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blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 01:42 AM

01-07-2013, 01:44 AM
I like what youve done with the place

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 01:49 AM
i wanna keep experimenting but im limiting this to 2 threads and about to fucking break vbull
i can't even go back and edit this one without script error because when the php backconverts the n/p chars it overflows the char limit. i dont know much about vbull but this could be used for a nasty sploit in poorly designed input forms

01-07-2013, 03:52 AM
bob please don't hack my computer I can't afford a trip to geek squad tia

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 03:58 AM
pretty sure what i was gonna try is prevented. the php is counting the entire alt code into the input character limit instead of the encoded characters themselves. so with say a character having a 7-digit alt code, i can only paste the character 5000 times instead of 50000 or it'll bitch about message too long. that's what it's trying to do in the edit im sending for threadshort but the display script is choking on dick

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 03:59 AM
i bet in some shitpot forum software like smf i could overflow & execute

01-07-2013, 11:56 AM
fanfare style thread

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 01:16 PM
O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̚̚͟͞ ̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̄̅̿͆̎̍̚͟͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞ ̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̍̄̅̚ ̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚͟͟͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚͟͟͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̘̙̝̞̪̎̍̚͟͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞

01-07-2013, 10:00 PM
O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̚̚͟͞ ̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̄̅̿͆̎̍̚͟͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞ ̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̍̄̅̚ ̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚͟͟͞͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚͟͟͞͞ ̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̘̙̝̞̪̎̍̚͟͞O̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̄̅̿͆̎̚̚̚̚͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞ ̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̟̠̩͈̳̺̻͇͉̘̙̝̞̪̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̄̅̿͆̎̍̚̚̚͟͟͟͞͞͞

if you quote one of these posts it takes a very long time to bring up the dialog

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 10:04 PM
if you quote one of these posts it takes a very long time to bring up the dialog

hmm that one doesn't for me, but if try to edit any with thousands of such characters, or thousands of alt codes it causes a bottleneck in display.js

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 10:06 PM
i love that shit though, literally looks like i printed a txtfile full of non-textual data, ate it, and threw up chunks of it on my screen

01-07-2013, 10:14 PM
I like how the quoted version looks totally different

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 10:19 PM
i noticed that too, good. there's lots of variances between any two systems that can make it show up completely different
as for that quote i think part of it is took out the bold formatting and for some reason decompressed the vertical space... but it's just glitched as fuck. if i scroll the page up and down a bit, then let it sit a few seconds, bits of it flash off and on

blumpkin blownuts
01-07-2013, 10:21 PM
try this, scroll your quote slowly past the bottom of the page, then back up, and slowly past the top of the page, and back down, see if it starts morphing for you? it does for me

01-07-2013, 10:26 PM
nope completely static on the mac version of chrome