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View Full Version : this looks exactly like lexie and with the giant boobs it might actually be her typical camera in front of face bulshit of corus

11-26-2017, 04:05 PM

11-26-2017, 04:06 PM
it's about seven years old and back then she sent me a video of her playing with her dog in a skirt and her legs looked exactly like that too but I never seen her boobs that was why I always liked her she never even showed cleavage now I know it was because she was just always wearing a sweater if you knwol what I mean (hairy bitch)

11-30-2017, 11:57 PM
you know what I bet I'm feeling the same feeling pj felt when you creeped her the fuck out I'm literlaly a girl being creeped on right now I literally don't like this lol why are you so fucking obsessed with me dude I don't remember bumping threads so clay didn't see it no I don't remember any of that you psycho holy shit dude do you not understand can you not seriously understand that I don't care about anything that's even happened with you or anybody online holy shit wow I need two restraining orders you are both fucking straight up bonkers

12-01-2017, 12:31 AM
oval doesn't talk to lexie any more either and she's a girl and we were all inseperatable until lexie joined the alien cult, I didn't scare lexie away but again can we please ignore reality I was talking to two girls who also talked to each other and now me and the girl who didn't join the cult still talk and neither of us talk to lexie plus deso and ruby were both in the skype group chat when all this happened again there's literally proof I was the one who stopped talking to lexie AGAIN what the fuck is wrong with your brain PLEASE tell me how this is supposed to troll me please tell me how posting a pic of a girl that looks like a girl I know is any kind of problem at all please explain yourself for once I can't read your mind I don't know why you think your posts are good please

12-01-2017, 12:32 AM
if this is cag's fault I owe her my life because what she did was make me realize you people stink lmao