View Full Version : >meet a girl IRL

12-22-2015, 10:27 PM
>she says i look familiar
>yeah i look familiar its cause you liked my profile on a dating site
>she messages me that night
>doesnt say antyhig about how we met irl
>i said it was nice meeting you earlier tonight
>she acts all aloof like she had no idea we even met and didnt even realize

Wendy <3
12-22-2015, 10:48 PM
>go to hell IRL

12-23-2015, 12:11 AM
>go to hell IRL

Plug Drugs
12-23-2015, 12:19 AM
> mfw someone says mfw

12-23-2015, 05:04 AM
camoron. wasnt trump in grand rapids? did you go to see him?

lnopia the great
12-23-2015, 04:17 PM
it would have been pretty funny if she started blasting the creeper she met earlier

12-23-2015, 09:57 PM
we met at an improv show, i didnt rally talk to her beyond introducing myself but she was definitely interested in me (me less so in her) and she was saying how familiar i looked (yea cause u were checkin me out on a dating site)

12-23-2015, 09:57 PM
camoron. wasnt trump in grand rapids? did you go to see him?


Lisa Battery
12-23-2015, 10:01 PM
*quotes the most devoid of wit post in the thread*

Make your own posts instead of quoting what is the lamest and shittest poster here.

YOU are actually so much better than that, hell everyone is but you especially could do a LOT better post wise.

12-23-2015, 10:08 PM
jj is stevveys best friend, and mine too.

12-23-2015, 10:08 PM

rootbeer is my best friend.

Lisa Battery
12-23-2015, 10:12 PM
You should get out more, because that's sad.

12-23-2015, 10:14 PM
hey lisa why dont you lisas alone

Lisa Battery
12-23-2015, 10:21 PM
hey lisa why dont you lisas alone

go cry about not being able to get laid instead of being a better person.

12-23-2015, 10:27 PM
better than what

Lisa Battery
12-23-2015, 10:41 PM
better than what

A dog turd scraped off a shoe

12-23-2015, 10:42 PM
do you go around stepping in dog turds why dont you just use your fuckin eyes

Lisa Battery
12-23-2015, 10:49 PM
do you go around stepping in dog turds why dont you just use your fuckin eyes

I'll give you that.

Even though I never said I stepped in a dog turd.

Wendy <3
12-24-2015, 12:01 AM
Carmororon just put an ad on some local fuck site in hopes that someone will be desperate enough to fuckyou like some other person here does then jerk off on cam all day for them and make threads about how you're in love on the internet

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 12:05 AM
^ put this idiotic loser in the herp today for a better forum tomorrow.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 12:11 AM
Camoron I'm proud to say that I don't have to accept piles of shit like that as my "best friend".

Nice friends you have there.

See mine are actually cool, good and nice people and better posters.

12-24-2015, 01:48 AM
no one here is your friend, lisa. who do you think on this forum or off, in real life is your friend? it's christmas. try to be friendlier. maybe people won't fight with you. I hope you don't freeze to death of loneliness.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 02:28 AM
no one here is your friend, lisa. who do you think on this forum or off, in real life is your friend? it's christmas. try to be friendlier. maybe people won't fight with you. I hope you don't freeze to death of loneliness.

Frankly I just don't like pathetic losers like you and jazz who are shit posters and inanely obsessed with me and been rejected time and time again. Are you two the "people" you speak of? Because you are two losers who no-one else likes. I have more friends than you and don't spend my time making txt files and twitter accounts about some woman you are obsessed with who thinks you are a repulsive pathetic loser. So if you are begging me to be nice to two losers like you and jazz then nope. You are not privy to any of my relationships with anyone. No-one comes here to post with you. Not one.

Am better friends with decent people like garfeels than you are that's for damn sure.

12-24-2015, 02:42 AM
I hope people are nice to you today. and you don't feel persecuted and angry at the world for just one day. maybe you'll find what it takes to get you mentally stable and back into the real world. I'll tell one one last time. you're being trolled and set up by a few people here. Garfield just wants to get pussy pics and even took a jsb in front of everyone calling you a ranting spaz (the way tim used to post). tek and ruby and I have something planned for you. reno has said that the only reason he was talking to you was because cag isn't allowed to get on cam any more. camoron has declared that he despises you. how long til donny is either driven to suicede or realizes how fucked up you are and saves himself from your clutches? have a merry christmas

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 02:56 AM
I hope people are nice to you today. and you don't feel persecuted and angry at the world for just one day. maybe you'll find what it takes to get you mentally stable and back into the real world. I'll tell one one last time. you're being trolled and set up by a few people here. Garfield just wants to get pussy pics and even took a jsb in front of everyone calling you a ranting spaz (the way tim used to post). tek and ruby and I have something planned for you. reno has said that the only reason he was talking to you was because cag isn't allowed to get on cam any more. camoron has declared that he despises you. how long til donny is either driven to suicede or realizes how fucked up you are and saves himself from your clutches? have a merry christmas
Reno has never been interested in cag and I have spent a few night in the past with reno on cam over the years. Camoron is a loser who garfield just today in front of everyone shat on. You think teknorat and ruby and going to do anything other than laugh at how pathetic you are (which they do a lot) then you are deluded. Garfeels has been my friend for years and never said anything like that at all.

