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View Full Version : feel like getting ck2 and the converter just to make the roman empire in eu4

08-10-2014, 05:44 PM
Idk why I like grand strategy so much

steveyos YOLO
08-10-2014, 07:00 PM
because you have autism

lnopia the great
08-10-2014, 09:28 PM
whats this game

lnopia the great
08-10-2014, 09:29 PM
you gave me a nerd half chub here dont leave me hanging

08-10-2014, 10:20 PM
Ck2 and eu4 are grand strategy medieval and eventually muskets in the latter.
The former starts in the 10th century and ends in the 15th. The latter starts in the 15th century and ends in the 19th.
Its mostly eurocentric with a dash of ottomans and Muslims. Going blacj africab/Asian/Indian/american injun and you will never rule the world. They advance slowly in tech

08-10-2014, 10:23 PM
I restored the Byzantines in eu4 but its just hitting 1700s and time is running out. If I gt ck2 and convert my save over to eu4 I get 500 more years to plan taking over the world

08-10-2014, 10:30 PM
You can bring over euro paganism if you do it right to eu4 and bring Odin's wrath on all the catholics and orthodox in Europe that's another thing I wanna do

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 05:22 AM
and I'm the loser of this forum somehow, the one guy who doesn't do this

08-11-2014, 05:47 AM
are you serious you fat piece of shit?
you dont have the patience to do anything t hat involves actual calculating and strategy, you dont have what it takes to be a real emperor

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 06:14 AM
involves actual autism

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 06:15 AM
look at those cute little tiny guys runnign around weeee he swung his stick! he swung his stick! oh so cute! now i have to go chekc on this other group of plastic toy soliders, oh so cute, yay he swung his stick! i too kover the worrrrlllllddddddd!!!

tim I'm going outside it's 8 AM I'm going out at 10 and not coming back until after sundown and that's what I do every day, I don't play with tiny little men from way up in the sky, that's for autistic people, you feel like you're doing something strategic and whatever, but it's just autism

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 06:16 AM
I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 06:16 AM
what's all them tiny little boyz on your screen with 1 animation that isn't even finished ugh so fucking autistic I can't take it I need new friends so bad

steveyos YOLO
08-11-2014, 06:17 AM
why don't you just have dp build a few million cabinets and you can line them up all in a pretty little row and then blow them all up irl that'dbe cooler than watching it on some shitty 2d top down game unless you're autistic as fuck and can enjoy it but me I need somethign that actually involves using my brain sorry

08-11-2014, 06:49 AM
I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future

'live on mom's welfare until she dies then get my own welfare'

08-11-2014, 06:51 AM
I agree witb josh videoganes are for fags *posts about how gay videoganes are for 50 times In a row*

08-11-2014, 07:48 AM
I agree witb josh videoganes are for fags *posts about how gay videoganes are for 50 times In a row*

Don't be confused, Jihad Josh is steffies, I don't know why Josh gave his account to steffies

08-11-2014, 07:52 AM
detective deaf retard is on the case! come watson!

08-11-2014, 08:24 AM
That makes sense Thanks elz

08-11-2014, 08:37 AM
i hear voices camoron

08-11-2014, 10:07 AM
They come to you they understand they talk to you

08-11-2014, 06:29 PM
I hear gay people

Autistic Spectrum
08-11-2014, 06:29 PM
look at those cute little tiny guys runnign around weeee he swung his stick! he swung his stick! oh so cute! now i have to go chekc on this other group of plastic toy soliders, oh so cute, yay he swung his stick! i too kover the worrrrlllllddddddd!!!

tim I'm going outside it's 8 AM I'm going out at 10 and not coming back until after sundown and that's what I do every day, I don't play with tiny little men from way up in the sky, that's for autistic people, you feel like you're doing something strategic and whatever, but it's just autism

haha holy shit stevey what do you do all day your busy day of ??? from 10am till sundown, planning for your future, schemeing away out there in the mean streets

Autistic Spectrum
08-11-2014, 06:29 PM
do you break bottles and shit, thorw rocks though 2nd story windows of boarded up houses

Autistic Spectrum
08-11-2014, 06:31 PM
I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you, what's all that gettin ya there with that there

Autistic Spectrum
08-11-2014, 06:33 PM
do you go to the coner store and pick up white trash bags so you can put your dirt weed in them and bring it down to the dispserenty where thy give you 40 bucks for a months work then run home to spend it on keyboard apps

Autistic Spectrum
08-11-2014, 06:34 PM
I'm calculating and strategizing my actual future tim how about you,