View Full Version : I'm moving the goal posts

05-26-2016, 04:40 PM
Since my exile has turned the herpetarium into the happenin' place, and the new defacto "real" forum, I will no longer settle for plug drugs being herped. In order to end this war plug drugs needs to be subnet banned. Not just deleted, not just IP banned, but subnet banned.

Since I'm clearly winning this and think I'm in a good position to make demands, the answer is no, I'm not willing to negotiate. Your move.

Wendy <3
05-26-2016, 05:14 PM
I bet lisa would stop coming back if he was gone for good. You can tell she still has a thing for him

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:16 PM
Maks his friends jazz and m0nde

The new cody crew

Wendy <3
05-26-2016, 05:19 PM
You fucked yourself on cam for plug drug you nasty bitch

05-26-2016, 05:21 PM
Since my exile has turned the herpetarium into the happenin' place, and the new defacto "real" forum, I will no longer settle for plug drugs being herped. In order to end this war plug drugs needs to be subnet banned. Not just deleted, not just IP banned, but subnet banned.

Since I'm clearly winning this and think I'm in a good position to make demands, the answer is no, I'm not willing to negotiate. Your move.i don't think ruby knows what banning a subnet means

05-26-2016, 05:23 PM
i don't think ruby knows what banning a subnet means

I'd be willing to help him, all he has to do is ask

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:28 PM

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:30 PM
凸[◣_◢]凸FREE MARKS98凸[◣_◢]凸 put this in your sig if you support YTMNSFW凸[◣_◢]凸

05-26-2016, 05:33 PM
I dont see "spath" not definetly real gen doli

05-26-2016, 05:35 PM
凸[◣_◢]凸FREE MARKS98凸[◣_◢]凸 put this in your sig if you support YTMNSFW凸[◣_◢]凸

welcome back, you chose a trying time but maybe you can talk some sense into the tyrants running this place

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:38 PM
tehers only one tihng u can do in a time like tihs...


05-26-2016, 05:39 PM
It seems real, why did you posting here? It has been years

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:41 PM
wehn i heard down the grape vine, that ruby was a tyrant, and taht he was keeping the litle people down.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

05-26-2016, 05:42 PM
is this what I have become? the guy with a website people stand up to? my god

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:45 PM
yuo have one move tou pant sshitting retard, free the free people and lizard the lizards, ytmnfsw can not endure half slave and half free

05-26-2016, 05:48 PM
is this what I have become? the guy with a website people stand up to? my god

It doesn't have to be like this. I've been trying to work out a peaceful resolution since the very beginning. You've been ignoring me every time I reach out.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:48 PM
No. You should have posted earlier like for the last 3 years and stuff.

Maks is just being naughty. The real reason this forum is dead is jazz and m0nde, they are just such losers, as simple as that.

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:50 PM
No. You should have posted earlier like for the last 3 years and stuff.

Maks is just being naughty. The real reason this forum is dead is jazz and m0nde, they are just such losers, as simple as that.

actualy i like both of those people, and hate you. probably most of the forum feels the same way , which is actually really funny.

05-26-2016, 05:51 PM
wehn i heard down the grape vine, that ruby was a tyrant, and taht he was keeping the litle people down.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

he's basically pol pot at this point. plug drugs was herped, we had finally won, and that faggot set him free. MONTHS OF WORK DOWN THE DRAIN. it was then that I realized, this society is unsustainable, it was time for a change.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:51 PM
I hate plug drugs as much as the next person but if you do it just because maks is spamming your forum what do you think will happen one week / two weeks from now?

Basic classroom management. He'll do it again and again because it works.

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:53 PM
*chuckles* Lisa still pretending shes a teacher I see? ;]

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:54 PM
Actually jazz was herped and people started coming back, dp and a number of others all within the 2 days jazz was herped. Maks then spammed the forum for jazz to be unherped and deso unherped jazz and everyone left. Then seeing as that keeps working for him he started spamming the forum to have plug drugs herped.

Thing is, plug drugs makes maybe one or two threads a week and certainly is not in every single thread begging for attention like jazz is.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:55 PM
*chuckles* Lisa still pretending shes a teacher I see? ;]

I'm not pretending anything.

I was a teacher for 4 years before I quit.

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 05:57 PM
I'm not pretending anything.

I was a teacher for 4 years before I quit.

resign (from), leave, retire (from), pull out (of), surrender, chuck (informal), step down (from) (informal), relinquish, renounce, pack in (informal), abdicate, molest children and then get fired and the school board covers it up

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 05:58 PM
resign (from), leave, retire (from), pull out (of), surrender, chuck (informal), step down (from) (informal), relinquish, renounce, pack in (informal), abdicate, molest children and then get fired and the school board covers it up

Fuck off retard. I have never molested any children.

05-26-2016, 05:59 PM
I hate plug drugs as much as the next person but if you do it just because maks is spamming your forum what do you think will happen one week / two weeks from now?

Basic classroom management. He'll do it again and again because it works.

