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View Full Version : this forum used to be a community full of friends and now look at it, torn apart at the very seams ,

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 02:58 PM
can someone make a lisa's rep time line so we can somehow figure out where this fourm has lost it's way

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 03:47 PM
I'll tear you apart at the very seams

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 04:02 PM
lisa rep points timeline

-rep lisa ----- lisa flips out ----- lisa begs austic man child for free internet points ----- asuctic man childs auscliran handler agreees----dp makes a fuck ton of threads about his 2 favorite things rep and lisa's treacherous ways ------ tim takes it super serious and spends 100's of dollors on a new fourm and learns how to set it up ------ TIMS' fourm decenends into chason after 7 hours or so ---- tim's fourm is rebooted ------ the no lisa's club is born, THE NO LISA'S CLUB IS THE BET FOURM ON EARTH BECAUSE LISA IS NOT ALLOWED -----

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:10 PM
Is it too late to change my last post to 0 replies?

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 04:12 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Lisa the Meter Maid again.

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:14 PM
If you keep that up I'll swindle more rep. You will literally be the cause of me getting more ill gotten rep again (because it was your fault last time too) and then what will you have to say for yourself?

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:18 PM
Someone trying to neg me.

Fuck you utter losers, I'm getting more rep tonight

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 04:18 PM
lisa rep points timeline

-rep lisa ----- lisa flips out ----- lisa begs austic man child for free internet points ----- asuctic man childs auscliran handler agreees----dp makes a fuck ton of threads about his 2 favorite things rep and lisa's treacherous ways ------ tim takes it super serious and spends 100's of dollors on a new fourm and learns how to set it up ------ TIMS' fourm decenends into chason after 7 hours or so ---- tim's fourm is rebooted ------ the no lisa's club is born, THE NO LISA'S CLUB IS THE BET FOURM ON EARTH BECAUSE LISA IS NOT ALLOWED -----
lisa's rep timline part ii, clay the fat strikes back

rubynet basically dies - not everyone comes over to the new fourms becasue they are not allowed(stevey,pplug drugs etc) or they just don't care about lisa's rep--------fjs.click is born ---------- clay after a taco bell binge get's word that ruby has deserotyed his own fourm again and clay tries to fix it by taking away lisa's admin rep boosted rep points, and for some reason takes away half of dp's PROBELEY BEASUE HE'S A FAT STUPID NIGGER---------LISA FLIPS OUT OF COURSE AND QUITS FOREVER FOR REAL THIS TIME-------

stay tuned for part 3, tim's insane

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:19 PM
It's too late dp, we all know it was yours and m0nde's fault.

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 04:35 PM
lisa rep points timeline

-rep lisa ----- lisa flips out ----- lisa begs austic man child for free internet points ----- asuctic man childs auscliran handler agreees----dp makes a fuck ton of threads about his 2 favorite things rep and lisa's treacherous ways ------ tim takes it super serious and spends 100's of dollors on a new fourm and learns how to set it up ------ TIMS' fourm decenends into chason after 7 hours or so ---- tim's fourm is rebooted ------ the no lisa's club is born, THE NO LISA'S CLUB IS THE BET FOURM ON EARTH BECAUSE LISA IS NOT ALLOWED -----

lisa's rep timline part ii, clay the fat strikes back

rubynet basically dies - not everyone comes over to the new fourms becasue they are not allowed(stevey,pplug drugs etc) or they just don't care about lisa's rep--------fjs.click is born ---------- clay after a taco bell binge get's word that ruby has deserotyed his own fourm again and clay tries to fix it by taking away lisa's admin rep boosted rep points, and for some reason takes away half of dp's PROBELEY BEASUE HE'S A FAT STUPID NIGGER---------LISA FLIPS OUT OF COURSE AND QUITS FOREVER FOR REAL THIS TIME-------

stay tuned for part 3, tim's insane

all 4 fourms are basically dead as fuck, posts trickle in, but with out everyone at a cnertal place to chat with each other about what we ate for lunch and our 401ks the 4 fourms die hence ytmnsfw dies------dp the heart and soul and best poster on every single one of the 4 fourms decides to pick one fourm to post on, and that fourm is rubynet-------dp the best poster who makes the best posts gives his notwymsnfw password to marks and marks of course uese it to spam like he has with 40 other accoutns-------tim flips out at this he looses what's left of his snrikeing dignigtry after this whole lisa's rep war ---------dp the cool headed person that he is makes 10 millon posts about how notymsnfw is the reason for everything wrong in your life--------98% of the fake ytmsnfw fourms at this point come back to austic chair shitting retard net------- lisa comes back-----------time to neg rep lisa

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:37 PM
No-one is going to read that

But they'll read mine

And I might not have bothered about my rep but it seems you are trying to start yet another campaign against me and as such I will make sure I aquire a decent amount of rep tonight as a buffer and I'll have more than you and no-one cares what kind of retard spazzes about that

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:41 PM
So screw you guy

*writes you up a parking violation*

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 04:43 PM
you destroyed our community

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 04:46 PM
No you did and I'm saving it

I'm a real hero

01-11-2015, 04:54 PM
I'm the best poster

01-11-2015, 04:57 PM
I'm the best goutmaster brute overlord

Autistic Spectrum
01-11-2015, 05:41 PM
i'm staying out of all future lifeboat forums :mario:

Lisa the Meter Maid
01-11-2015, 06:05 PM
Where's that pic of you tim posted the other day dp?

I want to find it so I can say gootchy gootchy goo to it.