk if I ever heard of it I guess not

04-27-2017, 03:07 AM
ok I'll continue to wait for mtgo to be redone again with these fucking dota 2 bull shit teknorat plays heartstone this is like that it's not like mtg it's more like fucking little kid fucking dota 2 cock sucking faggot fucking gay shit I didn't evne know what I was doing and just kept winning becase it's not a card game it's a linear fucking trickery like all the other dota 2 fucking autistic bull FUCKING SHIT CASUAL GAMER FUCKS

04-27-2017, 09:37 AM
You're still obsessed with cag

04-27-2017, 10:41 AM
You're still obsessed with cag

just like you are

we're both lonely faggots

04-27-2017, 11:33 AM
this is mad depressing man

04-27-2017, 11:34 AM
ok cag I uninstalled the bestheda launcher quake looks ok maxed just like the new doom it only looks ok it doesn't look great because both id and bethseda both have no right being game developers they just got in early and got lucky like so many others but they're together now because they're both the absoloute worse so graphics aside the new quake like the new doom like the new fallouts like the new elder scrolls will all be boring as SHIT not that unreal tournament is a good game and besides tha tI"m downloading a fucking smite clone right now actually I'll probably uninstall the epic launcher too the point is though ue4 fucking owns it looks great and runs great and can make great games

04-27-2017, 11:35 AM
I'd be depressed too if I had to work every day and still didn't have a titan friendly reminder me and ruby have the two best computers and neither of us work

04-27-2017, 11:36 AM
you have to go to work but I have to decide what game to settle on that has the best graphics and least boring gameplay actually my life is harder because all these games fucknig suck again thanks to idiots like you who play shit like overwatch and dota 2 and dreamcast in fucking 2017

04-27-2017, 11:39 AM
oh god it's unreal tournament, a side scroller, and two dota 2 games, yeah fuck the unreal launcher too but ue4's a good engine fucking I love ea games for switching to the call of duty engine for every game and especialy bioware for agreeing to use it idk how they managed to survive dragon age inwqutison I just installed it again yesterday and immediatlely uninstalled it because wow bad, lol, ugh you people all gotta die so I can get something besides beamng.drive alfuckingready

04-27-2017, 11:43 AM
it is funny that id and bestheda ended up together though because they really are the two fucking worst developers of all time

04-27-2017, 11:52 AM
Dont compare ourselves with you, it's really rude

04-27-2017, 02:15 PM
I would kill myself if there were any comparisons between us

did one of you try to troll me and report my garbage disposal as being broken thinking it'd troll me because it actually was broken the guy just showed up and replaced the switch that was broken and I never reported the switch or the disposal or anything I wonder if they were just trying to catch me riding dirty anyway with any luck I'll have my wal mart gift cards to get cigarettes some time tomorrow a full week without cigarettes and I am having zero addiction reactions because I don't have to rely on drugs to mentally get through my life just physically because I'm not a cody or a juggalo it suxxx

04-27-2017, 02:16 PM
I've given my neighbor several packs worth of cigaerttes she owes me big time I could ask her for one or the guy that wa sjust in here I coulda asked him but I also don't post dead cats and ask girls if I'm evil lol

CAG <3
04-27-2017, 02:33 PM
i dont even know what to say about this thread.

04-27-2017, 02:57 PM
Elz and me JO to your ass fisting video everyday

cause we will always be virgins

CAG <3
04-27-2017, 03:33 PM

04-27-2017, 03:58 PM
trump rules I now have 500 data and minutes web was minutes now it's its own thing but this is a no flip flip phone lol i'm typing with 1234567890 I gotta ask trump if he'll buy me a windows 10 phone this took so long to type

04-27-2017, 04:06 PM
steveyos wanna roll a myfarog character?

CAG <3
04-27-2017, 04:12 PM
trump rules I now have 500 data and minutes web was minutes now it's its own thing but this is a no flip flip phone lol i'm typing with 1234567890 I gotta ask trump if he'll buy me a windows 10 phone this took so long to type

trump is a man of the people

04-27-2017, 04:16 PM
trump is a man of the people

he's my new daddy but you can change my diaper

Wendy <3
04-27-2017, 04:48 PM
i dont even know what to say about this thread.

