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View Full Version : Aussie Welfare system to be abolished

Lexi Persimmons
05-20-2014, 08:41 PM
Australian budget ends “Age of Entitlement”

15 May 2014

This week’s Australian budget is a stark warning to workers internationally of the sweeping social reversal being demanded by international financial capital in every country. In what has been depicted as the “lucky country,” which seemed to escape the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, the framework has been set for dismantling every aspect of the welfare state established following World War II.

The Abbott Coalition government’s first budget will have an immediate impact on the lives of every section of the working class, especially the most impoverished. The screws have been tightened on welfare payments across the board to ensure that the unemployed, the disabled and the elderly wait longer, receive fewer benefits or get nothing at all. Working-class families are being stripped of tax concessions. The principle of “user pays” has been extended to visits to the local doctor and other medical services, as well as to giving universities free rein to make massive increases in student fees.

The budget sets a number of new benchmarks that will be exploited to impose similar measures internationally.

* The pension age will be progressively lifted over time to 70—an unprecedented measure in an advanced industrialised country. Many elderly workers, physically unable to work or who cannot find a job under conditions of mass joblessness, will be condemned to years of destitution on unemployment benefits.

Lexi Persimmons
05-20-2014, 08:47 PM

Lexi Persimmons
05-20-2014, 08:47 PM
cut lisa off first.

Lexi Persimmons
05-20-2014, 08:48 PM

Dirty Beatle
05-20-2014, 08:49 PM
Yeah well a lot of stuff still has to get through senate

Good luck everyone

Dirty Beatle
05-20-2014, 08:51 PM
I think there's a lot in the budget that they are trying to distract on with this.

Dirty Beatle
05-20-2014, 08:52 PM
A lot of absolute rubbish that will probably get passed while everyone bickers over the scraps

Dirty Beatle
05-20-2014, 08:53 PM
And meanwhile the whole health system just got fucked in the ass

Lexi Persimmons
05-20-2014, 08:59 PM
when they cut you off, you won't be able to afford internet access which is good for Rubynet.

05-20-2014, 09:30 PM
slippery slope on the doctor charges, this year it will be 7 dolars, next year 15 dollars,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FUCK

05-20-2014, 09:31 PM
having 0 GP fees was so good why ruin that

steveyos YOLO
05-20-2014, 09:37 PM
You can come live with me lisa when you become homeless

Dirty Beatle
05-20-2014, 09:45 PM
You can come live with me lisa when you become homeless


05-20-2014, 09:50 PM
having 0 GP fees was so good why ruin that

What are you babbling about

05-20-2014, 10:41 PM
What are you babbling about

General practitioner who diagnoses symptoms. Recommends medicine or specialists, can give prescriptions. Was free until now.

05-20-2014, 10:50 PM
so you're bitching because you have a 7 dollar copay on doctor visits

05-20-2014, 11:05 PM
your healthcare isn't actually free barry it's paid for by your taxes which means you're paying as much as an american would to go to the doctor whether you go to a doctor or not

05-20-2014, 11:27 PM
actually we pay more regardless since our healthcare system is full of unnecessary waste and overblown salaries and budgets and insurance against lawsuits

05-20-2014, 11:43 PM
not sure where you're getting that from, I haven't seen a doctor in 5 years and I haven't paid a dime

05-20-2014, 11:43 PM
no michael moore movie is going to convince me otherwise

Gentleman Doli
05-21-2014, 12:30 AM
Thanks Obama

Plug Drugs
05-21-2014, 12:49 AM
we are entering an age where pretty much if you don't have a decent-paying job already or money saved up, you're completely fucked
getting into debt is the worst, silliest thing you could do. Word to the wise

05-21-2014, 02:33 AM
You can come live with me lisa when you become homeless

me to

05-21-2014, 02:38 AM
we are entering an age where pretty much if you don't have a decent-paying job already or money saved up, you're completely fucked
getting into debt is the worst, silliest thing you could do. Word to the wise

just do crime free food free bed free doc free power its not that bad

05-21-2014, 05:39 AM
We pay a levy on medicare, now its going up like 20% an on too Gp visit fees. Its just going to go up from here. I bet ppl still praise abbott and his shitty party

