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01-06-2019, 11:43 PM
I ask you a favor.

I need you go to edit template for Lisa (Battery Bits)

Go to USERCP_SHELL template

Find and remove this code:

<tr><td class="$navclass[ignorelist]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=ignorelist">$vbphrase[edit_ignore_list]</a></td></tr>

And reset Lisa's ignore list if is possible, let me know you're done with this and I will owe you one.

01-06-2019, 11:44 PM
why don't yu just ask him to do that on steam? he finally started talking to me and ruby and stompleb last night, so he's in the mood for this kind of crazy shit

01-06-2019, 11:46 PM
why don't yu just ask him to do that on steam? he finally started talking to me and ruby and stompleb last night, so he's in the mood for this kind of crazy shit

He is still playing in dota 2, can't even bother him

01-07-2019, 12:49 AM
ive been playing farmville

Battery Bits
01-07-2019, 12:52 AM
Can you please ban Cody?

01-07-2019, 12:53 AM
clay, can you run this from the shell please?

mysql -u root -p

show databases;
drop database rubynet;[/I]

01-07-2019, 03:17 AM
Can you please ban Cody?

cody paid me $150 to unban him

01-07-2019, 12:26 PM
ATTN: Clay
lf stable mid for mm games 2day

Autistic Spectrum
01-07-2019, 12:52 PM
clay can I have a large pan pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms, with a garlic butter flavored crust and a side of breadsticks

01-07-2019, 06:45 PM
clay will you help me murder stomplebane, please?


Step 1: Location

OK, before we start all this, let me declare that WE MUST WEAR GLOVES BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MURDER STOMPLEB. With modern technology, police can search for your fingerprints. With thick gloves, fingerprints will not be left behind.

Also, do NOT leave anything behind that the police can do to collect your DNA. Fingerprints aren't the only things that can be searched for DNA. Your hair or any kind of secretion your body makes (Sweat, spit, urine, sperms, semen, menstrual blood or even your shit) can be collected to check for your DNA.

Do not choose a location that can be readily linked to you or your victim. Consider a rarely frequented location, such as an abandoned warehouse. Do not phone your victim or send a letter inviting them to meet you there. You are not asking this person for a date, and you certainly do not want to leave any evidence of your being there.

A chat room could be used, but be sure to use a computer at a location that cannot be linked to you. Most successful murderers operate in areas far from their home. When traveling to this location, alternate your route and avoid retaining evidence of your travels - such as bus tickets and souvenir T-shirts. Pay with cash, and avoid using your ATM card en-route.

Step 2: The Weapon

There are literally thousands of weapons available to us. Be careful to choose one appropriate to the setting, and one that you are comfortable using. The weapons used to put-down a slave revolt or a zombie attack aren't necessarily appropriate for a discrete murder at the opera.

Step 3: The Murder

We're going to make the murder look like suicide. This is achieved by rubbing the weapon on your victim when you are finished. It collects their DNA. Note that this strategy will prove ineffective if you killed the person by stabbing them in the back.

You must quickly dispose of your clothing and anything else that could link you to the crime. Far too many murderers have been caught when a random traffic cop pulled them over for speeding and noticed a severed head on the passenger seat.

Consider these advanced techniques relating to specific weapons:

Apply the knife to the victim's neck, wrist, chest, or back of the legs. These are the location of major arteries and veins. However, this spills blood, try making the victim stand on a large piece of plastic sheeting that covers your location's room.

Heavy Object
Whack your victim until their screams end.

Burn them to death by trapping them in a small room. This is risky, since fire may be difficult to control.

Step 4: Removing the Evidence

We will carefully and systematically remove all evidence. Do not miss out any stages - it will result in an Imperfect Murder:

If using a weapon that draws blood, ensure that you clean the murder scene or otherwise destroy it with fire. Note that excessive tidiness is in itself suspicious, so avoid getting blood on anything that will be seen by others. If you intend to murder the person in a property owned by you, prepare beforehand. Consider coating the room in plastic wrapping.

If you intend to make a career of murder, you should consider establishing multiple identities, and you must always have a clear escape plan for each location in which you live.

Step 5: Disposal of Corpse

A simple and easy way to deal with the corpse is to burn it. However, burning rarely destroys all evidence. You should either chemically prepare a fire so that it burns at around 800 degrees celsius, or return to collect the remains for disposal. A remote body of water is an ideal choice. Dumping the body into the sea is also very effective... just don't be that quick to dump them near the shore. Plan carefully and dump it way out there; international you could say. Tip cut the body up first. Remove the important organs like fingers, teeth, feet and ears. It is better to commit your murder in summer. Remember that the body would decompose easily when there is a high temperature. If you plan to put the body in a plastic bag and throw it away in the waters, then you have to think twice. Always bare in mind that when a body decays or decomposes, it will produce some sort of gas that would inflate the plastic bag. If you plan to hide your evidences properly, don't ever do it.

This step may be unnecessary if you tend to leave the corpse behind to mislead the police.

Step 6: Blame Cody

The classic lesson of politicians and business leaders alike will serve you well. As well as keeping yourself free from blame, you may intent to frame someone else for the murder. Perhaps this is to aid your evasion of the authorities, or maybe it's linked to your motive for the murder.

In the unlikely event that the police suspect your involvement, the following approaches may be used in order to make you confess:

Guilt trap - they will tell you about the family's anguish, and how the victim suffered. They will make you want to make yourself suffer as a penance. Avoid guilt, kill someone without family, who cannot feel pain. Or, you can do the opposite - kill his whole family. It'll be harder, but you must do it or else you're in trouble. You've already murdered a person. That proves that you're cold blooded. It doesn't hurt to kill more people, right?
The Bad Cop routine - they unplug the CCTV camera, swivel their chair round and mount it rodeo style. This is their way of telling you you're about to get ridden. They will beat the confession out of you. But this is very unlikely to happen.
Polygraph test - these can be beaten by making your responses erratic. When asked calibration questions, think of sexually exciting imagery or tense your sphincter muscles. By causing unusual calibration, the fluctuations caused by your lies will fail to be noticed.

The police can do nothing about you if you don't have enough evidence. So remember - don't leave any evidence behind.

If you manage to get past Step 6, then you have completed your murder successfully. Now, be calm and stop murdering people for a while, OK?

Captain Janeway
01-07-2019, 11:38 PM
If you're ignoring me monde, shouldn't you be acting like I don't exist?