View Full Version : Drawn and animated zoophilia/bestiality are ok.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 07:01 PM

Certified Lily
01-20-2018, 07:11 PM
You just can't quit can you

well it does not have it there

smart ass

you don't understand those kind of forums like mine

So stop starting shit over stupid things

main thing is that shit you posted about me was not true

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 07:13 PM
what is wrong with you exactly

Certified Lily
01-20-2018, 07:18 PM
Yada Yada Yada

your hidden

Certified Lily
01-20-2018, 07:19 PM
nobody cares

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 07:21 PM
your right i don't understand cartoon porn fourms where you openly cyber fuck pre teens and post beastality

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 07:22 PM
the one thing i do understand is your a sick freak who needs to stop posting at this family friendly fourm

Certified Lily
01-20-2018, 07:23 PM
what is wrong with you exactlyWhat's wrong with you exactly?

I made a list go look at it

01-20-2018, 07:24 PM
I could hit the character limit answering that question

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 07:24 PM
make a list full of other fourms, go to those fourms and post there, make another list on why you should not post here, at the top of that list put 1. NOBODY LIKES LILY AT RUBYNET

01-20-2018, 07:27 PM
I don't understand why so many people feel entitled to force themselves on a community that doesn't want them

01-20-2018, 07:28 PM
lily might be a baby boomer but she sure thinks like a millenial

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:06 PM
 GxAQGyslHyYvMC0vMi8tLS0wKy0tLy0tLzUtLS0tLTUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLy0tLS0tLS0vLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMoA+gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYBBwj/xAA+EAABAwEEBwUGBAUFAQEAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFBkFRYXGBEyIykaEHQrHB0fAjUmLhFHKCkrIVQ6LC8VMX/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBAgMFBv/EADARAAICAQQBAgMHBAMAAAAAAAABAgMRBBIhMUETIlFhoQUjUnGBkdEUQuHwFTIz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDMSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiU2aiSK7d4UZRO1j0olJvYSksqA5FCkmS4SXLQ5KJTcEdQCOM7Eo FUhYpl7aXXjPkVKJSULQyFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFIXEIA6hcQgDqFyUSgDqFyUSgDqFyUSgDsrqTK6gBuUSkSiUALlEpEolAC5RKRKJQ AuUFTdC6KqWt5p04ENLiTMQNmAJJJMAKyr2SzWINNdlSvUc281hD6NMYxLrwDyM+cHmqSmlwXjBy6MpWJBzHT6bFHccZK2lu0+bV SFAWejSZMm4wTngAT4fn6KoGj2zwGX1SsrVnk6FdEmirqlzhMGBhwTIpuadoKt69hvwGvcLpwhxA8sjyKh1W3Za50uBzjCMMOCrG eei86sdjjqphrnYG6PQmEhlpbGJI4R6DFTW0BVY2TkI44YKPaNHhjZDp58lFc9rLW1OaXlCW1mnI+eCWVXVacQd4ldo1y379CmVY xKVC8cFhKJSGPDss930+iJW0ZJ9C0oOLwxcolIlEqSouUSkSiUALlEpEolAC5RKRK7KAFSiUmUSgBUolJlEoAXK6Cm5XQUANISZX 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qVqjnvObnGSUwlYaOC5lyxueum+I8L6nS4olcQnBE7KLy4hAHbyLy4rbVfQxttobSm6zxVHflYMyOJwA4kKJNRWWTGLk8It9UtU2 aRYbleoyo0m+DRL6cYQRUDgAYPhOOGC9p0Bo7+GoU7OX3wxgbeOBMZd3HZxVVZKlKiHUaYbTpUQCWxDKLYm/WdtqHODjiCdpFRZ9d6dy0Wq6f4ai4MomTfr1iJiNgjHkZ2QOTbKd3XR2KoQpXPf8ABS6V1x/07SlpFw1KThTa9oMEODQS5uyZJkbVc0PaFYaok1X0zuewz5tkeq8e0hbX16r61Qy97i5xyxJ2Dco6bejhJLPeBNa6yMnjrJ7lS1w snu2ymOZI+IUqnrXRPhtdI/1sXgaFR6CHxNV9pT8xR9Af62x3+/TPJ7fqnP8AUZyqDoQvntAwVf8Aj1+L6F19pv8AD9f8H0TR0i4bQU7TrUi4F9JkyO8WtmZwxjevnVldzcQ9w5EhWVj1mtdHwWl/JxvjydKq9A11IsvtGD/7RPpA1w0gDbJOOXPgszpDUnR9oq9q6i0OmXBhLWOP6mDDyiV5vQ9ptqiKlOm/+5vniVE0h7QrZVBawspD9A739zpjoqw0tyfDx+oS1Wna55/Q9I0tqboowHMZSeSA248tvGfDdmIPpvC9A0LZTZbMym0tcymwhsEuhjS64J96G3RP6eK8L9mliNZ9W11SXuBDGlxk3j3nOk7YgdS vTbDpCpR8DsPynFvls6Lb05R4csmEmrOYrB4PrRpb+Ltde0ERfqEgRENGDRHIBVl5P6VqB9eq5vhdVeW8i4kKKnl0IPsXeReSEKS Bd5LBTKdbkgBlyE4QiEANoTkLkIAQhOQuQgBCE5CIQA2hLhdhADasdD6cr2S8aD7heACYBIiYIvAwcTjmoMLsKGk1hkptPKLrTet NW0022drRSoNxNNpJL3ky6pVecajiccf3VO61PLBSLzca4uDZ7oc4AF0b4AxSYXIURiorCJlOUnlsQhOQuQrFRCE5CIQA2hLhdhA DaEuF2EANoTkLkIAuNVtY32GoSBeY6L7JiYyIOwjFaTTXtEv0yyz0nMc4QXvI7s53QNvFYSFyFVwTeS6sklhCEJyEQrFBtCXC7CA G083JIhOBAH//2Q==

