View Full Version : i would like to introduce you guys to my friends but you have to be nicce??

04-27-2021, 05:22 PM
are you willing to be nice and pinky swear

04-27-2021, 05:25 PM
ewok stop ignoring direct queries or comments. lots of people here want to help you.

04-27-2021, 05:29 PM
its hard man all i ever wanted was to ask ppl for help but once they say no it turned me into a incel and now i dont trust anyone

04-27-2021, 05:33 PM
what are your main concerns in life right now?

do you have a safe place to live?
is your mental health okay or stable?
do you have money for food etc?

04-27-2021, 05:39 PM
its a few specific things but its sounds dumb and embarrassing and everyone just says "cool whatever" and make it worse cause then i turn from being a man into a incel

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 05:40 PM
Medication can’t change his personality and nature which is pretty disgusting

04-27-2021, 05:47 PM
1.no friends a. i live on a small beach island b. not very good economy c. relying on mom and sister for company
2.no girl friend a. cant figure out how to talk to girls. b. lot of bad experience with girls and once i and and got denied made me feel ugly . c. not sure if its my looks or what?
3.nobody to go to no family or support. a. always have to rely on sister and mom. b always sat alone at lunch never had girlfriend.c. after getting denied turned incel a tiny bit
4. cant seem to get the things i NEED done. like a. having dinner with someone beside my mom or sister. b. finding a gym or yoga or anything physical
5.nobody cares about me while everyone else thrives even the niggers and spics a. they litterly dont care and treat me worse than a rat cause i'm devolving cause i cant get someone to have dinner with me and it effects me THAT bad.
b. could of went to collage paid for and had ncie car by my parents and everythign could of been different.
6 stressed out about little things but cant get them fixed or done and the years pile up , getting laid is the biggest one and feeling like im not a reject of society.

04-27-2021, 05:48 PM
its mostly thati never had a girlfriend i had a few one night stands when i was 21/22 but im 32 now and the fact i dont know why and if i could find out why i could change, thats one reason. is it cause im ugly

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 05:50 PM
its mostly thati never had a girlfriend i had a few one night stands when i was 21/22 but im 32 now and the fact i dont know why and if i could find out why i could change, thats one reason. is it cause im ugly

You’re ugly on the inside

But you also need to grow your hair

04-27-2021, 05:54 PM
1.no friends a. i live on a small beach island b. not very good economy c. relying on mom and sister for company
2.no girl friend a. cant figure out how to talk to girls. b. lot of bad experience with girls and once i and and got denied made me feel ugly . c. not sure if its my looks or what?
3.nobody to go to no family or support. a. always have to rely on sister and mom. b always sat alone at lunch never had girlfriend.c. after getting denied turned incel a tiny bit
4. cant seem to get the things i NEED done. like a. having dinner with someone beside my mom or sister. b. finding a gym or yoga or anything physical
5.nobody cares about me while everyone else thrives even the niggers and spics a. they litterly dont care and treat me worse than a rat cause i'm devolving cause i cant get someone to have dinner with me and it effects me THAT bad.
b. could of went to collage paid for and had ncie car by my parents and everythign could of been different.
6 stressed out about little things but cant get them fixed or done and the years pile up , getting laid is the biggest one and feeling like im not a reject of society.

ok cool dude.
listen, i read that over. your thoughts seem very jumbled and repetitive. are you diagnosed with any condition(s)?

unfortunately the "girlfriend/getting laid" thing should definitely be put on the backburner.

would you be able to work? because no woman besides a crack whore will be interested at all in a man who doesnt work or have some form of normal/regular money coming in. so basically #1 get a job.

04-27-2021, 05:58 PM
do you have a safe place to live? no, i was with my mom but i cant live there, now im with my sister and cant live there, now im getting scammed by indians and black niggers trying to sell me stuff as i tell them i mwilling to clean their toilets and cook and clean and do laundry for 100$ off rent while they live in africa and dont even have a apartment. i only make 1k so i have to spend all of it to get a place and they want firt and second month so i cant afford it so im trying to find a gay old man to let me live with him cause im so fucking ugly that if i cover it all up and put wig, ye lash, make up, lip stick, nails, skirt, blouse, necklace, ering, ect ect ect i look better than the blob of weirdness i am but so far nobody has responded

is your mental health okay or stable? to me mental health is so vauge and its very very specific, im stuck in my moms room or dads room my whole life and its more like i never evolved the first step whitch is having a girlfriend and start working out im still like a 14 year old scared for life cause i pushed my friends hand on a hot girls but and almost got expelled from school and suspended for 2 weeks in 6th grade and now i scared shitless to hit on girls or talk to them and when i try thye walk away and dont tell me what to do to change
also i had to get my tonsils removed , back molar teeth,foreskin removed and they made me get like 4 metal fillings cause a microscopic dot on a xray . and my main illness is from having to go to natrual medacine and learn about how to eat garlic and lemons meanwhile my legs itched so bad growing up i itched till they bled and only this year am i almost able to fix it with eating healthy , witch i dont even do cause i jsut wanna eat with someone else beside my mom or sister.

do you have money for food etc? i dont know, i was doing really good but aprial first i got kicked out of my house and now their renting it out and now i have to pay rent for the first time and im all on my own for the firs time i have 1.060$ a month but i have to spend very bare min 500-1000k on rent, and the 500 places want first and last month and secerity so i cant, the motels are about 800 a week but so far i only found 900-1000 hotel. im trying to find a place for 100-300 a month for a while so i can try to get a girlfriend and then i can eat healthy then i can get a job.