Meanwhile I have a boyfriend I love and who will be here in march, he loves me and would do anything for me, so dream on. Already gotten presents and getting more tomorrow when I spend xmas with my mum who I see all the time. Got plenty of friends who call me to see how I'm going. Plenty of guys who keep messaging me wanting to get with me who I tell no to because I love Donny now.

Gee sid, that's a lot more than you've got in your life, don't worry, you have you Lisa.txt file and your fake Lisa twitter to keep you warm at night because let's face it, no-one else ever will and you will die alone. This is literally all you have, an obsession with a woman who thinks you are a loser and delsuions that everyone else is as pathetically obsessed as you and working with you for some troll rather than laughing about pathetic your obsession and life is.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 02:59 AM
what if lisa's right? I mean I saw that cag person actually responded to that shit thread m0nde made that no one would ever respond to normally like wow.

Oh I see, the troll is to publically laugh at how pathetic you are all the while working with you for some troll you have said for months is going to happen yet only keeps making you look like a joke. Wow you are so good at trolling sid. So good that you try so god damn hard to troll someone that it just ends up trolling yourself and no-one else.

12-24-2015, 03:05 AM
yes lisa he is. things work like that. he may talk shit about me while we are planning to fuck you over at the perfect moment, just because watching you implode at Christmas every year is amusing and cruel. teknorst once told me that if you ever msnage to go back to work as a teacher he would use the pictures he has of you to ruin you. just because he can. he's pretty open about his plans to fuck with you.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 03:11 AM
yes lisa he is. things work like that. he may talk shit about me while we are planning to fuck you over at the perfect moment, just because watching you implode at Christmas every year is amusing and cruel. teknorst once told me that if you ever msnage to go back to work as a teacher he would use the pictures he has of you to ruin you. just because he can. he's pretty open about his plans to fuck with you.

Look at how pathetic you are. Teknorat has nothing that could ruin me. He could get himself charged but not ruin me, sorry to burst your bubble. You've been saying for months you're working on an cody level skype troll with teknorat and ruby yet all anyone does is hang shit on how pathetic you are. So sure, where is this epic skype troll m0nde? Because so far it's just everyone making you look like the cody level loser you are.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 03:12 AM
You're the only one who is alone brown cody and always will be.

12-24-2015, 03:36 AM
I've always been honest with you and told you what you need to know because I know you won't listen to me. I know that when what I say comes to pass it will be satisfying having known I tried to warn you.
I want to say one thing about this Donny guy. I hope I can warn him off.
I kept saying, throughout when roopbeer was going to australia, that you were an evil influence on him and would fuck him up because he's so naive. His friends and I warned him not to go on facebook and we chatted throughout. Look what happened. This guy Donny Is in a dangerous situation. he is a damaged person who will be fucked up further by you in australia if he goes.

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 04:15 AM
No-one is reading all that, I read the first three words and never seen a bigger pile of shit. You have a level of honest that cody has, utter bullshit. All I see m0nde is a sad lonely pathetic man obsessed with me.

Let me let you in in a little secret in case you don't realise no-one is comming out to carry out your epic skype troll you've spent months in planning, you are the butt of the joke and you did it to yourself. Even cody is more successfull at that kind of loserdom than you are but you sure do try harder.

Have a look around m0nde, it's not happening and never will.

12-24-2015, 07:11 AM
Carmororon just put an ad on some local fuck site in hopes that someone will be desperate enough to fuckyou like some other person here does then jerk off on cam all day for them and make threads about how you're in love on the internet

dont worry about it i had dates everyday this week, just going to florida for a week now actually my flight leaves in 2 hours so i better get ready

12-24-2015, 07:12 AM
No-one is reading all that

12-24-2015, 07:25 AM
Camoron is a loser who garfield just today in front of everyone shat on. You think teknorat and ruby and going to do anything other than laugh at how pathetic you are (which they do a lot) then you are deluded. Garfeels has been my friend for years and never said anything like that at all.

merry christmas lisa. i hope santa brings you a dose of reality

Lisa Battery
12-24-2015, 07:56 AM
Nothing wrong with my reality loser. About to give love to my Donny befor ehe goes to work, have a sleep and go eat kilos of food with my mum for xmas, get and give presents then when Donny gets home spend the next 2 days watching movies with him and having sexy times.

Your reality sounds pretty shit though.

Snapchat garfeels again and see if he'll come back here and troll me for you instead of trolling you like he just did all day.

Merry xmas! XD

12-24-2015, 12:46 PM
I'm on a plane to Florida right now. Have fun with your mom lisa. Merry Christmas

12-24-2015, 01:51 PM

12-24-2015, 11:53 PM
>mocks use of >