Just take him back so he'll shut the fuck up

04-27-2017, 04:57 PM
I'm the only person here who likes trump not for his theatrical racist bullshit but because he isn't and doesn't want me to be a drone like all of you he doesn't want me to end up reliant on cocaine because my life is a string of failed relationships and making someone else rich while I'm literally on a computer 24/7 and when not making someone else rich my only other online thing is talking to marco, thankfully trump knows NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE LIZARDS

04-27-2017, 05:00 PM
cag I only need like 4 bucks to get a pack of cigarettes I got 5 something in wal mart if jon doesn't mind then go ahead and tell deso to tell lexie to tell oval to holla @ me on skype I think I'd see a skype message and she's the only one on my skype but windows 10 is still garbage and oh you could text 14014002FJS if you can send me 5 dollars thanks

04-27-2017, 05:01 PM
oval's not a fucking loser like you people so she almost is never on her computer except when she's coding actual real life bridges that do shit like raise and lower and water in and out and shit I fuckin glove her so much she's actually smart unlike you fucking moronic fuckng script kiddie fucking retarded idiots anyway and I probably won't hear my phones even though I have four of them if I end up needing a cigarette that bad I'll just check this thread

04-27-2017, 05:02 PM
alright I'm about to play this smite dota 2 unreal engine 4 thing then uninstall it and play more andromeda I'm trying to find more shit to do in it I can't tell if you can get new missions from exploring or if I beat it lol fucking horrible shit fucking terrible games I hat eyou all a lot I really do I hate how fucking autistic you all are for real fucking wow

04-27-2017, 05:08 PM
ok paragon is exactly like smite as soon as I got to the first part to watch the ai pawn piece non important things swing shittily at each other with austici animaitons that do nothing no physics involved all just fucking numbers jus tlike smite and dota 2 it's not skill it's fucking numbers it's shit that can be done on a calculator it's not fun, fuck you cag, it's already uninstalld, as is the epic launcher, but unreal engine 4 still rules that's the good thing about epic is they've made almost zero games and instead just for like the past 20 years have worked solely on unreal engine just like valve half life might fucking suck but steam has given me almost no issues forever I can't even remember any so good for valve and good for epic here's hoping neither of htem ever make another game and just stick to ue4 and steam

04-27-2017, 05:13 PM
oh my god I just noticed that guy has a gun tattoo and I decided to listen it's the 2nd video I didn't watch the 1st but I got 12 seconds in he said rubyne tand I hit pause, you people are exactly like him, I can't fucking take this shit I can't deal with how horrible you are all and how shitty video games are beucase of how horrible you all are holy fucking shit wow wowowowowowowow

04-27-2017, 05:14 PM
that guy is fucking amazing holy shit

04-27-2017, 05:14 PM
at least the rest of you lizards are smart enough to not make videos only take pics of your icp clubhouse and hilarious looking faces

04-27-2017, 05:16 PM
does he think he's a ye olden english boxer oh wow what is going on I have to get the fuck away from all of you seriously you are literally friends with these people now I can't fucking take it dude cag please play games with me so I can stop posting here holy shti

04-27-2017, 05:17 PM

04-27-2017, 05:19 PM
that's the first time I've seen a charlie brown sweater tank top too he combined two no's to make a fuck no just like his hair and his tattoo it's all a bunch of no

CAG <3
04-27-2017, 05:20 PM
trump isn't even a real racist.

