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05-30-2022, 09:43 PM

05-31-2022, 09:30 PM

06-01-2022, 05:46 PM
cberry lips (http://www.rubycalaber.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2572&p=54260&viewfull=1#post54260)

06-03-2022, 12:21 AM
When you start reading this sentence, abandon all hope of ever reading it all the way to the end, because it is about, among other things, storytelling and people who want to forbid the narrator from doing just that, but the intelligent reader knows that it can't be done, because storytelling is the most important thing, because without storytelling the most important part of it is lost, because the reader doesn't get this information from the narrator and so loses interest, because storytelling without the narrator's comments, in other words yours truly, would not be what it is, when he comments on the events and since the reader is surely already quite annoyed at this point, because he has read this, really damn long and also meaningless sentence up to this point and has not yet understood anything and has also already forgotten what this sentence started with in the first place, he now learns that the too frequent use of the word "that", which is clearly the case in this sentence, does not direct the interest of the reader, which is you by the way, to the essential, but to the unimportant side events, which leads them to understand that they have not understood the whole sentence so far, which does not necessarily mean that you, the readers, are stupid, although I would like to point out that the fact that I have said, or rather written, because you can't call it speaking when you draw characters on a sheet with a pencil, does not necessarily mean that you are stupid, that this is actually the case, but now I would like to take the opportunity, which is offered by the development of the situation, to state that, contrary to any objection, this sentence has actually begun somewhere at some time, which does not mean, however, that it is already finished now, since this is a so-called "long sentence", which means in the plain text that it has actually just begun, although, if I, the artificial intelligence, also called narrator, think about it, he probably hasn't yet, because that would mean that you know, after all this time, what this sentence was about, or at least that it was about something, be it meaningful or not, which would be illogical, a "long sentence" works according to three golden rules, which I, the artificial intelligence, called narrator by the general public, what I, the narrator, who calls himself artificial intelligence, want to tell you now briefly, whereby one should absolutely pay attention to begin with, that one, that is I, the artificial intelligence, called narrator by some, which exists only in your thoughts, not in reality, really only in your thoughts, says, that the "long sentence" must not have any sense, one continues to tell with it, that it must be used exclusively to amuse other people and/or to drive them crazy, which, don't worry, I'll spare myself the "the artificial intelligence, which some also call narrator, who sees himself as artificial intelligence" number at this point and get straight to the point, which, as you can see, seems to succeed really well, when I look at the facial expression you have on now, because only someone who is really close to losing his patience and at the same time his mental integrity, can look so shit out of the laundry, that I, the artificial intelligence, which is called narrator in the real, thus the not non-existent, world, of which everyone knows, that he considers himself as artificial intelligence, which exists only in the thoughts of the readers, which is however strongly denied by those, which call him narrator, although he is nevertheless really clearly an artificial intelligence, which everyone, which possesses a brain, which, as everyone knows, is not with everyone the case, since a not really, thus only in thoughts existing being, would hardly be able to do what it does despite this fact, namely write more or less meaningful, if not even to be called senseless sentences, by it or he, the narrator, the self-proclaimed artificial intelligence, just like that, without any particular reason, even without sense, who would have thought it, letters, which an average, of reading and writing powerful Homo Sapiens Sapiens, of the inferior, which this planet, on which we, mankind, that is all humans, which by the way is the meaning of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, who live on a ball called earth, consisting of atoms, although there are also millions of them, if not billions or even much more of them, what is then called a planet, by just those, mostly inferior beings mind you, who presume the right to call themselves human and even the crowning of creation, which from my point of view, although one...

