View Full Version : Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 04:28 PM
Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa.


11-25-2015, 04:34 PM
why do you still post here

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 05:11 PM
I have more people posting to me and talking to me than you.

Better question is why is your loser ass riding my coattails and posting about me ad nauseam?

Get a life

11-25-2015, 05:13 PM
you're absolutely right, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, and Lisa are losers

11-25-2015, 05:21 PM
lol marks98

11-25-2015, 05:22 PM
lisa please email me some pics to fap to thanks fjsstevey@gmail.com

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 05:34 PM
you're absolutely right, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, and Lisa are losers

I thought about making a point about that exact very "joke" when I made this thread but decided it was lame.

The fucktard Lisa brigade are losers.

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 05:35 PM
lisa please email me some pics to fap to thanks fjsstevey@gmail.com


Make me another forum bitch.

11-25-2015, 05:37 PM
I can't see 80% of the posts here but I just wish she'd stop doing this to me

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 05:38 PM
Dream on you fat waddling moronic loser.

11-25-2015, 07:24 PM
lisa fjs is still up at proboards it's literally fine to make one and keep it for registered users only and you can post whatever you want we seriously don't need to waste money on forums proboards I'm serious is awesome come post at fjs to test it out if you want 2fjs.proboards.com send me something this is stevey's dick please send us some pics plesae

Wendy <3
11-25-2015, 07:55 PM
Everyone here are losers because they don't exploit the welfare system like lisa does

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 11:47 PM
Everyone here are losers because they don't exploit the welfare system like lisa does

Don't know wtf YOU think YOU are talking about, you have never worked a day in your life or moved out of home.

You are flat out the biggest loser in the whole forum, and shittest poster.

Lisa Battery
11-25-2015, 11:51 PM
lisa fjs is still up at proboards it's literally fine to make one and keep it for registered users only and you can post whatever you want we seriously don't need to waste money on forums proboards I'm serious is awesome come post at fjs to test it out if you want 2fjs.proboards.com send me something this is stevey's dick please send us some pics plesae
Yeah I seriously did all that twice, you don't have drivelling retards stalking you and desperately trying to post cp on your forum and have it shut down love. My proboards was private, you couldn't even view it unless you were registered but the fact remain that proboards is a bunch of shit who closes down people's forum under "section 25" which means without any reason and they do this soley on the base of a report by a sick in the desperate retard and without warning.

But I might post at yours then, seeing as you don't have a small pack of desperate rejected losers trying to stalk you and get your forums closed down because they are desperate for any form of attention they can get from you.

11-26-2015, 12:12 AM
how soon til teknorat does whatever he's giong to do and then pulls the rug out from under lisa so i can go back to not seeing all these ignored posts for another 2 months?

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 03:16 AM
how soon til teknorat does whatever he's giong to do and then pulls the rug out from under lisa so i can go back to not seeing all these ignored posts for another 2 months?

Pffft you are so fucking dumb, you haven't got a clue.


11-26-2015, 07:47 AM
The fucktard Lisa brigade are losers.

I agree, the fucktard lisa is a loser, a huge loser. did you know she's on welfare and has to meet men on internet forums?

11-26-2015, 09:08 AM
if you post at fjs and it gets shut down I'll look for a simliar service that lets us pay a flat monthly fee for a forum instead of nearlyfreespeech where we can end up having to pay a million dollars because some fucktard f5's all day

11-26-2015, 12:28 PM
what makes you think you can't get a paid service or hosting taken away for cp or report of cp? almost everyone has a zero tolerance policy on that and some don't even check, they just shut you down

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 02:23 PM
Yeah well I wonder if they forward that to the feds and can see exactly who is making the reports and exactly who posts cp


11-26-2015, 02:26 PM
well monde what host do you use lmao

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 02:27 PM
I agree, the fucktard lisa is a loser, a huge loser. did you know she's on welfare and has to meet men on internet forums?

I don't HAVE to meet men anywhere maks, i usually have a boyfriend, unlike you who can't get a look in from anyone

Can you read? Do you understand basic gramma and punctuation? Obviously not. Way to look about as intelligent as a 5 year old maks. Which is insulting to 5 year olds because in my years of teaching the only 5 year old to manage to screw up reading comprehnsion as badly as you are was special needs maks.