I won't need to because there will be nobody left who *the entire forum wants to leave*

I can only get away with this shit if everyone agrees with me. I couldn't do it to stompleb, I couldn't do it to you, but I'm doing it to plug drugs I have the people's support and ultimately I'm going to be successful

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:05 PM
No. You don't.

You have two posters who are even worse than plug drugs supporting you and that's all.

Unless they put jazz back in the herp I do not support this because there are bigger losers ruining the forum for more people. Plug drugs does not ruin every simgle thread. He makes one or two threads a week and replies to maybe one or two others. Yes he is shit but it does nit ruin the whole forum like some desperate retarded no-life begging for attention in every single thread with marco level retard shit or some fuckturd spazz spamming the whole forum.

Shame you can't see the forest for the trees. Have fun.

05-26-2016, 06:06 PM
you supported me enough to give me your account less than 24 hours ago you schizophrenic

05-26-2016, 06:07 PM
you also needed my help to get rid of plug drugs because he was hardcore creeping on you and you were afraid of what he might do, remember that? all nic sales ever does is call you a faggot and make fun of your dead cat

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:10 PM
you supported me enough to give me your account less than 24 hours ago you schizophrenic

That just coincided with my own thing going on of quitting because of fighting with Deso and ruby ignoring me, if I had waited one more hour ruby would have come to the rescue and I wouldn't have had to do what was effectively e-killing myself by giving you my account

05-26-2016, 06:11 PM
lisa you're a drama queen like the rest of us you know you love this shit you wouldn't want it any other way

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:16 PM
you also needed my help to get rid of plug drugs because he was hardcore creeping on you and you were afraid of what he might do, remember that? all nic sales ever does is call you a faggot and make fun of your dead cat

Yes I remember.

Jazz is way more of an obsessed fucking loser, sorry but they most definately are. And like I keep saying they ruin EVERY thread here. Like no-one can make a thread without that loser and their brain dead marco level shit begging for attention in it, whinging about me or making up mentally deficient and insnane garbage constantly.

my discernment says that loser ruins the forum far more than plug drugs does and my discernment is as usual right.

So I cannot be on board with this, you used spamming to get jazz unherped and herping jazz was the best thing that happened to this forum in a long time, that worked so now you are just going to spam everytime you want something your way around here. You should have left well enough alone and left jazz in the herp as they are genuinely way bigger of a loser than even plug drugs. If you had you would well have had nearly everyone's support. But plug drugs just does not actually ruin the whole forum. Who ruins the whole forum maks?

Wendy <3
05-26-2016, 06:18 PM
Lisa is really mad

Wendy <3
05-26-2016, 06:19 PM
She's not happy if people are mean to her and she's really mad when we all put her on ignore and never mention her

05-26-2016, 06:21 PM
Yes I remember.

Jazz is way more of an obsessed fucking loser, sorry but they most definately are. And like I keep saying they ruin EVERY thread here. Like no-one can make a thread without that loser and their brain dead marco level shit begging for attention in it, whinging about me or making up mentally deficient and insnane garbage constantly.

my discernment says that loser ruins the forum far more than plug drugs does and my discernment is as usual right.

So I cannot be on board with this, you used spamming to get jazz unherped and herping jazz was the best thing that happened to this forum in a long time, that worked so now you are just going to spam everytime you want something your way around here. You should have left well enough alone and left jazz in the herp as they are genuinely way bigger of a loser than even plug drugs. If you had you would well have had nearly everyone's support. But plug drugs just does not actually ruin the whole forum. Who ruins the whole forum maks?

I was spamming in favor of banning plug drugs for months before nic sals got herped...

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:31 PM
I was spamming in favor of banning plug drugs for months before nic sals got herped...

And you were never herped for it.

Maybe it all went wrong when you sided with cody level losers and started to lose some respect from people. I know for sure you rolling around with the m0nde/jazz and marcos made me shave at least 50 IQ points off what my estimation of yours is.

I mean you kind of always got away with it because... well because you're maks... but when you start hanging out with and taking sides with cody level losers well all respect for you kind of goes out the window, like you and I have never been friends but I at least used to think you had a spine and werent a complete fucking loser but when you side with people like jazz and to a slightly lesser extent m0nde well you tell me, do you think people who stick up for and think someone who is wantonly cody level are respected by the broader community? Like do you think I'd be cool if I went and buddied up with cody or something because that is basically what you have done by siding with losers like jazz and m0nde. You went so far backwards when you spammed to have jazz unherped, you were totally alone on that one and yet got your way by spamming the forum... frankly I think you did that more to annoy me than actually liking that fucking loser because seriously if you do like morons like that then there is no two ways about it, you are a loser.

05-26-2016, 06:33 PM
I've been friends with m0nde and nic sales since 2006, next hairbrained theory please

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:43 PM
I've been friends with m0nde and nic sales since 2006, next hairbrained theory please
They are the bottom of the barrel. You were also friends with plug drugs in 2006.

None of this negates what I just said.

05-26-2016, 06:45 PM
I was nver friends with plug drugs. I tolerated him because he hadn't given me a reason not to.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:48 PM
I'd do a trade though if it were up to me. The deal would be release you and herp plug drugs AND jazz on the condition you stopped spamming. But I would not even consider it unless putting that retarded loser jazz back in the herp was part of the trade.