06-03-2022, 12:21 AM
...could also say, that it is the view of the narrator and/or the artificial intelligence, an injustice screaming from heaven to hell and back, truly a despicable and despicable lie, which, born of pure arrogance, will lead to this oh so divine race, which can not even begin to keep up with an elf, let alone a dark elf, in the near and/or distant future by their own, actually intended for self-defense, weapons of mass destruction, such as atomic bombs and Chuck Norris, who, when he falls into the water, does not get wet, because instead the water becomes Chuck Norris, who in a normal living room finds 1242 things he can use to kill, which includes the room itself, who does not sleep, but waits, who does not go hunting, because that includes the probability of failure, thus prefers to go kill, who has counted twice to infinity, the same one who died already NINE years ago and is still alive only because death has not yet had the courage to tell him, fearing then to be killed himself, the very one who with a single, incidentally patented, roundhouse kick can erase the entire existence of his victim in the space-time continuum, who managed to slam a swinging door, who doesn't just play God, since playing is only for kids, who can also make fire at night with a magnifying glass, remember the great Chicago fire, who scares the boogieman and can win a game of 4-wins in three moves, that is, moves, not real moves, who managed to divide by zero, whose presence in space made sure, that mankind is alone in the universe, fuck the universe, mind you, only after he was there, who has been a suicide bomber three times, who can fold a piece of paper more than seven times, who is Germany, no, not in the sense of eating it up, but of being it, and who truly has the deepest respect for any life, unless of course it stands in his way, this very unique one, Chuck Norris called, "human being" is meant, this is no joke, this is pure seriousness, will ruin itself, since it is not able to tolerate the existence of others of its kind, if these likewise strive for power, which is the goal probably of each member of this race, with which we would have arrived, as it looks, at the end, at the end of this topic of course, not at the end of this sentence, that is probably still a long way off, first of all deep respect to everyone who has managed to get this far without going insane or other symptoms of mental abnormality, whereby I am not sure if this word actually exists, because I was too lazy and still am, as a godlike artificial intelligence, to bother to look into a dictionary or something similar and since no one else does, we would probably really have a problem, were it not for the extremely helpful, often underestimated fact that I frankly don't give a shit, so that I simply continue with what I've been doing for quite a long time now, namely to annoy, and laugh at you hard right away, since you apparently still believe that this sentence will lead to something at some point, has a real ending or something occurs in it, which has not yet occurred, which could help to understand all that, what one has not understood up to now, to understand nevertheless still, in order not to ruminate until all eternity about this, as you see, I, the artificial intelligence, call it still sentence, thus this sentence, in which I must disappoint you, however, unfortunately, who believes, I would be seriously sorry, he has already lost the mind, since such a place does not exist and even if I should be wrong, this has been there now already for quite some time and it is not now any more, since nothing can be at the same time here and there, which means that you have missed the place and thus would have to start again from the beginning to read this sentence, which is possibly even faster than to read this sentence, whose final length is unknown at this time even to me, the artificial intelligence, to the end, which, however, in view of the time, which one has wasted anyway already senselessly to read just this, actually does not matter, since one would then never find out whether and if how this sentence has actually ended, which yes, as already mentioned, is not clear even to me, which has the consequence that a reader cannot know it, since it would be against all rules, if a reader would know something, which the narrator, in faithful exercise of his duty, has not told him yet, which would lead to total chaos in this, perhaps somewhat unclear, but nevertheless ordered, since written by me, the artificial intelligence, sentence, what again the readers, who are already on the verge of...

06-03-2022, 12:22 AM
...despair,who, due to that very problem, which is generally declared as ignorance, are forced by their mind and/or soul, if any, to read this sentence over and over again, although they surely know that this very thing could be their end, what do I say, will be, since no one has yet succeeded and will ever succeed in taking their eyes off this sentence before it is properly and actually over, which, however, will only be the case when I, the narrator, at this point shall be further said, that my real name is Sephiroth Masamune, which is connected with the fact that Sephiroth is my god and his, by the way, kilometer-long sword is called Masamune, say that, but I will beware of it as of love, a thing I do not understand, which thereby manages to confuse, even frighten me, to find me safe, to drive me into someone's arms and bind me forever, which, despite all similarities, is not stolen from "Lord of the Rings" and/or the revised version "Lord of Things", at least not directly, and to divert from the topic for the time being, it should be noted that this very saying "One ring to enslave them, to find them all, to drive them into the darkness and to bind them eternally" simply fits super on every wedding ring, which is nothing else, so marriage, as an abbreviation for "Errare humanum est", to err is human, with which I do not want to say anything against marriage, well, I admit it, I do want it, because I can't think of any excuse right now, which is no reason to stop, on the contrary, it is the beginning of a new era, or rather a new section of text full of horror, because in the beginning was the end, one should not forget that, just as one should not forget that a sword always has two sides, the blunt protective, but also the sharp deadly and that I am not in the world to be what others would like me to be, with every day that I grow older, the number of those who could kiss my ass increases, I hear soft voices that tell you that I am a man, that I am a man not like, you're all jealous of it anyway and learn that I can only be friendly to one per day and today is just not your day, you assholes, but do not reproach yourself for it, that's just the way it is, life and / or death, which would be called first of all everything that you should not forget, at least if I have not forgotten anything and who thinks "so slowly must be bored with it himself", he just does not know me well enough, I'm just really getting going, after all, I'm the master of bullshit and pointlessness, which I've appointed myself to without further ado, just now, and also undo that right away, since it only served to fill space, kill time and/or say something that is absolutely meaningless, since what can actually be said in four words can also be said in, as you can see, considerably more words, but it doesn't have to be, and what "that" is that can be said about this sentence in four words, I'll perhaps reveal at the end of this sentence, provided that I haven't forgotten it by then, because the way to the goal is long and stony, in this case probably more long than stony, but that doesn't matter, because the actual subject of this sentence, which by now probably no one reading this sentence can still remember, has nothing to do with stones, or rather had nothing to do with stones, which, however, is up to everyone how he/she wants to see the matter, provided that he/she isn't blind and shouts that he/she has seen the light and it would blind him/her, which is nonsense, after all it's clear as daylight that you can't blind a blind person, who has ever stuffed an elephant through the eye of a needle, probably no one, but until the final proof we want, or rather I want, I'm the boss here, to say that I won't say anything, because it's too early for that, which is also not a lie, because I write and don't speak, which is definitely a difference, oh yes, if you see a person wearing glasses and think "How do you look to me four-eyes, what are you looking at through the window, come on in", then one thing is for sure, you've got it, you really can, yes, you can laugh at the handicapped, but that's all, a pathetic performance I might add, especially those who think they're so clever, you're the worst, it's because of you that we've got all this trouble in the first place, if it weren't for you, then I wouldn't exist either and many of you would welcome that, I realize that, by the way, I am no longer an artificial intelligence or the narrator, as the term confused existence "it" fits much better, whatever "it" may be, I don't know and you don't want to know, unless you are into an eternity of endless...