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:06 PM
 GxAQGyslHyYvMC0vMi8tLS0wKy0tLy0tLzUtLS0tLTUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLy0tLS0tLS0vLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMoA+gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYBBwj/xAA+EAABAwEEBwUGBAUFAQEAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFBkFRYXGBEyIykaEHQrHB0fAjUmLhFHKCkrIVQ6LC8VMX/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBAgMFBv/EADARAAICAQQBAgMHBAMAAAAAAAABAgMRBBIhMUETIlFhoQUjUnGBkdEUQuHwFTIz/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDMSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFSiU2aiSK7d4UZRO1j0olJvYSksqA5FCkmS4SXLQ5KJTcEdQCOM7Eo FUhYpl7aXXjPkVKJSULQyFSiUlCAFSiUlCAFIXEIA6hcQgDqFyUSgDqFyUSgDqFyUSgDsrqTK6gBuUSkSiUALlEpEolAC5RKRKJQ AuUFTdC6KqWt5p04ENLiTMQNmAJJJMAKyr2SzWINNdlSvUc281hD6NMYxLrwDyM+cHmqSmlwXjBy6MpWJBzHT6bFHccZK2lu0+bV SFAWejSZMm4wTngAT4fn6KoGj2zwGX1SsrVnk6FdEmirqlzhMGBhwTIpuadoKt69hvwGvcLpwhxA8sjyKh1W3Za50uBzjCMMOCrG eei86sdjjqphrnYG6PQmEhlpbGJI4R6DFTW0BVY2TkI44YKPaNHhjZDp58lFc9rLW1OaXlCW1mnI+eCWVXVacQd4ldo1y379CmVY xKVC8cFhKJSGPDss930+iJW0ZJ9C0oOLwxcolIlEqSouUSkSiUALlEpEolAC5RKRK7KAFSiUmUSgBUolJlEoAXK6Cm5XQUANISZX 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qVqjnvObnGSUwlYaOC5lyxueum+I8L6nS4olcQnBE7KLy4hAHbyLy4rbVfQxttobSm6zxVHflYMyOJwA4kKJNRWWTGLk8It9UtU2 aRYbleoyo0m+DRL6cYQRUDgAYPhOOGC9p0Bo7+GoU7OX3wxgbeOBMZd3HZxVVZKlKiHUaYbTpUQCWxDKLYm/WdtqHODjiCdpFRZ9d6dy0Wq6f4ai4MomTfr1iJiNgjHkZ2QOTbKd3XR2KoQpXPf8ABS6V1x/07SlpFw1KThTa9oMEODQS5uyZJkbVc0PaFYaok1X0zuewz5tkeq8e0hbX16r61Qy97i5xyxJ2Dco6bejhJLPeBNa6yMnjrJ7lS1w snu2ymOZI+IUqnrXRPhtdI/1sXgaFR6CHxNV9pT8xR9Af62x3+/TPJ7fqnP8AUZyqDoQvntAwVf8Aj1+L6F19pv8AD9f8H0TR0i4bQU7TrUi4F9JkyO8WtmZwxjevnVldzcQ9w5EhWVj1mtdHwWl/JxvjydKq9A11IsvtGD/7RPpA1w0gDbJOOXPgszpDUnR9oq9q6i0OmXBhLWOP6mDDyiV5vQ9ptqiKlOm/+5vniVE0h7QrZVBawspD9A739zpjoqw0tyfDx+oS1Wna55/Q9I0tqboowHMZSeSA248tvGfDdmIPpvC9A0LZTZbMym0tcymwhsEuhjS64J96G3RP6eK8L9mliNZ9W11SXuBDGlxk3j3nOk7YgdS vTbDpCpR8DsPynFvls6Lb05R4csmEmrOYrB4PrRpb+Ltde0ERfqEgRENGDRHIBVl5P6VqB9eq5vhdVeW8i4kKKnl0IPsXeReSEKS Bd5LBTKdbkgBlyE4QiEANoTkLkIAQhOQuQgBCE5CIQA2hLhdhADasdD6cr2S8aD7heACYBIiYIvAwcTjmoMLsKGk1hkptPKLrTet NW0022drRSoNxNNpJL3ky6pVecajiccf3VO61PLBSLzca4uDZ7oc4AF0b4AxSYXIURiorCJlOUnlsQhOQuQrFRCE5CIQA2hLhdhA DaEuF2EANoTkLkIAuNVtY32GoSBeY6L7JiYyIOwjFaTTXtEv0yyz0nMc4QXvI7s53QNvFYSFyFVwTeS6sklhCEJyEQrFBtCXC7CA G083JIhOBAH//2Q==


Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:07 PM
Phahahaha ok

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:09 PM
I enforce them all my mods and Admin have to

Lily is online now
Lily's Avatar

Join Date
Jan 2004

Post Rules

Forum Rules as of 2/11/09
Ok Guys and Gals, Here's the rules. They have changed just a little bit.

1) RESPECT! Respect Each other, I will respect you and let you know if there is a problem. I will not ban you for no reason. In turn, please respect Me and the mods. I am here for the members of the forum, please let me know if you have any problems with any of the other members or any of the Mods.

2) No thread spamming. It's stupid and makes the forums slower for everyone.

3) No post spamming unless it's in a thread about spamming (let's count threads).

4) No Loli/Shota material. Everyone has an opinion about this but I don't want it on this forum. There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.

5) No real life child pornography either. Not even implied CP.

6) No real life zoophilia/bestiality. Drawn and animated zoophilia/bestiality are ok.

7) No real life watersports or scat. Drawn and animated watersports are ok. Manga/hentai/comix only.

8) No promoting your own forums or hentai blogs, except in your sig or as your home page in your profile.

9) No multi-accounts, want your name changed PM me.

10) Please don't bump year old threads, or those that have not been posted in for 3 months or more

11) Signatures and Avatars : If your sigs are to big, you have 24 hours to change it
The maximum size of your custom image is 650 by 300 pixels or 122.1 KB (whichever is smaller).
The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 100.0 KB (whichever is smaller).

To all users: Please remember to report any rule violations by using the Report Post button () at the bottom of the offending post. Make sure to include a short reason statement. Do not spam threads with needless flamewars.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:09 PM
lol most of the users at lily's sick pedofile fourm wanted to post child porn but lily did not want to loose her hosting lmao,how many cp pics where traded via the pm system there(alot)

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:10 PM
Drawn bestiality is legal.... but it has really long picture links

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:10 PM
lol most of the users at lily's sick pedofile fourm wanted to post child porn but lily did not want to loose her hosting lmao,how many cp pics where traded via the pm system there(alot)

Just stop it dp, you're sick

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:11 PM
ya i'm the run that ran a child porn sharing fourm

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:11 PM
i;m the one that sticks up for a subhuman retard who fucks little kids

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:12 PM
ya i'm the run that ran a child porn sharing fourm

Oh she did not

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:13 PM
i;m the one that sticks up for a subhuman retard who fucks little kids

She does not fuck little kids, stop fucking posting that everywhere

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:13 PM
did you ever go to her fourm lisa?

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:13 PM
did you ever go to her fourm lisa?


Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:13 PM
the awnser is no, i did, and i fucked it up after i saw what was going on,, like pre teen kids posting with kent and lily some super sick sex shit it was horrible, lily is horrible fuck off lisa

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:14 PM
But I sure as hell will not take YOUR word for it.

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:14 PM
the awnser is no, i did, and i fucked it up after i saw what was going on,, like pre teen kids posting with kent and lily some super sick sex shit it was horrible, lily is horrible fuck off lisa
You fuck off, how do you know they were kids?

01-20-2018, 09:15 PM
Drawn bestiality is legal.... but it has really long picture links

pfft hahaha

01-20-2018, 09:16 PM
lisa has 2 degrees, she's way smarter than any of us that's how she knows that was a really long image link

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:16 PM
jesus i asked there age, one was 14, a furry kid the other was fucking 12 lisa, it was so gross

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:17 PM
But I sure as hell will not take YOUR word for it.

you will take the word of a woman who ran a fourm, where a major debate was the posting of loli child porn and it's legaligty

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:17 PM
your a fucking idoit lisa

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:19 PM
jesus i asked there age, one was 14, a furry kid the other was fucking 12 lisa, it was so gross

They should have been banned

I don't think she is a pedophile though and she isn't leaving so stop shitting up the forum about fucking little kids, how does that help anything?

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:20 PM
and yet they where not banned, they where cyberfucked by creepy 60 year old jaintors

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:20 PM
you will take the word of a woman who ran a fourm, where a major debate was the posting of loli child porn and it's legaligty

I don't know whether to believe you because you have made up lies about me fucking kids dp, what do you expect me to believe after that?

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:20 PM
and lily facilitated all of this , keep standing up for a pedofile, it's really cool lisa

01-20-2018, 09:21 PM
nobody made anything up about you, the guy whose baby you aborted told us you fucked a kid and he was in a position to know

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:21 PM
I don't know whether to believe you because you have made up lies about me fucking kids dp, what do you expect me to believe after that?

she littlery just posted her rules from her cartoon porn forum where she said it was a major debate, like 20 times for no reason do you read lily's posts or just look at her goth avatars

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:22 PM
and peter quinn said you fucked those kids lisa, i did not make that up, he said it, and by god i belive him

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:23 PM
and peter quinn said you fucked those kids lisa, i did not make that up, he said it, and by god i belive him

That is utter bullshit, I have never fucked any kids, nor was I ever fired from teaching.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:24 PM
why would peter make that up

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:25 PM
I enforce them all my mods and Admin have to

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Jan 2004

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Forum Rules as of 2/11/09
Ok Guys and Gals, Here's the rules. They have changed just a little bit.