11-26-2015, 02:28 PM
the usual policy is to pkg the whole thing and send it to the FBI. they send all logs, everything. people usually use tor and jump through about 5 nodes so it's impossible to trace back (well very very hard) even though the FBI has a good handle on tor now

11-26-2015, 02:29 PM
well monde what host do you use lmao
I still use a shitty godaddy host and they have one of the worst zero tolerance policies

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 02:33 PM
the usual policy is to pkg the whole thing and send it to the FBI. they send all logs, everything. people usually use tor and jump through about 5 nodes so it's impossible to trace back (well very very hard) even though the FBI has a good handle on tor now
Yes I would expect that to be the practice. Leaving any fucking retard making either obviously false reports or posting pics oof children in their underwear on a watch list. These guys arereal geniuses (teknorat, BGD) It would take about 5 seconds to see I have never posted anything like that in my life.

11-26-2015, 02:47 PM
They don't care about one offs really. They know who is worth watching and are looking for the guys making the stuff. There's s huge db of cp that interpol and the fbi runs all images against to check for common faces, places, etc and to track the spread of this shit. also, your cp takedowns are small potatoes. I'm sure no ones even gotten to looking at the archives of your sites and even logged anything yet.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 03:51 PM
They don't care about one offs really. They know who is worth watching and are looking for the guys making the stuff. There's s huge db of cp that interpol and the fbi runs all images against to check for common faces, places, etc and to track the spread of this shit. also, your cp takedowns are small potatoes. I'm sure no ones even gotten to looking at the archives of your sites and even logged anything yet.
I think they are required to and if found then onto a watch list and I think repeatedly doing that is only going to raise that particular pile of shit idiot's profile on that.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 03:52 PM
Like it is actually illegal not to report that kind of thing to the feds

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 03:54 PM
When I was teaching it is illegal not to report even just a suspicion of abuse of a child of that nature or otherwise.

11-26-2015, 04:09 PM
i'm not saying it wasn't reported. i'm saying it's in the hands of the fbi but because of what it is it's very low priority and probably has been tagged, but most likely not even been entered into the system fully

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 04:16 PM
i'm not saying it wasn't reported. i'm saying it's in the hands of the fbi but because of what it is it's very low priority and probably has been tagged, but most likely not even been entered into the system fully


But it should be on file and I would not be the one on file for it. I don't use TOR to post pics of kids in their undies on people's forums and then try and report them not realising that it is very easy to see whether or not I have posted any such thing, but then again I'm not missing as big a chunk between the ears as some who have actually done that.

11-26-2015, 04:20 PM
idk if you wouldn't be on file along wiht the person who posted it, especially if you keep getting flagged and kicked from services for having that shit done to you. think about it from the fbi's perspective. i think the isp or the forum host realizes what's going on and if the fbi actually thoroughly investigated and interviewed you they would clear you, but i think they'd initially lump all of you, the forum owner and the person who posted it, into one pile

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 04:27 PM
idk if you wouldn't be on file along wiht the person who posted it, especially if you keep getting flagged and kicked from services for having that shit done to you. think about it from the fbi's perspective. i think the isp or the forum host realizes what's going on and if the fbi actually thoroughly investigated and interviewed you they would clear you, but i think they'd initially lump all of you, the forum owner and the person who posted it, into one pile
Think about it, I don't use TOR or anything like that and I also pass rather strict checks in that very area due to teaching. It would be pretty lazy, irresponsible and negligent not to check especially for a department of professionals who probably take their job in this area very seriously chocking up the system to just put people not actually found to have posted anything like that into the system along with the ones who where it was actually found that they have, noting also teknorat went a bit further than posting just kids in their underwear, apparently posting fully naked children in a very innapropiate manner (yes the same guy who talks about molesting his little sister on a podcast and also that if he had a daughter he would have sex with her especially if she was mentally deficient, which considering here genetic make-up is reasonable to assume she would be). What I am saying is these idiots basically reported THEMSELVES.

Not saying that there aren't times where someone is negligent but I'd say for the most part they are required to at least quickly check and it is very easy to check.

11-26-2015, 04:32 PM
it has nothing to do with using tor or anything like that. if a case comes up like this where some woman has been reported twice for the same thing and there are two different fags who posted the stuff (not known because they obfuscated their ips), you're the one with the registered forum and email associated with the case. the other people are not teknorat or bgd until the case is fleshed out (they may even be assumed to be one guy) and they figure that out. but again, i'm talking about assumptions made from the point of vew of the fbi before the case is even worked on fully. i'm not saying you'd be found guilty at all or that you'd even be seen as a serious problem from the start since it's one post each time on yoru forum and a report which sounds like harassment. but they would still link you as the common thread.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 04:36 PM
it has nothing to do with using tor or anything like that. if a case comes up like this where some woman has been reported twice for the same thing and there are two different fags who posted the stuff (not known because they obfuscated their ips), you're the one with the registered forum and email associated with the case. the other people are not teknorat or bgd until the case is fleshed out (they may even be assumed to be one guy) and they figure that out. but again, i'm talking about assumptions made from the point of vew of the fbi before the case is even worked on fully. i'm not saying you'd be found guilty at all or that you'd even be seen as a serious problem from the start since it's one post each time on yoru forum and a report which sounds like harassment. but they would still link you as the common thread.
Oh they would not make a case out of it, but again, if they got a report, ESPECIALLY if they got more than one report it is very easy for them to check and also check what other things people post or their activity online.

