View Full Version : malty ass nibbas - axe me nething about beer itt

12-30-2019, 08:03 PM
k go

currently, semi-reluctantly drinking an erdinger dunkelweizen

12-30-2019, 08:10 PM
how do you feel about american ales? most of the microbrews around here have a good one though I'm more partial to bourbon barrel stouts

12-30-2019, 08:21 PM
how do you feel about american ales? most of the microbrews around here have a good one though I'm more partial to bourbon barrel stouts

american ales encompass such a broad spectrum, but i know you mean like relatively, very hoppy, higher alcohol and pale-amber ales. in my mind i call all american hops "C-hops" which was the label several years ago to present for a whole bunch of high-strength(AA%) citrusy/piney/dank hops that dominated shit from 2008-the late 2010s. i basically got sick of them, because when you compare them to noble hops and english after only having careful dosages of those for years (im isolated from new beer basically) they seem harsh as fuck and 1 dimensional.

im probably going to get back into them as the low AA in the hops im using now require me to use a lot of them in grams, which ends up making me waste a lot of potential beer wort from the brewing kettle.

so basically american ales are defined by these hops im saying, and brewers use them because you can use less of them, which costs less up front, and ends up in slightly less wastage of potential beer. $$$$ it can also trick amateur to intermediate beer drinkers into thinking "woah this beer is something new". when basically its basic af beer with a new breed of hops, which are released at a rate of litrally 1 new species per day in newzealand and america.

i will always have a place in my heart for the early and trailblazing mid 00s beers like arrogant bastard and shit. and hell im pretty easy. but these days im testing how long i can go without making my beer unbearably sweet. an exception is stouts, i do like bitter stouts

12-30-2019, 08:22 PM
youre in the epicentre of NEIPA, so it must be pretty cool. you drink milkshake IPAS? that is a crazy style which i HATE in taste but have to admire in concept.

12-30-2019, 08:29 PM
youre in the epicentre of NEIPA, so it must be pretty cool. you drink milkshake IPAS? that is a crazy style which i HATE in taste but have to admire in concept.

there are soooo many microbrews in connecticut, it's insane. my town of 3,000 people has 2 of them. I don't think I've had a milkshake IPA, but I'm kind of over IPAs in gene4ral, it seems like half the goddamn menu at these places is IPAs or DIPAs these days and they all taste very similar. I understand the appeal of the higher alcohol content but if all I care about is getting drunk I'll just drink liquor.

12-30-2019, 08:30 PM
naughty nurse from city steam brewery in hartford got me hooked on american ales, it's my default go-to when I'm not feeling experimental. it's almost as common in the state as nationwide beers like budweiser or miller but it's a hell of a lot tastier

12-30-2019, 08:32 PM
I wish there was a bourbon barrel stout that was consistantly available at the package stores, they always seem to be limited runs though

12-30-2019, 08:35 PM
coffee stouts are p good too those are usually easier to find

12-30-2019, 08:36 PM
there are soooo many microbrews in connecticut, it's insane. my town of 3,000 people has 2 of them. I don't think I've had a milkshake IPA, but I'm kind of over IPAs in gene4ral, it seems like half the goddamn menu at these places is IPAs or DIPAs these days and they all taste very similar. I understand the appeal of the higher alcohol content but if all I care about is getting drunk I'll just drink liquor.

yeah, the thing is an IPA is easy as fuck to do. i mean its seriously the most foolproof thing you can do: dump in a ton of these C-hops so all you can taste is... C-hops. you can make that shit with powdered malt extract and it wouldnt fucking matter.

another thing a lot of brewers do is say "lager" when it is not a fucking lager. its a clean ale and the thing is 99% of the public can't say 'this isn't a lager'".

my go to styles if it was some random brewery i had no backinfo on would be:

dry stout as long as its NOT nitro - its nearly impossible to fuck up a dry stout.
strong stout - it's not hard to make a strong stout and at the very least it will be passable and get me drunk
wit - another easy as fuck beer that is fine whether it is poorly or excellently made. wit is honestly the closest you can get in some ways to beer from hundreds of years ago.

12-30-2019, 08:37 PM
tfw you realize you have stout bottled and sitting there ready for you to just drink :DDDDDDDDDDDD

12-31-2019, 08:02 AM
that's a good feeling