View Full Version : spent like 5 hours typing this but it sucks and cant use it for what i wanted to so, its got to get posted somewhere how about h

Plug Drugs
05-09-2016, 02:02 AM
The story as I think I sort of understand it from what I remember when reading about it, good evidence supporting the existence of discrete atoms, and confirmation that 'matter/energy is never created or destroyed; it only changes forms' as it applies to protons, was based on an experiment that went something like having droplets of oil of various volumes dropped into water that had an electric current running through it, and changes/fluctuations in the voltage of the water being measured each time oil was dropped in.

After many additional runs of the experiment, the two chemist/physicists realized their results were divisible by a common number; what it turned out to be was a property of discrete electrons that can be consistently measured. Their results always seemed to be in discrete increments; that increment was the effect of an individual electron on the results of the measurement.

Being able to measure the number of electrons around the atomic nuclei by experimenting with how compounds reacted with electricity is what enabled chemists and physicists to figure out how electrons are organized around the atomic nuclei, and the specific numbers following a pattern of 'shells' around the nucleus, which when fully understood confirmed the number of protons present in elements and allowed the chemists at the start of the era to learn the elemental composition of complex compounds that had stumped scientists for hundred years.

A while later came another breakthrough, when the differences in the weighed mass of what was the same element and how their mass could differ with the same number of protons was determined to be the result of another particle in the nucleus that had a neutral charge, and measurements of the mass lost by radioactive decay of varying elemental isotopes confirmed the separate weights of the proton and the elusive neutral particle, the neutron.

All these consistences had more or less proved that matter was made up of discrete particles, and that their interactions were responsible for all of everything that happens; and they showed that the reactions produced by their interactions could be predicted and consistently replicated.

But, praise set aside for a while, there were several inconsistencies present that became apparent, such as between mass and weight, which have fairly significant inconsistencies between them, often having different measurements in different locations. Volume and density as they relate to mass and energy are also fairly inconsistent, especially with predictions of models versus measured results.

I've ended up opening myself to skepticism quite a bit; asking to what extent information can be theoretical and considered valid, and how the probability of a percentage of that type of information being false starts to approach near certainty the lower the speculated percentage is, meaning that some amount of the information that academia as well as myself consider widely accepted and proven is actually grossly erroneous. Since it is happening right now - with a certainty that's basically closed the difference between 100%, having exponentially shrank it into complete obscurity - then that means that it has to be a factor at play right now, having the capacity for all information inherently non-verifiable to be perpetuated through mass disillusionment, happening in numbers that became too large to manage and crossed a threshold where the organization of genuine knowledge known collectively has broken down and deteriorated into sputtering twisted rhetoric deafening out genuine wisdom, and any tradition ever considered sacred or spiritual, being replaced with a figmented maze of confusion and ideologies, poisoning the mind with a belief to progress your rank above those ritualistically selected for homelessness and abandonment, who are helped along through intentional inactivity of onlookers; passive rejection subtly hinting that it's their fault for having broken confidence in themselves; denying them the pleasant tranquility one gets from burying their face in their own sorrow and instead replacing it with never ending guilt and cyclical doubt in any thoughts of self-preservation at all, perceiving it as moral deficiencies they can't block out and shame themselves for having, as well as any act that comes with being living, things basic to life they see now as temptations they are evil for having.

here okay

robability of a percentage of that type of information being false starts to approach near certainty the lower the speculated percentage is, meaning that some amount of the information that academia as well as myself consider widely accepted and proven is actually grossly erroneous. Since it is happening right now - with a certainty that's basically closed the difference between 100%, having exponentially shrank it into complete obscurity - then that means that it has to be a factor at play right now, having the capacity for all information inherently non-verifiable to be perpetuated through mass disillusionment, happening in numbers that became too large to manage and crossed a threshold where the organization of genuine knowledge known collectively has broken down and deteriorated into sputtering twisted rhetoric deafening out genuine wisdom, and any tradition ever considered sacred or spiritual, being replaced with a figmented maze of confusion and ideologies, poisoning the mind with a belief to progress your rank above those ritualistically selected for homelessness and abandonment, who are helped along through intentional inactivity of onlookers; passive rejection subtly hinting that it's their fault for having broken confidence in themselves; denying them the pleasant tranquility one gets from burying their face in their own sorrow and instead replacing it with never ending guilt and cyclical doubt in any thoughts of self-preservation at all, perceiving it as moral deficiencies they can't block out and shame themselves for having, as well as any act that comes with being living, things basic to life they see now as temptations they are evil for having.

Plug Drugs
05-09-2016, 02:03 AM

Plug Drugs
05-09-2016, 02:07 AM
The story as I think I sort of understand it from what I remember when reading about it, good evidence supporting the existence of discrete atoms, and confirmation that 'matter/energy is never created or destroyed; it only changes forms' as it applies to protons, was based on an experiment that went something like having droplets of oil of various volumes dropped into water that had an electric current running through it, and changes/fluctuations in the voltage of the water being measured each time oil was dropped in.

