View Full Version : better than you: a reflection of gaming throughout the years on a pc built in 2012 by someone you're totally smarter than

10-14-2018, 04:25 PM
https://image.ibb.co/dzhry0/Annotation.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/fuf0rL/Annotation-1.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/bw1jJ0/Annotation-2.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/ghHfrL/Annotation-3.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/jK6vQf/Annotation-4.png (https://imgbb.com/)

my hardware if it doesn't break by any reasons will start to decompose before I need to upgrade it please get upset and point out how great your budget amd cpu's and ati gpu's are and how you're smarter than me I like laughing at you guys with computer shit since it's almost all of your jobs and here I am better than comptuers than all of you lulz shoutouts to fanfare m0nde ruby bluemeate davehondroas the fake lily foxe pj gabi lexie marnie

10-14-2018, 04:26 PM
https://image.ibb.co/dzhry0/Annotation.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/fuf0rL/Annotation-1.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/bw1jJ0/Annotation-2.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/ghHfrL/Annotation-3.png (https://imgbb.com/)
https://image.ibb.co/jK6vQf/Annotation-4.png (https://imgbb.com/)

my hardware if it doesn't break by any reasons will start to decompose before I need to upgrade it please get upset and point out how great your budget amd cpu's and ati gpu's are and how you're smarter than me I like laughing at you guys with computer shit since it's almost all of your jobs and here I am better than comptuers than all of you lulz shoutouts to fanfare m0nde ruby bluemeate davehondroas the fake lily foxe pj gabi lexie marnie

10-14-2018, 04:27 PM

10-14-2018, 04:28 PM

10-14-2018, 04:31 PM

10-14-2018, 04:32 PM
https://goo thisf orum sucks so bad lmfao somebody please make an acutal othe rofrum for us all to ost on on omg gl/2Sk37A

10-14-2018, 04:34 PM
https://preview.ibb.co/kxffQf/The-Crew-22018-9-28-2-18-2.png (https://ibb.co/cMQrWL)
https://preview.ibb.co/hKFEkf/The-Crew-22018-9-28-1-48-4.jpg (https://ibb.co/c3ukrL)
https://preview.ibb.co/iOJpJ0/The-Crew-22018-9-28-1-48-4.png (https://ibb.co/nsdpJ0)
https://preview.ibb.co/f6myBL/The-Crew-22018-9-28-2-18-2.jpg (https://ibb.co/mWZ75f)

10-14-2018, 04:36 PM
shoutouts to cag too btw of course

u ain't right
10-14-2018, 04:36 PM
Kent cleans toilets why can't u

10-14-2018, 04:37 PM
https://preview.ibb.co/k0varL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-11-8-58-15.png (https://ibb.co/gcZqQf)
https://preview.ibb.co/hf4qQf/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-12-17-31-6.jpg (https://ibb.co/kcXzJ0)
https://preview.ibb.co/gGDH5f/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-12-17-31-6.png (https://ibb.co/dRT6y0)
https://preview.ibb.co/dgxc5f/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-13-2-27-4.jpg (https://ibb.co/dSEPkf)
https://preview.ibb.co/cviTBL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-13-2-27-4.png (https://ibb.co/jEXMWL)
https://preview.ibb.co/diFVQf/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-9-20-32-10.jpg (https://ibb.co/mCW4kf)
https://preview.ibb.co/ia08BL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-9-20-32-10.png (https://ibb.co/eVp1WL)
https://preview.ibb.co/e0Vmy0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-11-50-57.jpg (https://ibb.co/ggoH5f)
https://preview.ibb.co/cebtd0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-11-50-57.png (https://ibb.co/j68jkf)
https://preview.ibb.co/iRwgWL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-35-51.jpg (https://ibb.co/du8H5f)
https://preview.ibb.co/g2UDd0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-35-51.png (https://ibb.co/nLZPkf)
https://preview.ibb.co/nEdjkf/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-47-33.jpg (https://ibb.co/keJTBL)
https://preview.ibb.co/kCUDd0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-47-33.png (https://ibb.co/dkxMWL)
https://preview.ibb.co/jw6td0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-55-57.jpg (https://ibb.co/h84Pkf)
https://preview.ibb.co/d0hc5f/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-55-57.png (https://ibb.co/ePZDd0)
https://preview.ibb.co/fS4Dd0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-56-2.jpg (https://ibb.co/h0fmy0)
https://preview.ibb.co/g3dTBL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-16-56-2.png (https://ibb.co/nD1gWL)
https://preview.ibb.co/fYKDd0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-21-50-5.jpg (https://ibb.co/jmDH5f)
https://preview.ibb.co/ernukf/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-21-50-5.png (https://ibb.co/hoF3d0)
https://preview.ibb.co/mBN5rL/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-23-8-10.jpg (https://ibb.co/cwpkrL)

