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Love Fool
06-06-2017, 06:22 PM
Erotomania centers around thoughts of unrequited love. The person affected thinks that another person is in love with them, usually someone who is a celebrity or even someone who is of higher standing in the erotomaniac's social group. Sometimes, it involves a stranger.
It is actually quite rare and little is known about why it occurs. Erotomania is not simply an obsession, simple unrequited love or hypersexuality. Usually the delusion involves an unshakebale belief that the admirer is using gestures, secret looks, or even putting thoughts into the deluded person's head.
Often, the disorder is expressed as an added symptom of bipolar mania, schizophrenia, and other forms of psychosis, but this is not always the case. Famous American rap musicians have been the target of these delusions, by fans intent on getting their attention, sometimes leading to stalking or other kinds of socially disruptive, even dangerous, behaviour. If you suspect a person you know displays these tendencies, it may be best to get them help by referring them to a psychiatrist.

The song Stan, by Eminem (Marshal Mathers) involves a fan with erotomania.