04-27-2017, 05:20 PM
cag I'm seriously going to kill myself beucase you all are real

04-27-2017, 05:22 PM
exactly trump isn't racist he isn't bulding a wall he said all that shit to get jon's vote because he knew people who really wanna make a difference like me don't waste their fucking time voting because before trump there's never been one president who mattered and the president as a title still means nothing literally trump just gets to do 1% of good and that's all he's allowed but idiots like jon vote so he gets their vote then I get to get rich and in return I give trump every penny he wants or needs forever after I'm rich I remain a loyal true friend and we smoke blunts far far far far far far far far far away from you drones

04-27-2017, 05:23 PM
it's a good thing I don't hav cigarttes I'd smoke the whole pack right now you're pissing me off cag I gotta go play mass effect even though it psises me off too

04-27-2017, 05:24 PM
also steveyos radio will have several songs by the gin blossoms fuck everybody gin blossoms fucking own

04-27-2017, 05:52 PM
Wow! im the gayest faggot in RI

CAG <3
04-27-2017, 07:36 PM
exactly trump isn't racist he isn't bulding a wall he said all that shit to get jon's vote because he knew people who really wanna make a difference like me don't waste their fucking time voting because before trump there's never been one president who mattered and the president as a title still means nothing literally trump just gets to do 1% of good and that's all he's allowed but idiots like jon vote so he gets their vote then I get to get rich and in return I give trump every penny he wants or needs forever after I'm rich I remain a loyal true friend and we smoke blunts far far far far far far far far far away from you drones

jon didn't actually vote for trump

04-27-2017, 07:54 PM
you need to leave that nerd and come live with me in my smelly shit hole apartment

04-27-2017, 08:02 PM
all you lizards reply to shit that's obviously something I couldn't care less about like who jon voted for or what pj's up to lol fuck you stupid like I fucking careeeeee caggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

04-27-2017, 08:36 PM
i can make you a can of beans and some mac n cheese on my hot plate

Wendy <3
04-27-2017, 09:51 PM
Kill yourself

04-27-2017, 09:58 PM
don't talk that way to your fellow lizard

04-27-2017, 10:29 PM
cag I keep forgetting about it but I got star citizen too that uses the cry engine which is what I wanna do every time I play an ubisoft developed far cry or any ubisoft game for that matter actually god damn crytek what did you do to yourselves warface is fucking garbage too you pieces of shit anyway idk what to even make of the cry engine nowadays star ctizien looks like ue4 except it runs like absoloute shit that's p much with the cry engine is makes me wanna cry

04-27-2017, 10:48 PM
i JO twice to this thread cause Cag is in love with me

04-27-2017, 11:39 PM
cag it's 1:30 AM I had just checked my email for koinme wal mart money alert still nothing, so a full week without cigarettes, literally I had to walk towards my aparmtnet from my van to use my wifi the 500mb obamamphone is a shitty ass phone it can't do live.com lol it even crashed after my post earler here, anyway so I walked back to my van and as I turned around to walk back inside a lady who always goes outside to smoke came out, perfect as fuck literally perfect timing as soon as I turned form my van towards my apartment she was opening the door, and since I don't have to rely on drugs and lies and icp and jay and sideshow bob roleplay to get me through the day, I didn't ask for a cigarette, don't worry though I am high I'm smoking pure resin I'm taking out of my larger but still small as fuck bowl and smoking it in my one hitter but it's good shit I think I gotta do it until monday it starts off as a wet tar type substance then you gotta keep inhaling and it dries into like a black hash you know a fucking resin bowl you fucking literal meth addict you know what I'm talking about except it's all high quality weed and I keep my bowl in my pocketbook so it doesn't get dirty either it's just completely full of unlimited resin it's nto even 1% empty yet and I've been doing it for about a week now also I'm waing for water to boil cause I'm making ramen cause I already had some spagett I only bought the ramen cause I was thinking about ramen the poster actually I wasn't it was just super cheap for a 12 pack and I am very poor because I don't actually ask for shit from anybody I actually want a cigarette really fucking bad a whole week is pretty good actually I don't actually care at fucking all I can't wait until I have enough weed where instead of smoking cigarettes every day I can just get sent fresh organic tobacco from my tobacco farms and smoke like well probably still every day if it's organic fresh tobacoo it depends on if it's they gotta the scientesits gotta do more tests to figure out if it's bad cause I heard some shti where the tobacco plant is about as bad as the marijuana plant which isn't bad at all and it's the chemicsls that get ya completely idk yet but I've yet to want anything gother than Newport 100's and americna apsirt god FKCING DAMMIT I HATE AUTO CAPS IT NEEDS TO STOP