After many additional runs of the experiment, the two chemist/physicists realized their results were divisible by a common number; what it turned out to be was a property of discrete electrons that can be consistently measured. Their results always seemed to be in discrete increments; that increment was the effect of an individual electron on the results of the measurement.

Being able to measure the number of electrons around the atomic nuclei by experimenting with how compounds reacted with electricity is what enabled chemists and physicists to figure out how electrons are organized around the atomic nuclei, and the specific numbers following a pattern of 'shells' around the nucleus, which when fully understood confirmed the number of protons present in elements and allowed the chemists at the start of the era to learn the elemental composition of complex compounds that had stumped scientists for hundred years.

A while later came another breakthrough, when the differences in the weighed mass of what was the same element and how their mass could differ with the same number of protons was determined to be the result of another particle in the nucleus that had a neutral charge, and measurements of the mass lost by radioactive decay of varying elemental isotopes confirmed the separate weights of the proton and the elusive neutral particle, the neutron.

All these consistences had more or less proved that matter was made up of discrete particles, and that their interactions were responsible for all of everything that happens; and they showed that the reactions produced by their interactions could be predicted and consistently replicated.

But, praise set aside for a while, there were several inconsistencies present that became apparent, such as between mass and weight, which have fairly significant inconsistencies between them, often having different measurements in different locations. Volume and density as they relate to mass and energy are also fairly inconsistent, especially with predictions of models versus measured results.

I've ended up opening myself to skepticism quite a bit; asking to what extent information can be theoretical and considered valid, and how the probability of a percentage of that type of information being false starts to approach near certainty the lower the speculated percentage is, meaning that some amount of the information that academia as well as myself consider widely accepted and proven is actually grossly erroneous. Since it is happening right now - with a certainty that's basically closed the difference between 100%, having exponentially shrank it into complete obscurity - then that means that it has to be a factor at play right now, having the capacity for all information inherently non-verifiable to be perpetuated through mass disillusionment, happening in numbers that became too large to manage and crossed a threshold where the organization of genuine knowledge known collectively has broken down and deteriorated into sputtering twisted rhetoric deafening out genuine wisdom, and any tradition ever considered sacred or spiritual, being replaced with a figmented maze of confusion and ideologies, poisoning the mind with a belief to progress your rank above those ritualistically selected for homelessness and abandonment, who are helped along through intentional inactivity of onlookers; passive rejection subtly hinting that it's their fault for having broken confidence in themselves; denying them the pleasant tranquility one gets from burying their face in their own sorrow and instead replacing it with never ending guilt and cyclical doubt in any thoughts of self-preservation at all, perceiving it as moral deficiencies they can't block out and shame themselves for having, as well as any act that comes with being living, things basic to life they see now as temptations they are evil for having.

05-09-2016, 03:26 AM
im not reading it but im assuming its a job application. good work! me and im sure the rest of the forum is proud of you for taking our advice.

05-09-2016, 06:31 AM

Plug Drugs
05-09-2016, 08:35 PM

like I said to monde, quoting that pseudopsychology crap makes you look like an idiot. Your notion of psychology is popcorn bullshit for jackasses.
Try learning about some technical psychology (aka actual psychology), like evolutionary psychology and genetic archetypes of the unconscious mind, neuropsychology, or go listen to someone rapping about metacognitive neuropsychology (my personal favorite), so you understand that psychology isn't that complete bullshit that goes around.

05-09-2016, 08:36 PM
like I said to monde, quoting that pseudopsychology crap makes you look like an idiot. Your notion of psychology is popcorn bullshit for jackasses.
Try learning about some technical psychology (aka actual psychology), like evolutionary psychology and genetic archetypes of the unconscious mind, neuropsychology, or go listen to someone rapping about metacognitive neuropsychology (my personal favorite).

in action

05-09-2016, 08:40 PM
I took Mental Psychology at University and while I got a B- in that class you seem to have all the characteristics of a faggot retard.
(pp. 623 Igger, Gay N., Dr. Mental Psychology. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. New York: Creation, 2006. Print. Ser. 5.)

05-09-2016, 08:45 PM
according to recent studies of boolean geometric calculus the logical answer to "should you ban plug drugs" is 1

05-09-2016, 08:46 PM
(1 is yes in binary, I'm saying yes you should absolutely ban plug drugs before he posts again)

Wendy <3
05-09-2016, 09:58 PM
I wish this faggot would hurry up and die

05-09-2016, 10:21 PM
I want to create new buzzword, some programmers ive met they act like plug drugs so when i say something and they dont know what is it before to say they google it then copypaste code & algorithm and give to me without personal experience, It pisses me off, they are absolutely plug drug]

05-10-2016, 01:13 AM
dgsgspost this as a question in /r/askscience. i think they'd be more friendly.

05-10-2016, 11:46 AM
post this as a question in /r/askscience. i think they'd be more friendly.

Others fully intend to maintain a good personal program of Bible study and worship but soon drift into bad habits.

05-10-2016, 03:38 PM

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

05-10-2016, 04:49 PM
You're missing out having avatars turned off, mine is really good
