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View Full Version : Please Read This

05-10-2021, 08:31 PM
I have been truely finding my self over the past few months. Even in the darkest times I know that Jesus Christ was watching me. Yes, pray and ask Him to change your sight and mind, absolutely! Pray for him to take these things from you. But you can do a little of the leg work too. Learn to recognize your thought patterns and your own habits and fight against them with a simple redirection: “thy will be done, Lord” and then move on. It’s actually really simple. When we haven’t fully surrendered it’s because there is a part of us that still does not trust, that still wants to rely on our own understanding. His word is clear that this doesn’t work. So honestly, you just have to make the decision once and for all that you are going to trust Him more than yourself and let Him lead you. Pray for His spirit to enter into your heart so that you can discern his will for you versus your own fears and desires.

PLease find a church near you that is Holy and Believes in the One Jesus Christ IS the Son of God as one.

Most longings of the heart stem from a righteous desire that can only be filled by Christ. There's an innocence behind every want and need. The important part is learning how to see Christ in that. I would ask yourself this question for all of your longings:

"In what way does this desire have to do with the Lord"

I would highly recommend seeking out Godly counsel from a professional counselor. It can really help you in figuring out the roots to all of these things that occupy your mind and heart.


God Bless you.