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View Full Version : eating things thresd redux

12-06-2014, 01:39 AM
so, I finally went to 420 smokehouse and had some good brisket I went at 3pm and the useless eastern euro waitress asked me if I wanted some tilapia shit that was being pushed. fuck you olga I want meat it shows a pic if a pig and a cow in the sign wtf is wrong with you. morans will offer sea bass and chilean pinot next. no thanks.
ok so I politely told her I wanted smoked meat and comments on how few meat dishes wrre on the menu. she didn't know what to say because she was either new or stupid. anyway asked what they had on tap that was not light beer shit tier lager and also specified I wasn't interested in stout. so, ya some sort of sligghtky darker ale. again she couldn't answer the question she kept pushing Steamwhistle and classifying whatbi wanted as light beer. do you want budwdiserr? molson?? steamwgistl? wow, no fuck off. luckily the owner was watching and said here you want something red and you should try thisnale called wellington. Ok soundz good. bitch leave I will talk to this man.
I ordered a reuben and a smoked meat poutine to really over do it and I have to say buth were excellent and I got some keens hot moutarde to have with it damn it was good
and the beer was perfect, deep red with no high acid, bitter hops notes. this thing was like an english dark ale so, I ate and the woman didn't even. come to check on me, but the owner was at the bar and talked to me about the recent election and other nothing convo. so the waitress was surprised when i gave her a 20% tip , but I do that everywher regardless unless the person is just rude or skmething so yeah that happens today

12-06-2014, 03:31 AM
I just ate some tomato & mozzorella pasta bake


12-06-2014, 03:35 AM
ruby has no source of protein, he is a very frail skinny skeleton of what he could be, he needs to make gains at the gym fast, bitch needs steroids and an all oatmeal and eggs diet

12-06-2014, 03:37 AM
lets not forget ruby doesnt have any intake of omega 3 or iron, he could be so much more energetic and enthusiastic towards life if he ate and actually moved further than from his bedroom to the shitter, i bet he would actaully get bored of his computer and actually do something meaningful, i feel so bad just watching him do this to hjimself i wish i could stpo it

12-06-2014, 03:39 AM
ruby has no source of protein, he is a very frail skinny skeleton of what he could be, he needs to make gains at the gym fast, bitch needs steroids and an all oatmeal and eggs diet

Tim has plenty of sources of protein from all the semen he swallows.

lets not forget ruby doesnt have any intake of omega 3 or iron, he could be so much more energetic and enthusiastic towards life if he ate and actually moved further than from his bedroom to the shitter, i bet he would actaully get bored of his computer and actually do something meaningful, i feel so bad just watching him do this to hjimself i wish i could stpo it

Let's not forget Tim has a high intake of penises. In his rectum.

12-06-2014, 03:43 AM
i just want to help you man :sad:

12-06-2014, 03:56 AM
I go to the bathroom for 5 mins and when I come back these are waiting for me on my bed and trollinator is standing next to them saying I have to get fit so people cant troll me for my health, thanks a lot barry

12-06-2014, 03:57 AM
I guess I just sit in one place all day camping in dayz or watching shitty tv shows so I might as well lift as I sit in one place, going to end up like the tank with ripped arms but tiny legs from never walking anywhere

12-06-2014, 04:21 AM
you can do squats with free weights...
squats hit your entire legs...
you also need 1 gram of protein and 1.5 gram of carbs per lb of bodyweight to sufficiently grow. aka eggs, fish, meat, poultry for protein and bread and pasta for carbs. throw in some veggies and fruit every second day at least.

12-06-2014, 04:21 AM
ill buy you a wife if you do this

12-06-2014, 06:09 AM
mac and cheese counts as pasta right

12-06-2014, 08:36 AM
ruby has no source of protein, he is a very frail skinny skeleton of what he could be, he needs to make gains at the gym fast, bitch needs steroids and an all oatmeal and eggs diet

Ur one to talk. Maybe you should both start a midget luchadore team and wrestle forum baddies

12-06-2014, 09:48 AM
m0nde next time tyouur in michigan try Shorts beer it is the best beer company on earth

12-06-2014, 04:15 PM
I will try it this christmas :D

12-06-2014, 04:32 PM
you can do squats with free weights...
squats hit your entire legs...
you also need 1 gram of protein and 1.5 gram of carbs per lb of bodyweight to sufficiently grow. aka eggs, fish, meat, poultry for protein and bread and pasta for carbs. throw in some veggies and fruit every second day at least.

with just dumbbells, you can only do a front squat correctly. it is important to use a bar to do real ones

fortunately ruby can afford a home gym and a personal trainer/nutritionist and doesn't have to do jack shit except change his mind and then let it play out

12-06-2014, 04:39 PM
I go to the bathroom for 5 mins and when I come back these are waiting for me on my bed and trollinator is standing next to them saying I have to get fit so people cant troll me for my health, thanks a lot barry

spinlocks are fine for this but don't get a spinlock bar, use the retaining clips, a six-foot long 1" bar is fine if you don't give a fuck i have one of those they usually accept up to 250 lbs in weights that's probably more than you or i will ever squat, most people probably don't even need to squat more than 75% of their bodyweight unless they have some kind of self-image thing going on

buuuuuut if you're gonna be self-conscious about the actual equipment too then prepare your anus, you're going to end up spending $800 on a rack and getting a real olympic bar

terror baby
12-06-2014, 05:54 PM
spinlocks are fine for this but don't get a spinlock bar, use the retaining clips, a six-foot long 1" bar is fine if you don't give a fuck i have one of those they usually accept up to 250 lbs in weights that's probably more than you or i will ever squat, most people probably don't even need to squat more than 75% of their bodyweight unless they have some kind of self-image thing going on

buuuuuut if you're gonna be self-conscious about the actual equipment too then prepare your anus, you're going to end up spending $800 on a rack and getting a real olympic bar

shut up jon

12-06-2014, 06:10 PM
spinlocks are fine for this but don't get a spinlock bar, use the retaining clips, a six-foot long 1" bar is fine if you don't give a fuck i have one of those they usually accept up to 250 lbs in weights that's probably more than you or i will ever squat, most people probably don't even need to squat more than 75% of their bodyweight unless they have some kind of self-image thing going on

buuuuuut if you're gonna be self-conscious about the actual equipment too then prepare your anus, you're going to end up spending $800 on a rack and getting a real olympic bar
It's called craigslist dumby don't buy the shit new

12-06-2014, 09:58 PM
Jon loses the respect due that he got the perfect girl called cag

12-06-2014, 10:43 PM
spinlocks are fine for this but don't get a spinlock bar, use the retaining clips, a six-foot long 1" bar is fine if you don't give a fuck i have one of those they usually accept up to 250 lbs in weights that's probably more than you or i will ever squat, most people probably don't even need to squat more than 75% of their bodyweight unless they have some kind of self-image thing going on

buuuuuut if you're gonna be self-conscious about the actual equipment too then prepare your anus, you're going to end up spending $800 on a rack and getting a real olympic bar

does it matter if 75% of my bodyweight is 75lbs :stare:

12-06-2014, 11:11 PM
newp, you'll get there eventually

12-06-2014, 11:57 PM
did any of you actually look at what a shit fucking thread this is? WTF is wrong with you?

one boxing this right now