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blumpkin blownuts
06-27-2012, 03:06 PM
Send the gush thread anonymously to OPM/DISCO and that'll be enough to launch a PSI on me & discover that this whole fucking country is compromised because I lied and cheated my way into a role I'm unfit for.

sike they already know I commit enough felonies to do 20-to-life in the span of a month and they dont even fucking care whats even worse is they dont even hide this from me (they know that i know that they know that i know that they know fucking funnygames)

i think they're banking on me to suicide yet they must know i've tried and even succeeded (but never for long) some 200 times, maybe a dozen different ways

I've put nearly a half amp @ 120vac through my fucking heart and arms seriously what is it going to take to end this?

blumpkin blownuts
06-27-2012, 03:07 PM
hey ruby waht are your thought on President Obama these days? anything you would chsnge?

06-27-2012, 06:12 PM
I've put nearly a half amp @ 120vac through my fucking heart and arms seriously what is it going to take to end this?

According to Google the human body has a resistance of about 100k ohms

Ohm's law states that I=V/R so at 120V your heart was only taking about .0012 amps, well below the lethal level.

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 11:06 AM
According to Google the human body has a resistance of about 100k ohms

Ohm's law states that I=V/R so at 120V your heart was only taking about .0012 amps, well below the lethal level.

I use intradermal electrodes

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 11:08 AM
dont remember the resistance then it varies by how deep, where etc
but i measure with a multi before I switch anything on

you can calculate it yourself by converting to 120v rms

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 11:10 AM
electroshock is the perfect form of self-harming it leaves no marks (after a few hrs) if you do it right

06-28-2012, 11:35 AM
120V is the RMS voltage, peak voltage is about 170

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:10 PM
my secondary i use for everything pushes 120v, peak-to-peak
then i use additional transformers, rectifiers etc as needed for specific applications

06-28-2012, 03:15 PM
If the outlet in your house is only putting out 120V peak to peak you really need to get an electrician in there to check that shit out.

That's about 42V RMS, so your heart isn't taking .0015A it's taking .00042A.

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:23 PM
the only thing connected to the wall outlet is my main transformer, don't you think i'd at least have sense enough to physically isolate my equipment (nvm, you probably wouldn't think so)

06-28-2012, 03:27 PM
I don't even know what the hell you're talking about bob but I'm pretty sure you don't know a lot about electricity

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:30 PM
fuckin magnets, how do they work?

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:35 PM
look at at like this - why do most consumer electronics (solid state, DC) put the AC adaptor in a big, bulky-ass in-line package that covers up the whole fucking socket? why not include the power converter inside the equipment, like what's done all the non-solid-state stuff you plug in - washing machines, electric tin openers, toasters, etc

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:40 PM
most of your AC consumer electronics contain buck/boost or other AC-AC converters. one reason is to save power, another is to reduce variations in the wall circuit voltage, which already suffer variations from the shitty line voltage off the pole transformer

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:43 PM
and yes i nearly failed power-signal theory, otherwise i wouldn't still be debating. i'm a life-long learner and i know i'm not always, or even usually right about some things

06-28-2012, 03:45 PM
look at at like this - why do most consumer electronics (solid state, DC) put the AC adaptor in a big, bulky-ass in-line package that covers up the whole fucking socket? why not include the power converter inside the equipment, like what's done all the non-solid-state stuff you plug in - washing machines, electric tin openers, toasters, etc

Because the transformers get hot, they add size and weight to the device (especially important on things like laptops and phones), and they're more likely to fail than the rest of the hardware.

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:46 PM
ps. Thread now contains sufficient evidence to precisely identify me and charge me under UCMJ

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:48 PM
Because the transformers get hot, they add size and weight to the device (especially important on things like laptops and phones), and they're more likely to fail than the rest of the hardware.

this too. it a nutshell, it's to physically-isolate your load from your primary

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 03:59 PM
we've gotten so off-subject. i'm a degreed computer & electrical engineer, but i'd have to go back for an associates to be an electrician because of the curriculum path a chose (heavy concentration on switching-theory and digital architecture design)
I want to freshen up my knowledge, fill the gaps. there are no IC's on the market that can perform a codeless DFT/FFT. I want to design an ASIC to do that, it would save so much money in any DSP application compared to going the embedded/SoC route which is what every industry seems forced to be doing.