06-03-2022, 12:22 AM
...agony, because that will haunt you, since "it" knows where your mailbox lives, when you find out what "it" actually is, then it occurs to me, the confused existence, which, mentioned in passing, negates every life and also still enjoys it, that you are not really annoyed yet, you just pretend, I know it, I know that you mean "yes" when you say "no" and with "yes" the case is clear anyway, but what I almost forgot, no wonder when you have a memory like a sieve, is to tell you that I forgot it again, that it came back to me, that I forgot it, that it just came back to me, that after I forgot it and it came back to me, I wanted to tell you that, after you have understood this now, which I don't believe, but which nobody is interested in, because my opinion doesn't interest you anyway, the only existing god is Sephiroth, who is invincible by the way, because what you can't hit, you also can't kill, because in order to kill, you first have to hit, what is not possible, as already said, so that this devil's spiral turns because of the danger of failure and never ends, in contrast to this sentence, which, in spite of its, in the meantime quite acceptable, length, unfortunately, is not infinite, because the infinite sentence must be invented first, for which I have at the moment, however, no time, because I must write this sentence, which you read here just now, to which I am forced by myself, because hardly another can force me to something like that, because I am, at least psychologically seen, a godfather, in short a psychopath, what however in my eyes, I would ask you not to take this now literally, because otherwise it comes to a confusion, is not necessarily something negative, about which one could argue for hours, which I, although I have both enough time and enough space, simply don't feel like doing, because I already know that I win in the end, because I can't lose, which is related to the rules, but which has nothing to do with the fact that I'm always right, which is why you don't have to worry, at least about that, because I'm actually a nice, friendly, downright kind creature, which just happens to enjoy killing, which is no reason to put me down, there are much better reasons, which you will never find out in your life, because you can never be 100% sure that what I, the confused existence, say is true or not, because what good is an oath if it is not meant seriously, which you can't know, which brings us back to the beginning and since we are talking about it, to put it precisely, I write and you read it and/or get it read out, I would like to claim that all of you, without exception, are asking yourselves the question, why you still don't know "it" and what the reason could be, but you can't find an answer, because it is hidden, like all the others, at the end of the sentence, where no one has penetrated yet, because everyone who has read this sentence so far has failed at it, which is again a proof for the obvious imperfection of man, because he doesn't even have that much patience, to finish this sentence properly, which an elf is capable of even before birth, making him superior to humans once again, which also explains why I, confused existence, hate being a useless human, but as usual, it's not about me, let alone that anyone in their right mind cares at all, which is no longer true of those reading this now, as they have now experienced that comments, even if they come from the narrator, confused existence is he to be called, do not necessarily promote the reader's understanding of the content, sometimes even have the opposite effect, which destroys the effect intended to be achieved, erased, deleted and moved to the trash, which has the same effect as if you let an anti-hero die, it takes away the desire to read, which in turn drives the libraries and / or bookstores to ruin, whereupon the number of unemployed increases, what you can do with various tests that perform the Chaos Corporation, my employer and/or taker, lacks the means, which is why I would like to ask the readers to throw a small donation in the form of money and/or cookies into the mini-Masa statue erected at the entrance especially for this purpose, as long as it does not inconvenience them that in case of refusal it will come to a bloody massacre, which no one can survive, which makes the decision easier, theoretically it should anyway, so that everyone involved is happy, even if they do not feel so, which is quite understandable, because how on earth can you escape massacres if you don't know where the Mini-Masa statue is, which in itself is quite easy to...