1) RESPECT! Respect Each other, I will respect you and let you know if there is a problem. I will not ban you for no reason. In turn, please respect Me and the mods. I am here for the members of the forum, please let me know if you have any problems with any of the other members or any of the Mods.

2) No thread spamming. It's stupid and makes the forums slower for everyone.

3) No post spamming unless it's in a thread about spamming (let's count threads).

4) No Loli/Shota material. Everyone has an opinion about this but I don't want it on this forum. There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.
nclude a short reason statement. Do not spam threads with needless flamewars.[/QUOTE]

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:25 PM
eg the user base where pedofiles who got off on child porn, it made me littlery sick to my stomach

01-20-2018, 09:26 PM
honestly the part you didn't bold is even worse

"There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know."

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:27 PM
lol she called the pedofiles experts

There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:27 PM
ya i just read that, her experts, the ones that fuck childern expert child fuckers

01-20-2018, 09:27 PM
just ask (if something is child porn) and I'm sure the experts (experts on child porn) here (on lily's pedophile forum) will let you know (whether the thing you posted is child porn)

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:28 PM
hey ban lily jesus chirst

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:28 PM
why would peter make that up

He's a convicted pedophile who is a meth junky. He's sick in the head. If you believe that then you are a pile of shit. I was a TEACHER, you think I could have fucked little kids without being convicted? You think I have paperwork in my boot saying I fucked kids? Get real

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:29 PM
is he an expert lisa

01-20-2018, 09:30 PM
I think you're crazy enough to qualify for mental disability for the last like 10 years, you have dissassociative states and delusions where your cat is your mother and you throw all your clothes out in the yard for no reason, so why should anyone believe a word out of your mouth

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:31 PM
you got pregrant by this man, lmao , lisa, your high moral ground its not there, and now your standing up for lily who ran a fourm filled with pedofiles

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:34 PM
There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:34 PM
is he an expert lisa

I think he made it up because I posted all those news stories about his repeat sex offenses

He also stalked me for years, you saw some of the letters I got from prison.

I have no criminal record, would never hurt a kid and I'm not attracted to them, I just want to give them xmas everyday, I get clucky. Kids generally like me, so do animals and I don't fuck either of them. I was raped as a kid and I don't like all this bullshit dp. I am an open and honest person, that is why you know a lot of not so good stuff about me but that shit is NOT true, I would NEVER do that, it upsets me and sickens me.

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:36 PM
There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.
That is not cool, did lily post that?

01-20-2018, 09:36 PM
if you care so much about children why did you murder one

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:39 PM
I enforce them all my mods and Admin have to

Lily is online now
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Join Date
Jan 2004

Post Rules

Forum Rules as of 2/11/09
Ok Guys and Gals, Here's the rules. They have changed just a little bit.

1) RESPECT! Respect Each other, I will respect you and let you know if there is a problem. I will not ban you for no reason. In turn, please respect Me and the mods. I am here for the members of the forum, please let me know if you have any problems with any of the other members or any of the Mods.

2) No thread spamming. It's stupid and makes the forums slower for everyone.

3) No post spamming unless it's in a thread about spamming (let's count threads).

4) No Loli/Shota material. Everyone has an opinion about this but I don't want it on this forum. There are many other places online that you can share it. If you're not sure if something is loli/shota just ask and I'm sure the experts here will let you know.
nclude a short reason statement. Do not spam threads with needless flamewars.[/QUOTE]
Oh I see, it's in her rules.

