View Full Version : Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality. We will be back soon... I will be back

02-21-2018, 08:32 PM
Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality.

We will be back soon...

I will be back soon

02-21-2018, 09:08 PM
im nothing like you, you fat waste of shit, you deny your gout which is truth and you have fuckign TERMINAL ILLNESS, die slowly you piece of shit, the motive behind my aspergers was that monde told me ruby had it so i was bored and said to ruby i had aspergers and ruby told monde that i told him that i have aspergers and now its all been leaked as if i was telling the truth, fucking fat shit, im not finding strength in denial im just sick of this shit fuck this forum you guys repeat the same stuff over and over i am sick to death of reading the same psots over and over NOTHING IS FUCKING FUNNY AT ALL you guys just keep posting the same shit its like this place is stuck in fucking TIME there is no moving forward there is not even moving backwards its just fucking FUCKED UP AND VULGUR i used to come here in seek of a cheap laugh and nothing anymore is even funny, the repetition of monde is whacked, aspergers apaprently repeat things over and over because its amusing to them, i dont repeat shit irl, monde told me once he does, so he has a sign that HE could fucking have aspergers, so why shouldnt he get his shit checked up fucking fat idiots the both of you and fuck this entire forum.

02-21-2018, 10:09 PM

02-21-2018, 11:03 PM
damn lexie you threw everything new about you right in my face and you became a completely different person you gotta stop being so mad at me for how I reacted wow

Wendy <3
02-21-2018, 11:15 PM
I miss lexi

02-21-2018, 11:21 PM
she died and became a space lizard rip