But it's not up to me.

05-26-2016, 06:49 PM
I'm sure nic sales would be willing to take one for the team. Give me your account, I'll start spamming immediately and let ruby know the conditions have changed again.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:55 PM
I gave you my account for a completely different reason. I don't have that reason anymore.

I just want jazz back in the herp because they suck.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 06:58 PM
I want to be able to make a thread without that fucking loser in it every single time. I'm not the only one.

05-26-2016, 07:01 PM
what is it with this place and people refusing to negotiate or act in their own best interst

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 07:05 PM
Not only is herping jazz in my own interest but it is in the forum as a whole's interest, its general tone, its content, its participants.... which in turn is in my own interest because I want a good forum to post in with good people and not just two fucking losers ie. jazz and monde. That's what tim's tanty is for. Those fucking losers already have a forum they shat up and where nobody goes to post with them. I want this one to be good.

05-26-2016, 07:32 PM
then give me your account and I'll tell ruby he needs to herp jazz when he bans plug drugs

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 07:36 PM
I could ask ruby myself but seeing as he already did actually herp that waste of space and human life and you spammed until Deso unherped the fucking loser I'm not going to bother him with it. He already did enough for me today. I put that on Deso's head.

05-26-2016, 07:39 PM
I can get this done lisa, nic sales wouldn't even fight it he's be happy to make that sacrifice to get rid of plug drugs

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 07:47 PM
It did already happen and the forum started to pick up, people were coming out of the woodwork and starting to post, just like I always said they would. And what did you do at that point maks? Spammed the forum until Deso unherped them. The forum promptly went back back to being tim's failed tanty version 2.0.

Deso needs to do it this ime because it's not fair that ruby does the good things and Deso undoes them and then you have to ask ruby again because Deso is being a stupid cunt. Get Deso to herp both jazz and plug drugs and guaruntee you will stop spamming and maybe even say if you do spam again they can just delete you and then everyone will happy. If Deso put that fucking loser back and stopped being a dick to me that would go some way to making amends.

You might need to reconsider your current position maks (lol) if you want anything and appologise to ruby. Ruby is a good sort.

Lisa Battery
05-26-2016, 07:50 PM
I mean you're not really in the strongest bargaining position right now lol

Autistic Spectrum
05-26-2016, 08:16 PM
Yes I remember.

Jazz is way more of an obsessed fucking loser, sorry but they most definately are. And like I keep saying they ruin EVERY thread here. Like no-one can make a thread without that loser and their brain dead marco level shit begging for attention in it, whinging about me or making up mentally deficient and insnane garbage constantly.

my discernment says that loser ruins the forum far more than plug drugs does and my discernment is as usual right.

So I cannot be on board with this, you used spamming to get jazz unherped and herping jazz was the best thing that happened to this forum in a long time, that worked so now you are just going to spam everytime you want something your way around here. You should have left well enough alone and left jazz in the herp as they are genuinely way bigger of a loser than even plug drugs. If you had you would well have had nearly everyone's support. But plug drugs just does not actually ruin the whole forum. Who ruins the whole forum maks?

no wonder half of penguin island including your relatives have shoved there cocks into your mouth it's too shut you the fuck up

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 08:19 PM
lisa talkgn so much shit abotu her cat, i dont tolreate animal abuse on tihs forum

Autistic Spectrum
05-26-2016, 08:20 PM
thats a really bad doli impression

05-26-2016, 08:21 PM
I mean you're not really in the strongest bargaining position right now lol

I disagree, I've got this forum by the balls. it's near impossible to get any sort of conversation going outside the herp because within 12 hours it's going to be buried under 70 pages of spam

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 08:21 PM
thats a really bad doli impression

excuse me?

05-26-2016, 08:22 PM

Wendy <3
05-26-2016, 08:22 PM
I'm the obsessed fucktard and she won't stfu about me supposedly ruining every thread here :rofl:

Gentleman Doli II
05-26-2016, 08:23 PM
plug drugs is my best friend, and my friend, and rly a nice guy. it's illegal to be mean to people on the forums. and you should stop being mean to him- what the mods and the admins actually believe

05-26-2016, 08:24 PM
it's easy to put her in my field of ignorance and skim by her repetitive shit, but she makes so fucking many threads too

Autistic Spectrum
05-26-2016, 08:26 PM
jazz i dare you to fly to pengin island find as much of lisa's family as you can and just start hanging out with them, the whole crew her hot ass mom, her hot ass gay brother and gordon, just become like the family friend lisa did not even know she needed, then after like 4 years of doing that own the fuck out of her and be like I'M JAZZ BITCH HAHAHAHAHAAHA FUC UKC UC LISA

05-26-2016, 08:32 PM
rootbear and this donny guy have already tried that and gotten only so far

Autistic Spectrum
05-26-2016, 08:33 PM
i'm pretty sure everyone lisa knows irl, she meet on the internet

05-26-2016, 08:38 PM
take your family for a trip to sydney, dp. i'm sure they'd love seeing penguins and gay people and bon dye beach