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View Full Version : Getting tired of customer service

05-30-2019, 06:43 PM
Tired of the sparse quality management, tired of customer facing work, tired of dealing with technology illiterate. I wanna go home and masturbated

05-30-2019, 06:47 PM
In a new job for a few months and its understaffed and burning me out already. Theyre onboarding big customers but are too picky with hirjng so we are all drowning in work. Feel like the worst pain going to work and having to race against time to get shit done on time and manage queues. Thought I was moving up in the world but its just an over teh market pay for pushing you farther than reasonable

05-30-2019, 06:58 PM
L1 is for beginners, kids straight out of college, a foot in the door. At this point in your career you should have graduated out of L1 support, either to L2-3 or something outside of CS. You're either not a very good tech or you're choosing jobs that are beneath you.

05-30-2019, 06:59 PM
Shit you can't be making more than 30 or 40k, at your age you should be at least in the mid 60s

05-30-2019, 07:00 PM
or whatever that translates to in australian money, down there the fry cooks at mcdonalds probably make 60k your currency is weird

05-30-2019, 09:51 PM
First two companies i joined were kind of bad for L1. Its been an eye opener being here. I'm getting paid the same as an L2 elsewhere though which is good, but basically doing the same stuff as one.
This company is weird where they hire an L3 from another co as an L2. You're right I should be L2 by now but I stuck around too long at my last job after learning everything they had to offer.
I think mcdonalds is min wage i.e. 42k before taxes

05-30-2019, 09:58 PM
Actually just checked min wage is only 37k before taxes thats pretty low. They raise it by about 3% every yesr to adjust for inflation and it struggles to pay for living in sydney or Melbourne

05-30-2019, 10:00 PM
Ok. I want you to set yourself a goal. You should be at least doubling minimum wage in the next 5 years. Study, learn new stuff, put in applications, whatever it takes. Start looking now, but stick around for a while and build up your job history if you can handle the workload without burning out. If they don't promote you within a year, leave.

05-30-2019, 10:38 PM
L1 is for beginners, kids straight out of college, a foot in the door. At this point in your career you should have graduated out of L1 support, either to L2-3 or something outside of CS. You're either not a very good tech or you're choosing jobs that are beneath you.

L1 is for kids out of highschool who are just starting in college and need a part time job. anyone who has basic computer knowlege can be trained to do it. the most important thing with L1 is customer service

05-30-2019, 11:13 PM
Whats the job description for L1 in the states?
Does it involve windows server and user management, o365, EAC, AD, Citrix, azure AD and vmware? Is that L1 in the states like here?

05-30-2019, 11:23 PM
Btw i agree with marks i need to put my head down but my monetary gosl should be 100k plus in 5 years as i already get 70k roo dollars

05-31-2019, 01:15 AM
too picky in hiring, yet you got a job there


05-31-2019, 02:29 AM
Yea youre right clay im just a dumb nigger writing powershell scripts and automating 60 min jobs into 15 min why would they hire me im not good at anything

05-31-2019, 04:16 AM

Autistic Spectrum
05-31-2019, 05:00 AM
get a job in the kangaroo jack/Crocodile Dundee DVD factory

05-31-2019, 05:42 AM
Whats the job description for L1 in the states?
Does it involve windows server and user management, o365, EAC, AD, Citrix, azure AD and vmware? Is that L1 in the states like here?

No. L1 is the guy who answers the phone, opens the ticket, and asks if you've rebooted. You're doing a lower level sysadmin's job.

05-31-2019, 05:44 AM
Not good enough at math to tell you how badly you're getting screwed, but I started my last job at 70k american doing exactly what you're doing

Autistic Spectrum
05-31-2019, 06:54 AM
Make boomerangs and sell them on esty

05-31-2019, 09:35 AM
Phase jobs out and ban money

05-31-2019, 11:21 AM
Since you learned PHP courses, I think you should learn more about fundamental programming so you can become junior php developer.

05-31-2019, 11:22 AM
Not good enough at math to tell you how badly you're getting screwed, but I started my last job at 70k american doing exactly what you're doing

timmy easily makes 300k american

Autistic Spectrum
05-31-2019, 11:31 AM
The Boomarang industry is a racket

05-31-2019, 05:02 PM
timmy easily makes 300k american

tim please buy me a windowless rape van and a video card that was top of the line 4 years ago

05-31-2019, 06:08 PM
Whats the job description for L1 in the states?
Does it involve windows server and user management, o365, EAC, AD, Citrix, azure AD and vmware? Is that L1 in the states like here?

Yes, and other varied stuff. If that's all in place when you hire some L1, they can deal with simple scripted tasks, if they're able to follow directions (very important, not everyone can) and escalate as needed

05-31-2019, 06:12 PM
Not good enough at math to tell you how badly you're getting screwed, but I started my last job at 70k american doing exactly what you're doing

That lower sys admin shit is what they pay L1s to do. If they cannot, they're quickly eliminated. And no one cares, because it's known that these jobs are a dime a dozen. No one just answers the phone. I don't know what kind of luxury call centre you've dealt with.

05-31-2019, 06:14 PM
Yea youre right clay im just a dumb nigger writing powershell scripts and automating 60 min jobs into 15 min why would they hire me im not good at anything

L1s don't do that. They follow scripts and do grunt work like adding machines to AD or resetting pwds. It's even easier if it's all cloud based

05-31-2019, 07:16 PM
That lower sys admin shit is what they pay L1s to do. If they cannot, they're quickly eliminated. And no one cares, because it's known that these jobs are a dime a dozen. No one just answers the phone. I don't know what kind of luxury call centre you've dealt with.

what do junior admins do at your company if the L1s are doing their job?

05-31-2019, 08:57 PM
If I get to talk to you instead of some shitskins in India then it makes life easier
I appreciate you.

05-31-2019, 11:18 PM

06-01-2019, 12:23 AM
what do junior admins do at your company if the L1s are doing their job?

I'm not talking about my company. I'm talking about when I actually worked as an L1. We did all that shit. L2 were engineers who would debug systems, recreate scenarios, work directly with software and hardware manufacturers
there were no junior admins. There was L1, team leads and supervisors, change and problem management, small group of engineers. There were also engineers who worked on the next version of our system.

06-01-2019, 03:46 AM
When you were an L1 most of that shit didn't exist yet

Battery Bits
06-01-2019, 05:02 AM

06-02-2019, 04:40 PM
When you were an L1 most of that shit didn't exist yet

:rofl: burn

Also I am leaning towards vmware studies, do you guys rate it?

06-02-2019, 05:30 PM
i rate it three and a half snickers

06-03-2019, 04:32 AM
:rofl: burn

Also I am leaning towards vmware studies, do you guys rate it?

It's a solid specialty, vmware is everywhere