View Full Version : test test estesthseoithsaoidhoisahfosahid test, bacon bacon bacon bacon

07-14-2018, 01:01 AM
edit: meant to screenshot both monitors I forgot print screen in here will just do 8 lol look at this sheeeeeeet https://preview.ibb.co/cocybo/2018_07_14.png (https://ibb.co/c33t98)

bacon boy, bacoy boh, https://preview.ibb.co/cDMuhT/Untitled.png (https://ibb.co/k42d98)

bacon boy, right click highlboy, right boy, right click highlitest click highlitest itest

ok this isn't good enough I'm still getting left click'd by a windows 10 but I can actually highlight and copy paste text and stuff I'm still waiting on a reply to get this virtual 8 as my real 8 but I think I'm gonna install windows 10 inside windows 8 by a virtual reason because even thoughw indows 10 is shit it's cool having a different OS in each monitor lol maybe I'll do one side 8 one side linux though oh wow adding lowercase linux just froze ie for a minute I had enough time to print screen open paint post this post in a jpeg but then it unfroze so ignore the dictionary for now gotta remember that I have to add hundreds of words to it because I'm not letting auto caps advertise these shit companies I'm also mad when it corrects regular typos lol

07-14-2018, 01:05 AM
no that's not gonna work it was getting wonkier and wonkier like ashley's eye as she gets more comfortable around a guy oh my goodness if I can get that pulled out of the virtual prison cell I'm gonna be so fucking happy