That is fucked up to be honest

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:46 PM
lisa back pedals on supporting a pedofiles right to post lmao

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:47 PM
I don't know. First of all if you see any cp it's not just a matter of deleting it and banning, you need to go to the police. I mean you shouldn't have to specify not to post that kind of thing and if you see that kind of thing you need to tell the feds. I think her wording kind of implies they were experts in cp.... that was retarded. You should not have kids around the forum, kids should have been banned. I don't give a fuck about drawn bestiality, not my cup of tea though.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:48 PM
I don't know. First of all if you see any cp it's not just a matter of deleting it and banning, you need to go to the police. I mean you shouldn't have to specify not to post that kind of thing and if you see that kind of thing you need to tell the feds. I think her wording kind of implies they were experts in cp.... that was retarded. You should not have kids around the forum, kids should have been banned. I don't give a fuck about drawn bestiality, not my cup of tea though.

it's a matter of she hosted a fourm, that attrached pedofiles by great numbers, there where teens intermixed with the pedofiles, it was gross i ssaw it first hand, then i did something about it and deleted her child rapist fourm

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:51 PM
kent and lily are not good hearted people, they are fucking sickos

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:51 PM
it's a matter of she hosted a fourm, that attrached pedofiles by great numbers, there where teens intermixed with the pedofiles, it was gross i ssaw it first hand, then i did something about it and deleted her child rapist fourm

That may be the case but I don't think that was her intention, I think she was just stupid and didn't know what was going on.

I can see why you are mad though but you can't blame me for being hesitant on this because you've run around telling people I fucked kids before and that was NOT fucking true and just really fucked up. You're the boy who cried wolf here to me.

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 09:52 PM
Also if you saw all this dp you should have reported it to the feds

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:55 PM
again she was smart enough to know not to let them post the cp right out in the open, but ugh you know they where sharing that shit via skype and shit so fucking gross

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 09:55 PM
That may be the case but I don't think that was her intention, I think she was just stupid and didn't know what was going on.

I can see why you are mad though but you can't blame me for being hesitant on this because you've run around telling people I fucked kids before and that was NOT fucking true and just really fucked up. You're the boy who cried wolf here to me.

she knew exactly what was going on, read her insane rules

Dirty Harry
01-20-2018, 10:23 PM
kent and lily are not good hearted people, they are fucking sickos
Lily & me are good and kind until someone is mean to us.

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 10:24 PM
Lily & me are good and kind until someone is mean to us.

Were there kids in that forum?

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:24 PM
Lily & me are good and kind until someone is mean to us.

ya you two are amercian hero's who ran a fourm full of pedofiles who would groom kids right out in the open(i might add you cyberfucked these kids publicly you sick faggot)

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:25 PM
Were there kids in that forum?

yes ask the guy who would post porn with 14 year old furries if there where kids

01-20-2018, 10:27 PM
Lily & me are good and kind until someone is mean to us.

so you're racists and pedophiles but at least you're nice

Dirty Harry
01-20-2018, 10:28 PM
Were there kids in that forum?
No Autistic Spectrum is mad because ether me or Lily banned him that way hes saying shit about Lily's forum.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:28 PM
politeness matters

Wendy <3
01-20-2018, 10:28 PM
Lily & me are good and kind until someone is mean to us.

You banned me there for no reason you nazi fuck

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:29 PM
No Autistic Spectrum is mad because ether me or Lily banned him that way hes saying shit about Lily's forum.

because you had 14 year olds posting there and it was full of pedofiles, ya i should have just followed the rules lily layed out instead of deleteing your shitty peodfile fourm

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:29 PM
i was super mad you banned me, then i was super mad we tricked you retards into beliving we where other people and becoming mod and deleting the entire fourm

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 10:33 PM
so upset kent, i am also mad you clean toliets for a living and lived with your mother till she died 5 years ago, i'm mad because you are nicer than me, i'm mad at all of this, Im mad as fuck kent

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 10:36 PM
No Autistic Spectrum is mad because ether me or Lily banned him that way hes saying shit about Lily's forum.

