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View Full Version : Generic Ruby DayZ Videos Thread #7: Making Friends Special Edition

05-21-2013, 11:26 PM

at the start of this vid teknorat talks about playing with his brother and getting too rustled to ever meet him in the game I like the idea that he has a little side story going on with his brother but it pisses me off that he never had fraps running every single time he played this shit game so I could have videos of what he got up to when I wasnt there which I presume is interesting for him to see what I do with barry or whatever or see things from my POV special shout out to classy bird Alice when we talk shit about an ALICE pack thats floating in the air and after some loot based drama involving the game stealing my gear and then giving me an alice pack with an empty whisky bottle which I glass zombies with ned style in it teknorat burns himself if you want to witness the very rare event of something funny happening in these videos skip to 06:05 to hear teknorat screaming in pain and then comically dropping plates all over the place this video also marks the first time teknorat realized you can get the arrow prompt for the ladder from inside the firestation that teleports you outside which I do basically everytime I visit one of those now and then he meets this guy called Omnius who he makes friends with and clears out a building of zombies with and hes like "I cant wait for this guy to be a sociopath as well" lmao but fortunately he trolls into standing still first by asking for a blood transfusion and then being like JUST KIDDING IM GONNA KILL YA welcome to DayZ n00bitch if you think that shits funny just wait until you see what I get up to later in this game session then theres a cameo from stompleb when my game gets minimized by an IM he sent me with a URL with ARE ALL MEN PEDOPHILES? in the title, yes, yes they are, and so are all women and nothing happens at all not even saying funny shit when I walk over to elektro that journey has gotten so standard I know every tree to go behind off by heart and after I switch my piece of shit winchester for an enfield which if I hadnt gotten lucky a bunch of times with an AK would be my best weapon since its whatever you call a gun that isnt even a semi-auto you have to make damn well you are aiming at your target which stops me from just praying and spraying which years of unrealistic FPSs have taught me to do my finely honed pro gaming senses tell me there is someone still around this barn because theres dead zombies in there so I go outside and sure enough some nigga comes out who I shoot straight in the heart get fugged Cad and he actually picked up the winchester I left its a shame they fixed the full bag deleting guns glitch because if I had done that it woulda left him completely unarmed and after meeting up with tek and gearing up from some tents hes found we head up to the North East Air Field which is basically like the North West one big without as many military loot buildings so not as many people go there and we come across Rog castle which is an exact copy pasta of Zub castle and we try to kill ourselves the japanese with smoke inhalation by starting a log fire indoors but sadly it doesnt work and we are stuck in this shitty game for longer


some other in-joke terminology here "milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard" which means zombies being attracted to your gunfire the two of us came up with our own like military slogans during this shitty game that will never come in handy again until we play the stand alone of course christ forgive me also please note how teknorat just tells his sister IM PLAYING A GAME GO AWAY! when she calls him so hes a double bitch nigga for letting his wife command when he can play video games or not and then some real nigga shit happens where we are in the fuck middle of no where when we find a factory and teknorat spots a guy running around inside it so I take cover behind some trees and thank the lord I have the enfield so I could take a shot when I see him on the roof just having a nice wee look out over the majestic flowing green hills but as I take aim and zoom in THE MOTHERFUCKING TRIANGLES BLOCK MY SCREEN AND THEY START FLICKERING IN AND OUT AND I HAVE TO TIME THE SHOT EXACTLY BETWEEN THE FLICKERS OF GRAPHICAL GLITCHES AND I KILL HIM IN ONE SHOT YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS OH HO HO HO :rubyflash: now that was some pro gamer shit and then we search for this guys body to make sure hes dead in this construction site but then I remember you can just look at the debug monitor for unfair gameplay and we go to check one last building in the place which teknorat calls will get us killed and like a massive swarm of zombies come out of it and when we finally check it and decide to leave before we die we get Session Lost lmao and then we switch servers and we get chased out of there by a crowd of zombies and then according to notes I took at the time due to autism we went from Musta to Lista to Dolina to Dabina to Berizino which is just south of the NEAF and when we get up there we veeeery slowly and veeeery carefully scout out the place first with binoculars while hiding behind cover and then crouch run up there making sure to stay behind buildings and then tactically advance around the first structure that's a control tower that teknorat goes up from inside and I take the external ladder up but when I get to the top for soooooome reason THE LADDER PUTS ME OFF ON A LEDGE AND IM LIKE OH UH OH IM IN TROUUUUUUUUUUBLEEEEeeeeeeeee NOOOOOOOO :rubyrage: lmao welcome to DayZ you can survive gunfights against other humans and attacks from hundreds of zombies but climbing up a glitchy ladder is what gets you when you finally reach your destination and this was the only time I ever got to the NEAF because its fucking gay but I am actually grateful that that ladder got me because then I wouldnt have respawned in elektro which has like half the fucking game in it I see a guy being chased by zombies and hear a lots of shooting going on outside the church and when I go to investigate there are five americlappers all babbling away over their mics running around like headless chickens and only one of them has a gun and one has an axe and they are all falling over each other like retards and it looks like they are trying and failing to fight a chicken lmao go get em heidi and I walk up slowly to them saying I'm unarmed trying to make jokes that probably really deeply offended them and one of them starts yelling at me to take cover so I hide with everyone in the church court yard and I dont think they are friends since what kind of retards use direct communication if you can just use any other chat program with your buds so maybe they are just a conglomerate of randos who are getting along since only one of them has a gun and one of them looks like hes trying to kill a zombie with his axe but literally just gives up and another one runs around asking for a blood tranny and I just like casually walk behind this guy as he pathetically swings at another zombie he manages to kill but not before it breaks his legs and someone else starts shooting at us and one of thems like oh fuck a sniper and what sounds like their leader tells everyone to get in and close the door so of course since I'm in the group now I'm the best player and the only one who closes the door just as some other guy runs past which is the most player activity I've ever seen 7 people in one spot and one guys like I really need a gun and I run around checking all the corners of the church making sure I get any before he does and thats when my first ever DayZ video starts that I posted on the 9th of July last year that has since gone ultra-mega-atomic viral that you can watch again here


