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View Full Version : Are there any tests that will help me determine if i'm gay or not?

sex with dead people
04-06-2013, 05:46 PM
I need to know by the end of the night.

Gentleman Doli
04-06-2013, 05:48 PM
*unzips my pants*

Hmm, no penis. EDIT: funny joke i thought of, "no baby either"



sex with dead people
04-06-2013, 05:55 PM
Idk yet.

Autistic Spectrum
04-06-2013, 05:57 PM
dp:fatmom38 are you online?
fatmom38: ya hey dp what's up
fatmom38: ugh,,
dp:ya i know, can you take away wendys internet or something i bet she will start talking about rep boosting again, it's pretty gay,
fatmom38: tell me about it, i brought the 12 pounds of food into her room yesterday, and she said to me, mom i think you repboosted, tell me the truth or you are banned from my room

sex with dead people
04-06-2013, 06:43 PM
She already took my internet away for over a month and that was the reason I started questioning my sexuality

Autistic Spectrum
04-06-2013, 08:05 PM
dp:so why did you take away wendy's internet for a month?
fatmom38: caught her rep boosting with her guldact account,