10-14-2018, 04:37 PM
https://preview.ibb.co/cbk3d0/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-10-23-8-10.png (https://ibb.co/h0pUJ0)
https://preview.ibb.co/eXkEkf/Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey2018-10-11-8-58-15.jpg (https://ibb.co/kfPkrL)

https://preview.ibb.co/gZMFrL/7MGE5nEG.jpg (https://ibb.co/f9UeJ0)
https://preview.ibb.co/m3sMWL/14.jpg (https://ibb.co/kd0my0)
https://preview.ibb.co/ipRtd0/58065e7200482-Money12.jpg (https://ibb.co/iLJjkf)
https://preview.ibb.co/bLczJ0/3320220-10-o.jpg (https://ibb.co/ca3vrL)
https://preview.ibb.co/nCYvrL/11061717-10155772663660858-1728138718992799868-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/btXAQf)
https://image.ibb.co/b21Ry0/14488209-892140964253094-1783757045388804096-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/d5UqQf)
https://image.ibb.co/d6F8BL/22637367-1922402371343026-6014712449456930816-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/fmZeJ0)

u gay
10-14-2018, 04:38 PM
Kent cleans toilets why can't u

10-14-2018, 04:39 PM
thank you for raging twice

Bailey Jay
10-14-2018, 04:48 PM
eat my pre cum

10-14-2018, 05:30 PM
thank you

Unregistered 1080p
10-14-2018, 06:37 PM
enjoy your 1080p you fat lll fag

10-16-2018, 01:24 PM
thank you, have you found the time to play odyessy yet it's fucking hilarious the difference between seeing an amd and a nvidia logo when a game starts and I'm really not just being a troll fucking compare these two games the fire the parkour the civilians the ragdoll tne object physics the important garphics details thank fucking allah ubisoft is a shit company and syndicate was great then like after farcry 2 they went full casual dev mode origins was garbage and was boring because it actually ran as it should so it ran boring oyessy is literally the same game except with the famle character now having afemale voice but it's comically broken it's literally non stop bugs and glitches worse than deux ex mankind by 100% but also the exact same object physics no weight on anything just fucking children's toys no detail needed cause the autism fills it in meanwhile nvidia actaully does all the stuff onthe screen for non autism people I just can't fucking stress enough how simliar and how bad games with teh amd logo are

10-16-2018, 01:27 PM
also the new powers are the same as dues ex's powers they either switched the dues ex's engine and reskinned mankind divided or it's literally just amd's shitty coding that makes them so similiar like I hope for your guy's sake they switched to duex ex engine becfuase odessy again is just so much worse than origins as a piece of software like fucking oh my god no wonder you guys don't know about nvidia exclusive shit like actaul physics and lighting and shadows just god damn wow

10-16-2018, 01:28 PM
it's like did they use an engine with this shitty gameplay and powers or doeds amd have a dev kit where it injects this absoloute garbage code into any engine how are two totally seaparated games so simliar in shittinessa nd theonly thing that links them is the amd logo hahahahahahah

10-17-2018, 12:03 AM
Kent cleans toilets why can't u

10-17-2018, 12:20 AM
hey buddy how are you you get xbox games pass yet