05-21-2014, 06:31 AM
We pay a levy on medicare, now its going up like 20% an on too Gp visit fees. Its just going to go up from here. I bet ppl still praise abbott and his shitty party

i ha8 the lot of them .scum thats all thay are

05-21-2014, 06:34 AM
Australians are retarded

05-21-2014, 06:41 AM
We pay a levy on medicare, now its going up like 20% an on too Gp visit fees. Its just going to go up from here. I bet ppl still praise abbott and his shitty party

I do, the government has no place cramming health insurance down your throat. They're not our parents, we don't need them to support us, and the world would be better off if people like lisa and plug drugs were starving to death out on the street.

05-21-2014, 09:34 AM
is it ok I eat good while those niggas starvin

Autistic Spectrum
05-21-2014, 09:39 AM
they better fix it or lisa's will invade the usa looking for free ipads and weed

Autistic Spectrum
05-21-2014, 09:46 AM
entitled lazy bogan retards like lisa are what's tearing the once great prison Conley of Australia apart

lnopia the great
05-21-2014, 09:50 AM
going to the doctor friday and im not going to pay shit

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 09:58 AM
they better fix it or lisa's will invade the usa looking for free ipads and weed


lnopia the great
05-21-2014, 10:03 AM
ive gotten so much milage out of healthcare that im prob way ahead then if it didnt exist

Gentleman Doli
05-21-2014, 11:03 AM
"im goign to move to canada one day and do the sex with gabi" - me

Autistic Spectrum
05-21-2014, 04:05 PM
moving to Canada, gonna become an arsonist, should be seeing gabi quite a bit

05-21-2014, 04:22 PM
If that gets thru Australia is going to get a lot worse and crime rates will go up because the poor will be desperate. Disgusting and heartless

Lexi Persimmons
05-21-2014, 04:27 PM
the stevey's and lisa's must die.

Autistic Spectrum
05-21-2014, 04:28 PM
there trying to steal tim's lucky charms

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 08:43 PM
the stevey's and lisa's must die.
When was the last time that you made a post that wasn't just inane desperate whinging about me? Get a life you shit poster.

steveyos YOLO
05-21-2014, 08:45 PM
Whatever the fuck whinging is you better stop it

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 08:46 PM
If that gets thru Australia is going to get a lot worse and crime rates will go up because the poor will be desperate. Disgusting and heartless

It's particularly bad for youth because youth have 30% unemployment and the government wants to prevent them from getting the dole, so youth are in a depression like situation and our government's solution? Cut them off from the safety net.

I feel really bad for youth. Also what are the street kids meant to do?

Lexi Persimmons
05-21-2014, 08:53 PM
lisa. your life is worth what anyways? What the fuk do you do for the betterment of Society?

05-21-2014, 09:09 PM

It's particularly bad for youth because youth have 30% unemployment and the government wants to prevent them from getting the dole, so youth are in a depression like situation and our government's solution? Cut them off from the safety net.

I feel really bad for youth. Also what are the street kids meant to do?

you have 30% unemployment because the government taxes everyone through the nose to support people like you and businesses can't afford to pay salaries that are twice what the employee is worth

05-21-2014, 09:10 PM
everyone loses in a welfare state except the people who actually deserve to lose

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 09:43 PM
you have 30% unemployment because the government taxes everyone through the nose to support people like you and businesses can't afford to pay salaries that are twice what the employee is worthI'm also responsible for global warming maks

want to fight me about it?

steveyos YOLO
05-21-2014, 09:44 PM
Lisa stop being on welfare that's not cool bro

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 09:46 PM
I'll help later

maks get rid of that shit on google about me idiot loser

Fuck you ruby

lnopia the great
05-21-2014, 09:57 PM
when you get a job

Dirty Beatle
05-21-2014, 11:47 PM

Get fucked.

05-22-2014, 06:14 AM
australia deserves to be in this position, their own policies brought them here

Autistic Spectrum
05-22-2014, 06:19 AM
hmm let's send all of Englands criminals to jurrasic park, i am sure there descendants will make a fine country some day

05-22-2014, 07:26 AM
Whatever the fuck whinging is you better stop it