I mean seriously though, if there were kids in that forum it's not ok and also the rules are kind of suspect.

Cams Purple Lambo
01-20-2018, 10:37 PM
kent jacina....the pride of the youngstown state university janitorial services crew!!!!

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 10:38 PM
because you had 14 year olds posting there and it was full of pedofiles, ya i should have just followed the rules lily layed out instead of deleteing your shitty peodfile fourm

Dp if you are lying about this I will never forgive you. I've stayed in their corner all along until now. Now I don't know what to think anymore. I better not be being gaslighted.

Dirty Harry
01-20-2018, 10:58 PM
Dp if you are lying about this I will never forgive you. I've stayed in their corner all along until now. Now I don't know what to think anymore. I better not be being gaslighted.

Yes you are being gas-lighted You know me on you forums you used to have. If those thing were going on Lily Forum I would not still posting there(I am the only one there) and I would not be her friend.

01-20-2018, 11:00 PM
I used to trade cp in private messages on ez magna all the time, dp is right like half the forum was just guys trading cp to each other even pedro was in on it

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:00 PM
Yes you are being gas-lighted You know me on you forums you used to have. If those thing were going on Lily Forum I would not still posting there(I am the only one there) and I would not be her friend.

kent you are either too stupid to know what was going on(you could def make a case for that) or you have pensions toward's childern, on lily's fourm where you aruging for or agasint the user bases right to post loli

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:00 PM
when we broke in the database in the admin panel on ezmanga, god dam the shit that was happening in those pm's made me physicasll ill

01-20-2018, 11:02 PM
I still have some of the pictures I traded for on ez magna, don't tell my PO lol

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:08 PM
Yes you are being gas-lighted You know me on you forums you used to have. If those thing were going on Lily Forum I would not still posting there(I am the only one there) and I would not be her friend.

Yeah I can't trust dp and you've never lied to me.

You only post adult porn and you're an adult so I'm going to believe you. I was just worried that there really were kids there but at the end of the day dp is demented and has made up shit about me fucking kids and fucking my dad before so I can't believe his bullshit.

01-20-2018, 11:09 PM
you wanna get someone banned lisa why aren't you fopcusing on bje he's a much bigger problem

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:09 PM
kent you are either too stupid to know what was going on(you could def make a case for that) or you have pensions toward's childern, on lily's fourm where you aruging for or agasint the user bases right to post loli

No he's only interested in adults

Cams Purple Lambo
01-20-2018, 11:09 PM
harry what does gas-lighted mean?

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:11 PM
um you said your gordon fucked with you, for one, lisa , two peter quinn the father of your dead child clearly and plainly said you sucked middle schoolers dicks, your instinct is horrible for people, its why you have gotten molested so many many times, maybe you should read between the lines of how kent and lily are then take them at face value, do you think someone's who's into fucking kids is gonna be like ya lol i love dem kiddies,, no they arn't

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:12 PM
No he's only interested in adults

and yet he was a mod on a fourm filled with pedofiles, and would cyber fuck 14 year old furries, your totally wrong about all of this, mostly because you where not there when lily's fourm was active and even if you where you would not be able to see it for what it acutally was because your not too bright

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:16 PM
and yet he was a mod on a fourm filled with pedofiles, and would cyber fuck 14 year old furries, your totally wrong about all of this, mostly because you where not there when lily's fourm was active and even if you where you would not be able to see it for what it acutally was because your not too bright

I'm smarter than you

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:16 PM
um you said your gordon fucked with you, for one, lisa , two peter quinn the father of your dead child clearly and plainly said you sucked middle schoolers dicks, your instinct is horrible for people, its why you have gotten molested so many many times, maybe you should read between the lines of how kent and lily are then take them at face value, do you think someone's who's into fucking kids is gonna be like ya lol i love dem kiddies,, no they arn't