if you want to read my literal shot by shot analysis you can read it in this thread thats kind of a prequel to these ones (http://rubycalaber.com/forums/showthread.php?1988-Generic-Ruby-DayZ-Video-Thread-0-How-to-Make-Friends-in-DayZ) but since I've already discussed it in depth there lets take a look at the most raged out comments I've gotten its hard to pick out the best since VIRTUALLY EVERY SINGLE COMMENT IS EXTREMELY ANGRY :mad: but I'll tryand round them up into the usual complaints since the average person can only have about one of four possible opinions

a combo of four people pretending not to be mad when they clearly are!

people getting mad at me saying memes out loud! when I posted this vid on /v/ that was most of the rustling because it breaches their le secret club even though I literally forget this shit comes from 4chan because I am so used to saying rustling I keep saying "you know what rustles me?" to my family and they dont know what I am on about

people accusing me of having autism! :autism:

a nice gentleman pointing out that there is nothing wrong with being autistic, autie pride brother!

people getting mad about my voice! I am glad that every fiber of my being is geared towards jimmy rustling so I dont have to put on an annoying voice on purpose thats already my default voice

d-do I really sound like this? people say I have a lisp but I dont really hear it, other than sometimes I say deso as desho, but only because blood is rushing away from my head to my penis

people noticing I'm breathing heavy, sorry I was literally very excited in real life

plug drugs defending me, thanks m8!