You think I'm the first woman to be stalked by a sex offender or be harrassed by people of that nature? You'd be daft if you thought otherwise.

And anyone signing up to the forum is registered with about as much information as me. And feds are able to check this kind of thing with a click of a button.

11-26-2015, 04:38 PM
i think they'd very quickly see that you've got a history of being harassed online and they'd investigate all of us and iguala girl and rubycalaber and jack voonigger and it's too bad that flaglerchat died because he could have told them to geyt phucked

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 04:49 PM
I don't think they get a report and put people who have nothing to do with the post on file.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 04:49 PM
i think they'd very quickly see that you've got a history of being harassed online and they'd investigate all of us and iguala girl and rubycalaber and jack voonigger and it's too bad that flaglerchat died because he could have told them to geyt phucked



Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 05:02 PM
There are organisations and websites and forums that get people to operate stings, there was one in the UK I found and I sent an enquiry to them about if they knew of anything like that operating in Australia. There are one or two people I have come across I can think of that I'd like to do an organised sting on.

11-26-2015, 06:13 PM
how has nobody reported monde's website yet there's literlaly naked pics of gabi and roflcazolf etc probably because the only people he makes mad are lizards and they don't know how to report websites

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 06:25 PM
how has nobody reported monde's website yet there's literlaly naked pics of gabi and roflcazolf etc probably because the only people he makes mad are lizards and they don't know how to report websites
I'm working on a sting.

Ur phukked m0nde.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 06:56 PM
And I don't know what you think "lizards" are but even a half-wit knows how to report a website as is outlined below.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 06:58 PM
Here I'll show you, give me your proboards addy

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 07:06 PM
Still waiting for my social parody site to be taken down like the legally retarded BGD bragged to everyone he was going to do..... so maybe not EVERY half-wit

11-26-2015, 07:15 PM
i think bgd is busy with thanksgiving and end of semester stuff. he'll probably start up during break and at the beginning of the next semester, don't worry

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 07:23 PM
i think bgd is busy with thanksgiving and end of semester stuff. he'll probably start up during break and at the beginning of the next semester, don't worry

Oh really? Because I really care about that legally retarded obsessed loser's life. Was just referring to like the page of threads he made a couple of months ago bragging to everyone that he was going to get my social parody shut down.

Can't imagine he's going to pass even a basic course.

11-26-2015, 07:25 PM
idk, that's just what's going on with university students right now. december is all exams before break. isn't it like that there?

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 07:32 PM
idk, that's just what's going on with university students right now. december is all exams before break. isn't it like that there?

Yes. I have two completed university degrees with distinctions and high distinctions.

Sorry but I don't see that raving idiot with nothing between the ears getting anywhere with it, let alone getting into university. He is a basement dwelling loser who lives with his mum and doesn't make any human sense or have any sign of intelligence.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 07:34 PM
But 2 months ago he sure spent a lot of time and energy TRYING.... He's a full blown retard. Also basically everything I've ever seen him do (and all he's ever done is try and ask me out and buy me games (no thanks) and get rejected then go full tard and spazz for months with some of the dumbest shit that could actually rival cody) is nothing short of just failing at life and relationships and he has nothing upstairs at all.

Lisa Battery
11-26-2015, 07:37 PM
Later, if ever.

11-26-2015, 09:45 PM

But it should be on file and I would not be the one on file for it. I don't use TOR to post pics of kids in their undies on people's forums and then try and report them not realising that it is very easy to see whether or not I have posted any such thing, but then again I'm not missing as big a chunk between the ears as some who have actually done that.

you had actual sex with an actual child you hypocrite

Lisa Battery
11-27-2015, 03:28 AM
you had actual sex with an actual child you hypocrite
Never in my life you disgusting retard

11-27-2015, 06:33 AM
really that's not what bgd said and he has a lot more credibility than you

11-27-2015, 07:09 AM

11-27-2015, 09:32 AM