DFT's have been done in the past using fucking flywheels/gyros, differentials, and clockwork. so I'm convinced it can be done without software

back to the matter at hand, how to send myself to Hell where I belong?
id never seen highlander until like a year ago, i avoid movies and series about the subject
but i wonder if i can decapatiate myself with a shaped charge and get out. or if i can even acquire what I need to make an effective one without spooking the the alleycats enough to pounce & send me to rot in jail until the day jails are no longer needed/attended

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 04:09 PM
my speakers pop on one of my basement workstations everytime the kitchen fridge compressor turns on, though they are on different physical circuits. there's not enough commutated duty in whatever bridge was used in the line-tap xfmr converting from the 3-phase outside, to the 30-40 or so separate 120v circuits inside, to smooth out the bumps. maybe 40 years ago it was enough.

my head-unit supply for my lab uses much better-quality caps & coils, though I probably could've just bent up a couple off-the-shelf surge protectors

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 04:14 PM
According to Google the human body has a resistance of about 100k ohms

cmon man, you already knew google was talking out it's ass before you posted this
the "resistance of a human body" varies wildly based on cathode & anode/common locations & distance, skin galvanometry (ie. how sweaty you are) and much more

the resistance can drop well below 1000 ohms between your left index finger and right one, if you shave of the epidermis and make electrode contact to the wet, subdermal layer

also to consider - a human body contains both resistive and reactive components as an electrical load, so you must work with the total impedance, not resistance alone, for calculating power dissipation

06-28-2012, 04:20 PM
an electrical engineer who believes that wall sockets put out 120V peak to peak

06-28-2012, 04:25 PM
cmon man, you already knew google was talking out it's ass before you posted this
the "resistance of a human body" varies wildly based on cathode & anode/common locations & distance, skin galvanometry (ie. how sweaty you are) and much more

the resistance can drop well below 1000 ohms between your left index finger and right one, if you shave of the epidermis and make electrode contact to the wet, subdermal layer

also to consider - a human body contains both resistive and reactive components as an electrical load, so you must work with the total impedance, not resistance alone, for calculating power dissipation

a half amp is barely lethal at 0 ohms of resistance bob.

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 04:47 PM
Source? 100mA is enough to induce v-fib (looking for a source for this myself that's online as opposed to rying to scana page from one of my old textbooks)

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 04:49 PM
According to wiki, 60mA can be sufficient to induce v-fib (possibly on an assumption that the electrodes are placed in direct contact with heart tissue)

blumpkin blownuts
06-28-2012, 04:55 PM
morpine took effect can no longer focus on the screen, we'll pick up again tomorrow if teres somereason too

06-29-2012, 02:40 AM
are you on speed right now, bob hugs?

stalker virus
06-29-2012, 03:33 PM
bobby are you suffering from paranoid schizophrenia i'm not making fun i'm just curious

06-30-2012, 12:39 AM
why're you trying to be bob hugs' new gush?

he'll go into a depressive spiral for several weeks...

stalker virus
06-30-2012, 12:42 PM
Was going to my cousin Mario bday party but once again my mama turns on me for a sorry ass nigga...richie u a bitch i swear u gone be dead or in jail befor the year over with dirty bumm ass black bitch i hate u never liked u...bitch and i pray everyday u vanish off the planet Earth...u broke low down couch potato ailen looking shit tird...u aint shit bitch!

06-30-2012, 01:37 PM
are you on speed right now, bob hugs?

stalker virus
07-01-2012, 04:08 PM

stalker virus
07-01-2012, 04:11 PM
why is he so white did i fuck him to hard!lol im kiddin bad girl but in sum pics hes dark brown the indian in him i reckon love u johnny depp

07-02-2012, 10:39 PM
the fuck you on about?

stalker virus
07-03-2012, 09:24 PM

sex with dead people
07-03-2012, 09:35 PM
You dirty little bitch.