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View Full Version : 4 categories of rubycalaber posters

11-24-2019, 06:23 AM
the first and most important being:

1. lizard / non-lizard

lizard including lizard supporters (ie. rootbeer). what makes a lizard? i was not here during the lizard invasion ahem so correct me if im wrong, but i think its pretty obvious and clear who is a lizard and who aint not one.

2. employed / unemployed

something like lisa's situation would probably labeled as unemployed becuase its retarded, while kent, though an idiot is actually employed on a regular basis. we also know who is gainfully employed and not. no need to subdivide it between super-earners and those who simply live.

3. funny / not funny

smooks might be a non-lizard in most regards as i think he hails from YTMND in some way, he may be employed but he is not funny. there are posters who are clearly on the side of funny and those who are not.

4. intellectually capable / incapable

lisa may be very, very mentally ill (i dont think people ackshually realize how bad and very malintentioned it is), she definitely is lazy af, she is not funny when she attempts to be so, however she has a base level of crude intellectual capability in manipulating other dimwits. she has obviously manipulated multiple people over the past several years to the point where they give her attention and even money.
lily is not intellectually capable as her lies are not even coherent.


a. senior citizen / not senior citizen is not really necessary as there are only 3 senior citizen posters afaik here and it isnt that relevant

b. looks/appearance - im not a lookist like cag and there would be no way to really categorize it anyway

c. leaders of these factions are possible - who is most intellectually capable? if roy4l was here for example we all know roy4l has a 4 digit IQ so he would basically be the leader of group 4+, while who is most intellectually incapable would likely be kent (sorry kent :( )

i feel like i might have gotten one group wrong, do let me know.

11-24-2019, 06:25 AM
example: juji (elezzark)

not funny
intellectually capable (borderline)

11-24-2019, 06:27 AM
there are more categories than there are ingredients in cag's mac and cheese

11-24-2019, 06:28 AM

intellectually capable

11-24-2019, 06:29 AM
i can modify this of course, i feel like no.4 is lacking. whats a better categorie?

11-24-2019, 06:31 AM
I'm an NEFC!

11-24-2019, 06:35 AM
yeah this needs to be a rubycal poysonality test so you can just say like "im an LUNI" lizard, unemployed, notfunny, mentally incapable

11-24-2019, 06:36 AM
i might mail yule/solstice cards to ytmnd people whose addresses i have that could give me something to do

11-24-2019, 06:36 AM
we have a shitload of LUNI's...

11-24-2019, 11:33 AM
there are more categories than there are ingredients in cag's mac and cheese
Recipe for Cag's. Mac n Cheese.

Ingredients list:


How to prepare.

Step 1. Mac n Cheese

Step 2. Consume in boomer mcmansion.

Autistic Spectrum
11-24-2019, 11:45 AM
cags poor life choices are not to be made fun of, she was made an orphan by the ravages of opioid addiction, she then was locked away in her grandparents attic with nothing but an old computer and a wifi password, she had to have cyber sex with elderly men and then had to become a sex worker to support her own drug habit, she has since cleaned herself up and is in a stable relationship where her every need is meet by her loving husband and is now drug free.and helps the less fortunate by making them homemade (not out of the box) Mac and cheese

Autistic Spectrum
11-24-2019, 11:45 AM
cag is inspiring af

11-24-2019, 12:26 PM

intellectually incapable

11-25-2019, 05:26 PM

intellectually incapable


butthole queen
turbo faggot