View Full Version : That's a nice skin you got there

08-31-2018, 01:14 AM
It looks really nice on your overclocked video card. You seem like you might have some idea what you are doing. You dress your internet character up very good. I'd like to get to know you and maybe get some tips on how to get tbe most graphics out of my video card. I really like that skin, sorry just letting you know. Please get in touch soon because me and everyone else wants to be you. You might need to get a twitch and start streaming because step one to becoming you is watching your facial expression while you play a game on ultimate graphics with one of the best skins money can buy

08-31-2018, 05:07 AM
It looks really nice on your overclocked video card. You seem like you might have some idea what you are doing. You dress your internet character up very good. I'd like to get to know you and maybe get some tips on how to get tbe most graphics out of my video card. I really like that skin, sorry just letting you know. Please get in touch soon because me and everyone else wants to be you. You might need to get a twitch and start streaming because step one to becoming you is watching your facial expression while you play a game on ultimate graphics with one of the best skins money can buy

I look bored like when I read this forum and they're all default characters with no armor

08-31-2018, 05:32 AM
also my computer both hardware and software is completely stock I put the pieces together installed windows and that's it ther'es no need for overclocking or water cooling etc that is literally all for people who want to fit in lol it's like when weeaboos buy cheap shitty cars to tune when you could just buy a bugatti