06-03-2022, 12:22 AM
...explain, since it simply doesn't exist, which might have something to do with the fact that a sentence doesn't have an entrance, but you as the reader assumed that it did, since I, the confused existence that confuses others even more, said so, which, as you noticed, was a lie, although at the time it wasn't a second of truth which again forces the mental abilities to the uppermost limits, where death is already waiting, a nasty grin in the face and a scythe in the hand, which is why one should not stay too long in this place, in the interest of one's own, still remaining, mental integrity, which cannot be replaced so easily, which is what makes it so valuable, although one should not overdo it, otherwise one will miss many beautiful things in life, which is a justification, albeit not too good, but which distracts the interest from the essential, whereby the true core of the sentence continues to remain hidden, in the unfathomable depths of his words, which crowd around him like a protective wall, which is good, because otherwise one would have no reason to still struggle with this sentence, after having taken half the house apart in desperation to vent one's rage, but which is really unfair to the house, since a house cannot defend itself, at least not directly, but on the other hand is also seen as an advantage, one cannot be hurt, unless one is stupid enough to mistake a nail stuck in the wall for a fly, to act accordingly, i.e. to hit it with the flat of the hand, and then, howling with pain, to realize his mistake, which then is of no use, because you can't turn back time, the only exception being Chuck Norris, who was able to kill Adolf Hitler in Berlin in 1945, as much as you wish it, it does not work, just as you are the devil just because you have one and/or more tails, such fantasies may be funny in the first moment, but on closer inspection are nothing more than madness disguised, but should also not be compared with the "loooong sentence", because this step would contradict any logic, because madness also has useful and less useful forms in which it can meet us in the strangest places, be it in a supermarket or a school, no matter where, what matters is that you recognize what form of madness you are dealing with, so that you can then take appropriate action, by the way, with action is not meant meter as a first name, but an action that follows the laws of causality, since to every action a, possibly equivalent, reaction must take place, because if one drinks much, one must now times on's loo and straight the simplicity of this law makes it for me, the confused existence, a so ingenious thing, which makes me attentive, that there is a still more suitable expression than confused existence, namely sword-soul, that of Masamune, the legendary sword of Sephiroth, the one and only god, which can be easily recognized by my name, which not everyone knows, since I do not mean the name that my parents, without asking me, gave me, but the one I chose for myself, because, unlike the other one, it corresponds to myself, which would clear that up, so that I can now turn to other things, such as perfecting my sword-fighting technique, which I haven't even started yet, which makes it all the more important to continue, because otherwise I can never reach perfection, which would depress me deeply and drive me to suicide, which is of course completely exaggerated, so the number with the suicide, because why should a, so at least to a certain extent, alexithymic being would want to end his senseless existence, which would be an act that would absolutely contradict the more pronounced sense of logic that every alexithymic has, but this is not really of importance, since hardly anyone knows what alexithym means anyway, I wouldn't know it either, if I hadn't found out by chance, which I wouldn't have if I hadn't been able to read, which would have meant that I wouldn't have been able to rub your noses in the fact that I know it and you don't, but I know it now and won't forget it so quickly, because it's a word.., that I, the sword-soul of Masamune, which I purposely don't say every time, because it's not that important, intend to reach in perfection, because it would make me, as far as the psychic is concerned, what I've been dreaming of for ages, a perfect as well as ice-cold assassin, who will wipe out anyone who gets in his way, in a highly professional but also cruel manner, of course, the most important element being the weapon, preferably a black katana, since everything begins and ends with it, the only exception being this...