I never said that at all, YOU said that.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:17 PM
ya your a genuis lisa, your life story would be a cross between croccidle dundee and good will hunting, the smartest bogan on penguin island

01-20-2018, 11:17 PM
I'm smarter than you

that's a really long image link you got there lisa

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:18 PM
I never said that at all, YOU said that.

you said you don't talk to your father gordon anymore, because of what he did, i think the entire fourm assumed he fiddled your bits because your bits have been fiddled with so many times it just makes sense

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:18 PM
but by all means come out with the real reason you hate gordon so much

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:22 PM
but by all means come out with the real reason you hate gordon so much

Like I always said you retarded sicko because he physically assaulted me one too many times

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:23 PM
its hard to keep track of who beat you up and who raped you, and who raped you and beat you up lisa

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:24 PM
and now you are defending pedofiles and there right to congeragte on internet fourms lisa you do all this to yourself

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:29 PM
its hard to keep track of who beat you up and who raped you, and who raped you and beat you up lisa

Not really you’re just a liar, you still say all the time I fucked middle schoolers, you know that’s bullshit so fuck you.

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:32 PM
peters story sounded true to me

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:32 PM
and everyone else, why would he make something like that up

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:34 PM
peters story sounded true to me


Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:39 PM
lisa you used to sit naked in a room full of internet strangers, your sexual prowress lends to peters story

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:39 PM
so gangbangs and cyberfucking a room full of guys is ok, but blowing a couple teens in high school, ya thats not in your wheel house

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:41 PM
lisa you used to sit naked in a room full of internet strangers, your sexual prowress lends to peters story

I showed my tits to adults, you tried to cyber fuck lily who you claim is a pedophile ( you claim I’m a pedophile too) and you showed me your dick and say you’re going to fuck me

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:42 PM
oh i'm gonna fuck you lisa just to shut you up

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:42 PM
and i'm gonna troll lily untill i kill her

01-20-2018, 11:42 PM
is it possible you were in a disassociated state when you blew that kid? would you even know you'd done it?

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:42 PM
What gang bangs? Oh did your trustworthy friend Peter tell you that too?

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:43 PM
you say 3 somes i say gang bangs

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:43 PM
tomoate tomoatios's

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:44 PM
is it possible you were in a disassociated state when you blew that kid? would you even know you'd done it?yes I remember afterwards when I’m better, that’s how I know I did things and thought things like my Mum being a cat

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:45 PM
It does take time to remember though. Also I’ve never been convicted of anything at all

Autistic Spectrum
01-20-2018, 11:45 PM
yes I remember afterwards when I’m better, that’s how I know I did things and thought things like my Mum being a cat

you ever think it's flipped lisa, and your mom really is a cat,

Battery Bits
01-20-2018, 11:48 PM
you ever think it's flipped lisa, and your mom really is a cat,

01-20-2018, 11:54 PM
Those symptoms don't match the clinical definition of disassociation. It sounds more like you had a bad time at christmas so you took a shitload of xanax and probably drank a lot and blacked out

01-20-2018, 11:55 PM
if you're gonna psychobabble at least try to be accurate

Battery Bits
01-21-2018, 12:00 AM
Oh it’s accurate

01-21-2018, 12:04 AM
fine, find a definition of disassociation disorder that matches the symptoms you described

Battery Bits
01-21-2018, 12:05 AM
I have two psychiatrists and take medication, it’s accurate you idiot

Autistic Spectrum
01-21-2018, 12:07 AM
lol lisa is so damaged she has a team of shrinks

01-21-2018, 12:08 AM
I have two psychiatrists and take medication, it’s accurate you idiot

then it should be easy to find a definition of disassociation that matches the symptoms you're describing

Battery Bits
01-21-2018, 12:08 AM
lol lisa is so damaged she has a team of shrinks

I have 2

Autistic Spectrum
01-21-2018, 12:09 AM
a team of 2

Battery Bits
01-21-2018, 12:11 AM
Lol ok