View Full Version : kent, how many of theese terms do you use on a daily basis?

01-22-2019, 03:06 PM
Nigger, v. To wear out, spoil or destroy.
Niggerish, adj. Acting in an indolent and irresponsible manner.
Niggerlipping, v. Wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.
Niggerlover, n. Derogatory term aimed at whites lacking in the necessary loathing of blacks.
Nigger luck, n. Exceptionally good luck, emphasis on undeserved.
Nigger-flicker, n. A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.
Nigger heaven, n. A designated place, usually the balcony, where blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie theater or church.
Nigger knocker, n. Axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.
Nigger rich, adj, Deeply in debt but ostentatious.
Nigger shooter, n. A slingshot.
Nigger steak, n. A slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.
Nigger stick, n. Police officer's baton.
Nigger tip, n. Leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant.
Nigger in the woodpile, n. A concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.
Nigger work, n. Demeaning, menial tasks.
Nigger-brown, -black, a. A dark shade of color
Nigger-breaker, -dealer, -driver, -killer, -stealer, -worshipper, -looking, n. Referring to the status of whites who interacted with blacks
Nigger-baby, -boy, -girl, -mouth, -feet, -preacher, -job, -love, -culture, -college, -music, and so forth, n. Anything belonging to or associated with African Americans
White-nigger, n. Negative term for Jews or white trash
Sand-nigger, n. Negative term for Arabs and South Asians
Yellow-nigger, n. Negative term for Japanese, Chinese or other Asians
Forest-nigger, n. Negative term for Native Americans
Sea-nigger, n. Negative term for Polynesians

01-23-2019, 07:08 AM
I guess he called the visitors Niggerslippers who walked and ignored over wet floor