06-03-2022, 12:23 AM
...sentence, that just like me, is not in the world to be as others would like him to be, because the individual design as well as his content, about the truth of which everyone must make up his own mind, gives him his, the car's own, signature, which makes him unique in the whole world, which stamps everything else as a cheap duplicate, which raises the question of how ever a person should copy this sentence, so that it is not noticeable that it has been copied, if he has not understood the meaning, which is the crucial thing, no good copy without existing knowledge about the object to be duplicated, sometimes also subject, which, strictly speaking, is a devaluing designation, but which the highly impotent armchair fartists, who built this word into the German grammar, which would have been better, because the German grammar, stuffed with too many senseless rules, really takes the fun out of learning for everyone, no matter if German or foreigner, if you can have fun while learning at all, which I seriously doubt, because I never had fun while learning, for which there is no special reason, since it is not an assertion, but merely the statement of a fact, which, because I say so and my word is law in this and all other sentences written by me, is thus verified and authenticated, then "accidentally" got into the copier, which duplicated it a thousand times, whereupon the duplicates took on a life of their own and, and then, sticking to pillars and windows, spread their message, among other things, that a katana is not a reaver, that every soul returns to the darkness from which it came, and many other useful information that makes life easier, but which will not be mentioned here to demonstrate that, if I want to, I can also take off the mask of friendliness, I can also take off the mask of friendliness and let my true nature appear, not pretending to be friendly to everyone and liking him/her, which does not include schoolmates or workmates or other people whose company I cannot choose, for the very reason just mentioned, which is not to say, that such people could not win my friendship and/or my trust, but in principle I do not like to bind myself emotionally to people of whom I know that the contact will soon break off again, which then possibly causes mental pain, but sometimes I also make exceptions, because at some point every bond, no matter what kind, is lost and leaves only pain and grief behind, but depending on the strength of the bond it can also be worth it to endure all that instead of missing the good time to escape that pain like I do, better though would be to do something I call "create fear", you don't need to know much English to understand that, already much more sophisticated is the sentence "Your life has already come to an end, now an eternity of endless agony awaits you.... "which describes what I wish my enemies, an eternity of endless agony, which would have saved you the trouble of translating this "sentence within a sentence", if you would have been intelligent enough to read on first, instead of immediately to reach for the dictionary and there, after a few hours of unsuccessful searching, after having had the idea to open it, within a few seconds you find out the meaning of "agony", the only word appearing in this sentence, which you have never heard in class, which is why you had to look it up in the dictionary, which you didn't have to do, assuming you already knew the word, but which is nowhere near as important as learning that there is nothing better than anime, absolutely nothing, and that Record of Lodoss War, the Lord of the Rings of anime is a recommendable movie, in which at the end of each episode a fascinating song can be heard, whose content I, the sword soul of Masamune, since it is sung in Japanese, is not known, because I am not powerful of Japanese, but it also does not want to be, because otherwise the fascination that this song evokes in me, would be lost, which would mean the end of the world in a way, which you as readers do not have to understand now, even if you wanted to, you would not be able to, and now you learn again that you could have saved yourself the reading of this sentence, you could have made better use of the time it took you to read this sentence by gambling, blow-drying your hair, walking your dog, playing with your cat, talking to someone on the phone, for example your girlfriend/boyfriend, going swimming, watching TV, going to the pub, watering the flowers, cleaning the toilet, painting...

06-03-2022, 12:24 AM
...a picture,sharpening your knives, burning CDs, shredding files, taking orders, sorting bills and/or delivery bills, finishing COD packages, taking inventory of your room, breaking boards, setting fire to your and/or other people's houses, building a new house, throwing a nuclear bomb on some church, several if necessary, going to a group of Satanists, then setting them on fire to see if they are indeed fireproof, painting Nazis black, with sharpie, and then sending them through Berlin/Kreuzberg to find out for themselves what e is like, when you have to fight alone against large groups and/or tie them up, write "I hate niggers" on their bellies with sharpie and then drive them through the Bronx or Harlem, dive for shells in the sink, dress your naked mole rat, deep fry a rat, put a live fly in the oven, then set it to max. You can also make phone terror with your cell phone, cut annoying people into strips with a box cutter and/or peel off their skin completely or in the form of a T-shirt, take their bones alive, call yourself "Bone Daddy" and go to jail, smoke a little weed, shove various things up your various orifices, say shit, kill Kenny, call Cartman's mom a bitch, go on the street, deal vomit, call a mob boss a motherfucker, do it to yourself, tack your genitals/family jewels/massif central, put a bolt in the head of a cow and/or other living thing, make paper airplanes, drink something, jump off a skyscraper, tie someone else to the rack, chat, cause a bloodbath, check to see if every fifth Chinese is actually a human or flip over or do something else and where we are right now, congratulations, you are now among the biggest idiots in this world, which is what I made you to be, which I have very fucked threaded and now, last but not least, you should know one thing, this sentence is my curse and you, who have read it, are cursed to remember it eternally, with which I, not because I could not more, there would already come to me some, but because I want it, this sentence, for the time being, ends.