View Full Version : Sanders doesn't go far enough

09-25-2019, 06:29 AM
The notion of black billionaires is just as immoral as white ones. They are just as likely to pay their employees shit and abuse their power over the people because that is just the nature of how billionaires gain their wealth.

Billionaires SHOULD be taxed at a higher rate. But they aren't going to magically be incentivized to act charitable even when given the option. We've learned they will jump through whatever loops they can to avoid paying their fair share (example 1: Panama papers. Look at the trillions in tax revenue these greedy capitalist steal from the people and sit upon on some resort island like fucking Smaug from the Hobbit.)

And it's not "the money they've earned". To some extent any system which prioritized profit over welfare will always have practices which hurt someone. Whether this be food companies pumping their products full of sugars and chemicals to keep their customers addicted, game companies allowing children to gamble, or hell, look at our private prison or military industry complex.

All of these companies and the assholes who own them have stepped on the backs of others to get where they are now. The least they can do is give back to the people instead of raping them and destroying the planet for what is basically a high score after a certain point. So fuck it being "the money they've earned" and fuck them. They didn't earn shit. There is no such thing as a self-made billionaire and the aspect of such is absurd. Confiscate these fucker's wealth and give them to the people. If they want to leave, let them run to the countries their practices have demolished and see how well they fare.

Uncle Bernie
09-25-2019, 06:59 AM
I need another Audi and another house Gibbs me

09-25-2019, 07:04 AM
you're bragging about owning a volkswagen now?