View Full Version : my child is CrYinG because the furby boom da ba de da ba di

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:02 AM
I bought the dollar tree CheapTab™ and I feel like that wasn't really stupid of me ! make your app work on my shitty device I bought because there's no hope !

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:03 AM
I bet it won't work on my tegra note either though especially if it needs GPS LOL I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU FOR BEING SO UNFUNNY

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:04 AM
there is no reason for me to have an internet connection there's nothing good to see on a screen there's nothing that can show up on my screens that makes me wanna look at them any more I'm done, seriously, the internet is sadder than real life, I gotta go, until I can afford a windows tablet

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:05 AM
gonna see if they got a fur by boom in yet at target fuck walmart that's for rich people 60 bucks theatre 30 at target it's like hellooooooooooooo

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:07 AM
if someone wants to pay for three I'll name them cag lisa and cody, and use a text to speech thing on my pc and play all of their posts for each fur by, though I'll have to go outside while it's happening I can't read their posts as it is forget hearing them I'll let the furbies suffer through that

steveyos YOLO
08-20-2014, 03:09 AM
imagine a pink haired furby boom calling the furby boom in the bikini the same insult all day though the furby boom will probably pick up more words than lisa has, the cag furby would be annoying as duck, and the cody one just wouldn't have batteries in it and I'd keep it buried under the next door neighbour s house