View Full Version : Reported Post by KKKody

10-11-2015, 09:44 AM
KKKody (http://www.rubycalaber.com/forums/member.php?u=663) has reported a post.

shut the fuck up you unfunny faggot
Post: what is your views on gun violence? (http://www.rubycalaber.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51483&p=775549125#post775549125)
Forum: brokedick mountain
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: rubycalaber (http://www.rubycalaber.com/forums/member.php?u=2)
Original Content:
since its only ever men that go on shooting sprees and always for male centric reasons like virgin rage I think it should be illegal for men to own guns but legal for women to own guns no matter their history since women who are ex cons or mentally unwell need even more than the average woman to defend herself from male violence and it should be legal to shoot men for unwanted touching of any kind since a man touching a woman could snap to lethal violence in a millisecond and also for any sort of threat such as cat calling or rape threats online even years after they are made since they are proving themselves as a danger to her