04-27-2017, 11:40 PM
I am seriously microsoft stop and stop with fixing words too stop fixing my fuckin typos and putting capital letters I fucking am seriously dude fuck wow that ugh it keeps fixing my typos dude

04-27-2017, 11:41 PM
I am so happy I found out how shitty you all were at the same time cmirosfot decided to completely give up windows 10 is it that's it now we're done there is no more windows microsoft is done this shit is way too terrible and this new big update is still fucking god damned terrible it's amazing how bad windows 10 is it's so bad that I Don't even feel like making my post finish finsihhgn y other post, or this one, fucking fuck it leaves things like Don't that makes no sense I acicndtally did that and it ugh wow

04-27-2017, 11:53 PM

04-27-2017, 11:56 PM
Kill yourself

04-28-2017, 01:32 AM
Why dont you buy another pc with Ryzen cpu and 1920 x 1080 120hz monitor?

04-28-2017, 07:11 AM
cause i'm a lazy fucking asshole on welfare

04-28-2017, 07:26 AM
because I'm replying to you on my 1920x1080 monitor and I have an intel i7 why the fuck would I downgrade to amd lol

04-28-2017, 07:27 AM
tfw you guys know so much about technology that you can't comprehend that I play mass effect in 3360x2100 lol

04-28-2017, 07:31 AM
I wish nba 2k17 had females I can't tell if fifa 17 has mods it has females but no bikini's and I just looked into it and people are praising the frostbite 3 engine while also saying it probably can't be modded lol holy shit people human beings so bad sooooo bad

04-28-2017, 07:34 AM
lol in just one day I rose 11,097 in the einstein@home ranking holy fucking shit I love my computer boys

04-28-2017, 07:34 AM
I'm at 333 in the usa now

04-28-2017, 09:53 AM
because I'm replying to you on my 1920x1080 monitor and I have an intel i7 why the fuck would I downgrade to amd lol

Wrong, you retard
Look up ryzen vs last generation intel i7 performance benchmarks

04-28-2017, 11:04 AM
let me take advice from you since you're doing so great in life and have such a great computer and stuff all my computer can do right now is run every game maxed so clearly I don't know what I'm talking about

04-28-2017, 11:07 AM
And while it's fair to say the Ryzen launch went well for AMD in comparisons of pricing and professional application performance, gaming didn't paint the processor in a very good light at all.

04-28-2017, 11:08 AM
oh elz yes suddenly after 30 years a company that's been fucking terrible is suddnely fucking good, oh no wait they're not lol YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS RETARDED DEAL WITH IT

04-28-2017, 11:08 AM
of course knowing you you read the same article and just got confused because you're as good at english as amd is at making technology

04-28-2017, 11:10 AM
if anyone is wondering the ryzen is an amd cpu targeted towards poor people like elz, the article goes on about how it's cheap and does some shti good but sucks at gaming, this has been amd's niche for many many years and this new cpu is nothing to change that, fucking lol, again I cannot stress this enough I am so fucking happy I'm me and not any of you

04-28-2017, 11:11 AM
friendly reminder I'm running games maxed in 2017 on a pc I built in 2013, thank you intel thank you nvidia

04-28-2017, 11:53 AM
I've made $35 from koinme in a month lol fuck perk tv, except I only got 10 of it so far, today they're supposed to pay again, it's 2 PM, ther'es a guy outside who'd gladly give me a cigarette, and if I were a piece of shit like any of you I'd go ask, a full week without a cigarette but never a need to not have one they're all around me for free, god damn do I hate you all a lot

04-28-2017, 11:53 AM
wah wah I smoke four packs a day and do cocaine and can't keep a relationship and roleplay as sideshow bob oh look dead cats wow gabi am I evil?