04-27-2021, 06:03 PM
thats the thing man i worked everyday until 2017 august wher ei couldnt take it anymore, i lived in daytona for 7 years at that point and made at least 500 female friends but they all rejected me even though i was making 19k-29k a year every year for 7 years. after every girl dening me i just couldnt take it man there wad a point where the last girl i knew who replyed to me i was paying 300$ a week to talk to me and it ended up being a dude and he was jsut trying to get money after that i never rely got any reply from girls and its been 3 years and still not a single girl, i had like 3 one night stands but it effects me when every time i talk to a girl they stand up and go EW EW EW EW and go OM HE TALKED TO ME I WANNA LEAVE I DEMAND JUSTICE and i think its cause im a weird dna from bosch irland peru and germany/ britsh

04-27-2021, 06:03 PM
i cant work anymore man i tell everyone i know listen man im a virgin never really had a girlfriend i got lucky 3 times and a girl kinda rapped me but it was super long distence

04-27-2021, 06:04 PM
sick of it man i tried working and i just leave cause it stressed me out so much i was going ot get face tattoos and ruin my life and say FUCK SOSICTY but instead i started pulling out my hair to stop myself from doing that

04-27-2021, 06:05 PM
i only been pulling my hair out for like 4 years im still the scared 15 year old who doesnt know how to talk to girls

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:06 PM
You have a kid ewok

You’re not a virgin

04-27-2021, 06:06 PM
and people say money i had money my whole life man like 10k here 5k there new car here new aprtment there

i tried going to clubs everyday cause ppl said go out
ppl said get numbers so i got like 300 girls nuumbers
ppl said i need to drink so i went to clubs and partys and drank

still nothing man and still today nobody can tell me how to get laid its so funny

04-27-2021, 06:07 PM
yeah that was like 16 years ago wtf dont talk about kids having sex you fucking pysco path

04-27-2021, 06:07 PM
do you fucking think i even rember that shit you fucking weirdo why dont you go get more wet brain nobody cares

04-27-2021, 06:09 PM
ok cool dude.
listen, i read that over. your thoughts seem very jumbled and repetitive. are you diagnosed with any condition(s)?

unfortunately the "girlfriend/getting laid" thing should definitely be put on the backburner.

would you be able to work? because no woman besides a crack whore will be interested at all in a man who doesnt work or have some form of normal/regular money coming in. so basically #1 get a job.

i have money im not goign to sit here and ucking tell you my password and all my information about my income but lets say i lived the lifestyle of a rich person for a decade and it didnt get me laid once

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:09 PM
You’re a garbage person

04-27-2021, 06:09 PM
fuckign idiot my family is so rich and famous you fucking moron dumb peice of shit makes me wonder how dumb you are you dont even know anything about me faggot

04-27-2021, 06:10 PM
You’re a garbage person

blocked never have to see you

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:11 PM
I know you had sex with an innocent virgin and knocked her up and she had a kid and the whole family will have nothing to do with you because you’re garbage

04-27-2021, 06:11 PM
yo aggot intternutt you cant get laid either lmfao , fagggottt lmao lmao lmao you cant help me cause youre a fucking incel to hahahahhahahahha

04-27-2021, 06:11 PM
hey internutt youre a nigger faggot jew kike hope you fucking eat shit for breakfast wop bitch

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:12 PM
yo aggot intternutt you cant get laid either lmfao , fagggottt lmao lmao lmao you cant help me cause youre a fucking incel to hahahahhahahahha

Well that’s true

04-27-2021, 06:13 PM
eww you aborted children and youre trying to talk about kids having sex

04-27-2021, 06:13 PM
get this doppleganger away from me

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:20 PM
eww you aborted children and youre trying to talk about kids having sex

Um no

But I think I see why they won’t let you near your own child

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:20 PM
get this doppleganger away from me

You wish you looked like me

04-27-2021, 06:36 PM
cringey as hell watching lisa try to troll ewok

04-27-2021, 06:36 PM
she's no better than you, dude.

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:42 PM
she's no better than you, dude.

Yes I am

I’m not a snot blowing violent racist POS

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:43 PM
cringey as hell watching lisa try to troll ewok

Your every post is cringe

I really dislike Ewok as a person

04-27-2021, 06:46 PM
You wish you looked like me

if so he's the only one

04-27-2021, 06:47 PM

"you wish you looked like me" lmfao

Battery Bits
04-27-2021, 06:48 PM

"you wish you looked like me" lmfao

You realize your pics don’t work right?

04-27-2021, 06:48 PM

"you wish you looked like me" lmfao
