View Full Version : how long have you gone to jail for and for what crime I would like to know so I know what to do, this is how I"ll survive the wi

09-22-2015, 06:18 AM
how long have you gone to jail for and for what crime I would like to know so I know what to do, this is how I"ll survive the winter sdhfoishoigshdigohsiogasodhghaioghioshogihoighoifhoigdfigdfiuhgdifuhgdifuhgidufgdghdifuhgidufhgiudfh giudfhiugdhfigdfiuhgidfgdfiuhgiudfhgiudfhgiudhiufghidufhgiudfhgifhgiudfhgiudfhigudfhiugdhfuigh

09-22-2015, 06:25 AM
the only bad thing about tapatalk is it doesn't stop you when making a title you can go as far past the limit as you want and it just loses it forever ok anyway,

what I plan on doing is commiting "crimes" where no crime is committed but I still get time in jail like I could go into a store with a fake gun but I can say it's supposed to be a joke with cameras but my friends all bailed making the joke be on me and then the cops can be like yeah ok you still gotta go to jail and then I get to not freeze to death because that isn't even a joke lol the van has 1cm thick metal surrounding me that literally just makes it colder in the van then outside google it if you don't belive that so I could go to jail for not doing anything I wouldn't have to worry about any people I"d just have to worry about diseases floating in teh air I'd get my own room I"d get along with everyone I"d even be able to talk with the rela cimrinals and help them out I am very good at helping people cool out since I"m always cool then if anything the cops would notice me helping then I could finally get my way into doing something in life, you see, I can' tjust go to the police and ask to do that I need a education and blah blah blah so that's another problem I have I"m smart and the world is stupid so they think a piece of paper matters anyway what have you done and do you know any lists there has to be a list for things to do for homeless people and other people cause some peopel go to jail 999999 tiems but never prision and never for long they've said on cops people do this but I never planned on doing it but it's either this or die and I never want to die so I'll gladly do this but I need help figuring it out thanks in advance and yes I"m serious I got no other choice three tests done on my heart so far every single one ahs found mutliple problems

09-22-2015, 06:27 AM
most minor crimes also carry a fine, that would be counterproductive.

09-22-2015, 06:28 AM
you could try wandering into the police station acting drunk and belligerent, they'll probably throw you in a cell to sober up

09-22-2015, 06:35 AM
dude I was just thinking oh shit some people might read this and take it too badly and I was gonna explain I plan on saving all my money during it since I wouldn't have ot pay for food and shelter but yeah you're right I probaly would get fined even though I wouldn't be abl eto pay them idk what happens how can they fine you when you can't afford to pay them by an actual life or death reason can they still do that either way I should probably actually just do the drunk thing since in total I've probaly drank about a thimble's worth of alochol in my life so I'll quit cigarettes and eat very healthy and dirnk a lot of water and keep myself healthy even with all the alochol and the alcohol would also KEEP ME WARM FUCK YES THIS IS PERFECT MARKS98

09-22-2015, 06:37 AM
I probably only gotta save about five months or so I just need to get a bed for the van one of the ones that mounts to the side over the wheel well I'm in so much pain having an air mattress and it's on the floor and it's so difficult to get out and my back goes otu and I can't do anything about it and it is affecting me mentally like a mother fucker and nothing ever has before so it's super fucking with me especailly since my physical health is so fucked the good news is I discovered hummus

09-22-2015, 06:40 AM
I don't have a handle for the sliding door lol I have to go out the back door or get up to the front which I can't do cause stuff is in teh way cause I have nowhere to put my stuff, i'ts a very bad situation but the thing is I"m at my sister's right now and I'd rather be in the van because I'm breating in every single toxic compound that could possibly form inside a house and it's a lot and if the van wasn't so painful by a simple faggot fucking cheap bed reason I'd be in there cause then I could roll out on the floor where I could have my yoga mats and just straight up go into yoga and pushups and sit ups and downs so I wouldn't be cold or in pain

09-22-2015, 06:41 AM
at least I still have weed and very high quality weed at that so at the end of the day it's whatever lmao I just don't wanna die at all in the slightest the rest of this shit I woulda gladly delt with if not for having multiple heart problems lol

09-22-2015, 06:44 AM
I'm so done with my mom that when I"m in better shape I'm actaully gonna have someone look up my dad to see if he's as horrible as my mom or the opposite of her and the coolest person ever having a docotor tell me I"m actaully going to die with my mom in the room and my mom literally :erac:'s at least there's literally no way my dad could be worse only just as bad lol

09-22-2015, 06:46 AM
I love my brain because I've literally seriously just erased my mom she no longer exists sure I wish me and everybody had mom's and dad's and lif ewas perfect but it's not can't do anything about it my mom has serious mental problems and now I'm phsyically fucked because of it nothing I can do gotta move on I love that I can just simply do it and I won't need therapy or anything for all this horrible shit hapening ot me I"m just still 100% motivaited to do work it's amazing whoever invests in me is going ot be very happy

09-22-2015, 07:15 AM
there's a very good possibility that they'd kill your disability payments if you went to jail

09-22-2015, 09:17 AM
the other inmates will make this over worded fat faggot their bitch, selling his fat ass and purdy mouth for cigarettes and in the end they will kill him

09-22-2015, 09:42 AM
the other inmates will make this over worded fat faggot their bitch, selling his fat ass and purdy mouth for cigarettes and in the end they will kill him

The camp commander gathered all the inmates together in one of the barracks.

urkles girlfriend
09-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Stevey apply for section 8 housing you idiot. You can get an appartment for 500 bucks a month

urkles girlfriend
09-22-2015, 11:26 AM

09-22-2015, 11:52 AM

Since many of us lived in Georgetown.

Wendy <3
09-22-2015, 11:58 AM
Sell your overpriced computer.

The end.


09-22-2015, 12:02 PM
Sell your overpriced computer.

The end.


When it finds an unguarded door it burrows deep into your computer and rummages around for I do not find any fault in him.