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11-14-2012, 11:57 PM
I am pathetic.

I am alone, sad, drenched in masturbatory sweat and I reek of shame and tears.

throw me a life preserver girl.

PM me pictures of your delicious ass (anus and vaginal cavity specifically)

you will save me from a life of lonelyness..... because even after you realize how pathetic I truly am, you will still own a special place in my heart......... because I will continue to agressively crysterbate (crying while masturbating) to the pics you send me of your delicious body.

or your moms.....

what evs.....

11-14-2012, 11:59 PM
that's terrible

11-14-2012, 11:59 PM
well thats all fine and good, but my PM box is still empty.

11-15-2012, 12:02 AM
well my pot bowl is empty

and so is my heart

and so are most people's brains

11-15-2012, 12:07 AM
I couldnt agree more to all three of those observations.

but I still need to see you naked.

that video you posted was too short.

dont be a pussy, just accept that being a girl on the internet means you are required to show me (specifically me) your genitals.

I am sad, alone, no hope, a gun in my mouth and a belt around my neck.

do you want to kill the only good poster on the internet?

I didnt think so.

so..... I know MY sweat pants are off.....

11-15-2012, 12:12 AM
if I wasn't feeling so dejected right now I'd harass you back to get you show me your cock on cam

but I can't eat like this, I can't smile like this and there is absolutely no chance that the fucking bitch I always gave pot to will shout me back as she has grown to expect it from me and has started to give me attitude if I don;t give her any, she will get no more from me

I am in a terrible mood and will be for the next 4 days at least probably longer

the whole world puts me in an untenable position

I need to withdraw and go cry

11-15-2012, 12:17 AM
if I wasn't feeling so dejected right now I'd harass you back to get you show me your cock on cam

but I can't eat like this, I can't smile like this and there is absolutely no chance that the fucking bitch I always gave pot to will shout me back as she has grown to expect it from me and has started to give me attitude if I don;t give her any, she will get no more from me

I am in a terrible mood and will be for the next 4 days at least probably longer

the whole world puts me in an untenable position

I need to withdraw and go cry

okay, first off....... I will never show you my penis.

and secondly, I honestly dont give a fuck about whats going on in your real life.

the fact is that you are REQUIRED to show me your vagina..... do it now or I swear to fucknig christ I will destroy you.

sex with dead people
11-15-2012, 01:06 AM
She forgot to take her mental meds again.

11-15-2012, 01:22 AM
She forgot to take her mental meds again.

she self medicates with marijuana to escape her daunting reality of being a rape survivor

11-15-2012, 02:23 AM
okay, first off....... I will never show you my penis.

and secondly, I honestly dont give a fuck about whats going on in your real life.

the fact is that you are REQUIRED to show me your vagina..... do it now or I swear to fucknig christ I will destroy you.

You don't even know how to seduce lisa

11-15-2012, 05:20 AM
okay, first off....... I will never show you my penis.

and secondly, I honestly dont give a fuck about whats going on in your real life.

the fact is that you are REQUIRED to show me your vagina..... do it now or I swear to fucknig christ I will destroy you.No.

I believe you are impotent.

sex with dead people
11-15-2012, 10:05 AM

I believe you are impotent.

After seeing your face, how could he not be?

11-15-2012, 05:41 PM

you need to udnerstand that you will forever be a retarded lame ugly loser as far as I'm concerned, your personality is like a cat shit

11-15-2012, 06:05 PM
After seeing your face, how could he not be?

11-15-2012, 06:07 PM
oh please you losers

anyone who can't post a pic of themselves is inevitably more ugly than anyone else they try to call ugly

this is a fact of the internet

11-15-2012, 06:09 PM
we've all posted pictures before...

11-15-2012, 06:14 PM
not near me you haven't

proof that you realise you are actually more ugly

11-15-2012, 06:26 PM
there's a simple answer for that, it's because nobody cares about you

11-15-2012, 06:30 PM

all you have to do is look is that forum to see there is much more care about me than you maks

it's because you're ugly and you know it and now you can;t post your pic because you've spent so much time trying to call me ugly and it would be very embarassing for you to post your pic and for me to see what an ugly dickhead you are


11-15-2012, 06:40 PM
yes that's why I've posted like 12 pictures of me, you've cracked the case sherlock gj

11-15-2012, 06:42 PM
you've never posted a picture near me

which returns us back to my point

you are too embarrassed as you know you are ugly and posting a pic of yourself ever again is something you cannot do for fear of ridicule of your face

11-15-2012, 06:45 PM
I've never done lots of things near you. I've never read a good post, never gotten sexually excited, never didn't question my faith in humanity... when you go away for some strange reason all these problems go with you, it's almost as if you're the problem.

11-15-2012, 06:46 PM
oh I know you have a problem maks

as I keep saying the problem is your face

and you can never post a pic of yourself ever again because you'd be embarrassed for me to see it LOL

11-15-2012, 06:54 PM
lisa calling other peopel ugly oh boy oh boy oh boy

11-15-2012, 06:54 PM
lisa youre a prawn if i were to have sex with you i would decapitate your head and fuck your body put it in a freezer warm it up in the microwave later for more banging them dump it in a river for crocs to clean all the evidence

11-15-2012, 06:54 PM
just kidding i wouldnt do that

11-15-2012, 06:59 PM
funny thing is there's a picture of me in my profile and has been since this forum started

11-15-2012, 07:10 PM
funny thing is there's a picture of me in my profile and has been since this forum startedthat pic is such an ugly fuck that I actually though it couldn't be you and that you were better looking than that

11-15-2012, 07:11 PM

11-15-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm prettier than you that's for sure

11-15-2012, 07:20 PM
LOL oh maks

you can't be serious

that is not you

sex with dead people
11-15-2012, 07:21 PM
I'm prettier than you that's for sure

11-15-2012, 07:22 PM

I believe you are impotent.


be that as it may, I still like to flop the ol' wet sock around a bit.

11-15-2012, 07:26 PM
I believe you make up weird shit to say to women because you can't actually get it up and follow through with anything

it's amusing though sure