04-28-2017, 11:54 AM
steveyos you're af ucking idiot *eats more and paints more icp logos in dirty house*

Wendy <3
04-28-2017, 11:56 AM
Why would anyone brag about playing that fag simulation ass effect game i don't get it. You're acting like the game has good graphics to begin with

04-28-2017, 11:58 AM
this is coming from a guy who plays dreamcast and the first xbox in 2017 nothing you say matters why can't you realize that

04-28-2017, 12:00 PM
you all have worse computers, vehicles, and hosues than me, nothing you say matters, accept it already, you are lizards, you mentioned mass effect like I'm not running anything new maxed, while I am running everything new maxed, you are very dumb, when I'm don emaking this post, I wll go play whatever game I want in max grpahics, while you will sit here and continuet o chat with marco and be mad and fat lol how's gabi how's pj you talk to girls all day too right just not here they don't wanna talk to you here but they talk to you elsewhere and shit righ tyour life is very together I should take the advice of everyone here who are all not lizards at all and your words should matter to me I should take them to heart so I can one day be a fat juggalo

04-28-2017, 12:19 PM
how's it going share your life's details with me I wanna know what it's like to be somebody

04-28-2017, 12:20 PM
I hate that I lost weight, I hate that I don't like icp, I hate that I don't need cocaine to get through the day, fuckng please people tell me all abvout your amazing lives

04-28-2017, 12:39 PM
Steveyos called me retard when he said everything is wrong, he must have mental illness

Wendy <3
04-28-2017, 02:17 PM
Stevey is fat and lazy = everyone else is fat and lazy
Stevey is a worthless welfare leach that never works = everyone else is a welfare leach that never works
Stevey has never had a gf and creeps all females out = everyone here creeps all females out
Stevey has no home and has a shitty overpriced vehicle = everyone else is homeless and has shitty overpriced vehicles
Stevey wastes money on shitty electronics = everyone else buys shitty electronics
Stevey is an insane virgin retard = everyone here is an insane virgin retard
Stevey doesn't know how to do the most basic things in life = everyone here also doesn't know how to do the most basic things in life

Anything else I'm missing? I don't think I've ever seen someone project more and live in constant denial in all my life

04-28-2017, 02:20 PM


04-28-2017, 02:33 PM
ThereS more to life than video games

04-28-2017, 03:29 PM
thank God i'll never have any children since im steril and my balls are rotting

04-28-2017, 03:32 PM
pretty soon when i get my hormone script i can grow hairy tits

i'll just have this micro penis and hairy tits to play with

no balls since they will drop off soon

04-28-2017, 04:17 PM
deso or cag sum up jj's wall of rage for me please

04-28-2017, 06:30 PM
In more words we are a projection of all your insecurities

04-28-2017, 09:08 PM
yeah so in other words me getting down to 180 pounds and having a computer that's been running games maxed since 2013 isn't as good as him being fatter than I ever was and having to resort to playing the original xbox in 2017 that and I also am not cool enough to talk to marco he got me relaly good then

04-28-2017, 09:09 PM
I also don't spray paint my house full of icp logos and also never clean it he got me there too I wish I was a fat fuck rolling around in shit covered icp logos talking to marco with a computer that can't even run dreamcast games lol damn fuck I'm mad now

04-28-2017, 09:10 PM
I'm literally jealous as fuck as every single person here all of you really got yoru shit together I'm really fucking mad

CAG <3
04-28-2017, 09:18 PM
pretty soon when i get my hormone script i can grow hairy tits


04-28-2017, 11:26 PM
idk how that's funny I'd be doing that to get rid of my hairy tits it annoys me that you luahged at something so stupid

04-28-2017, 11:32 PM
what's really annoying is how annoying i really am

i don't think i can JO to you anymore

CAG <3
04-29-2017, 10:51 AM
ok lol

04-29-2017, 02:05 PM
I'm a fat faggot

04-29-2017, 07:57 PM
Paid by
Kenneth Rankine

09-02-2018, 09:27 PM
Boney ass slut