View Full Version : It's days like this I think I should ressurect my facebook with everyone I ever knew on it and all their parents

Dirty Beatle
05-15-2014, 03:37 AM
If I had drugs I'd smoke a joint.

Thanks Liberal, welcome back to the 50's but with world overpopulation, no post war boom and influx of white goods to put in your super cheap houses because a house is the luxury item these days and the white goods cost fuck all, yeah all your kids have ipads and iphone you piece of leeching shit baby boomers oh yeah they are so spoilt even though you are the generation that sucked up more resources than any generation preceding you or following you but I really want to hear about how your generation worked really hard for what you got, I want to hear you whinge about your children having more white goods than you grew up with and having to live with you because they can't afford houses and youth unemployment is at 30% (Like the youth are experiencing unemployment that is literally as bad as the great depression was for everyone) while you pieces of shit literally cut all youth off from the safetynet (no dole for you kiddos) and expect your children to pick up the bill for you dumping your parents who had to live through a world war into state aged care while you don;t pay a fucking cent for them but you fucking garbage baby booming fuck tossers make sure your bottom line stays intact at the expense of everyone else while generation X just waits for you pieces of shit to die so we can have your fucking house.

Globalisation HAPPENED you senile retarded fucking losers. Deal with it. You are fucking up my country. Also go have a fucking stroke on your next holiday to France or some shit.