this video picks up right after the How To Make Friends In DayZ video ends since I was lucky enough that the 2 minute clip fraps recorded was basically the whole event and only missed the very beginning of meeting them and some reactions afterwards so now after literally 10 months you can see what happened after that which is some Lost flashforward shit going on there when we had to wait over two years to find out what happened to bearded Jack after Kate told him to fuck off at the airport and it opens with THAT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF MY FUCKING LIFE and then teknorat comes up with the name for the video and usually I would be a sperge master and be like no it has to visit my naming scheme but I had realized the real important things in life were making other people angry which the title did and I think this game has literally made me a worse person since before that like yeah bad things happening to other people was funny but it didnt have any other emotional impact on me until I played this game and killed people in a way in some ways comparable to real life since its taboo to do it and people get real fucking mad when you do it en mass and the game tries to be realistic and it was really fucking satisfying to inflict rustlement on these stupid faggots who were trying to make friends and yammering away with their americlapper normalfaggot voices and now I know what sadism feels like so thanks DayZ for bringing me once step closer to being a serial killer and then I lie again to tek that I started recording when I met him since this was before I told him I record literally every game I play and I was so excited I forgot I had just said I started recording as soon as I picked up the AK I am not sure if he noticed probably not since I genuinely say complete bullshit by complete accident all the time like getting yogurt and ice cream mixed up and getting compass directions mixed up so his brain probably automatically ignores contradicting things I say hes so used to it all part of my plan to be a master ruseman I assure you I am not just really retarded and watching the footage back now the sixth body in there was literally a random guy who came in with an axe and I guess saw I was massacring everyone Adam Lanza style so ran up the stairs but he gets killed by a fucking zombie lmao so thats why theres a second body in the stairwell and then I see someone running around outside and its someone with an axe I think it might be one of them since anyone else would just fucking leg it once they see someone with an AK in a room with six dead bodies but he hangs around and I shoot at him but run out of ammo but find one of my victims had an AK mag on him thats nice of you bub and I go outside to see this guy laid down on the ground outside the door I think he was like trying to glitch his head through the wall so he could see inside or something but when I shoot at him he just sinks into the ground because hes a disconnecting coward faggot fuck note how I only disconnect when someone is hacking me and other people have to disconnect when I just play fairly because I am a pro gaming master and then teknorat who is making his way from the NEAF to Devil's Castle is trying to get me to head back up north into the wilderness but I have just had too much fun at the coast delivering groundbreaking levels of ownage but I shoulda listened to him since someone headshots me as I'm looking through these guys loot and after checking to make sure fraps actually recorded it I say I'm gonna post it on /vg/ and this forum and the dayz forums which I actually did usually when I say shit like that I never bother but this was worth the trouble to make posts on other shitty forums and then after a discussion on how barry loves tranny cock I see another unarmed guy running around cherno and I decide to bother the fuck out of him and his bro since the game isnt even about getting good guns to me anymore its just about pissing other people off so I literally start propositioning these two guys for cyber sex telling them YOU FUCK MY ASS AND YOU FUCK MY PUSSY lmao I am not gay it was only as a troll and they literally do stand there in a circle around me looking down at me as I pretend to suck them off while talking in the chat about what a fag I am lmao and I try to rob them like a typical woman but one has an empty backpack and Liam seems to have lost him while swimming in the sea and the other one Fernando which is the gayest name possible says IF I HAD A GUN I WOULD BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF thats no way to treat a lady and when I reveal that I'm only after their loot they fucking leg it lmao get gush'd hard and Liam says SHES A NIGGER IN DISGUISE :kkk: hahaha das racis and then I chase after Liam while literally commanding zombies necromancer style to eat him since if you scream over direct voice chat it attracts zombies until I get shot by a sniper and then this Corey guy comes crawling towards me to help me but I just steal all his raw meat and leg it lmao get fucked but I cant heal up by eating it because its raw aaaaaaa and since I am feeling liberated from care by that ladder killing me after a big serious gameplay journey and that rampage I dont give a fuck and am just running around having fun so I test my theory I had a few days ago about if you can jump from one apartment roof top to the other and I'm like I BELIEVE as I jump but NO ONE MAKES THE FIRST JUMP and after finding a mountain drew, the rarest item in the game that doesn nothing special, I see an SUV being driven by Frenzy who was actally one of the guys I killed come blazing through elektro and when I scream for him to stop for me he actually does park outside the firestation and let me run out and get in and the two other guys in there are Dan and Sharon one name which teknorat made fun of since its probably like his parents computer lmao and HOLLOWSDIG god you come across some real bad usernames in this game also I just noticed the chat has autocorrect on it lmao and then a fifth guy gets in and starts yapping away excitedly and I go into first person and have a nice we chat with my new mates about how one of them looks like steve jobs (RIP) and we drive back through elektro with one of them yelling whos in elektro who wants a ride but then awww shit niggy ANOTHER JEEP CRASHES INTO US HEAD FIRST AND THE GAME LAGS THE FUCK OUT AND EVERYONE STARTS SCREAMING TO GET OUT AND I TRY TO GET INTO THE DRIVERS SEAT BUT THEN THE CAR EXPLODES lmmfao and then I lay on my back watching the plumes of fire and smoke rise up as everyone screams at each other and runs around like retards and one of them is like OH NO OH DONT STOP OH DONT STOP so I think the other guys got out their car and started raping everyone from our car lmao and then I hear tek screaming IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE! IM GONNA DIE!! IM GONNA DIE BECAUSE THIS GAME IS TERIBI FUCKING HATE THIS GAME!!! which is the most rustled I think I've ever heard him which is funny since I was having the most fun I had ever had in the game after that massacre and then just riding around in a jeep for the first time picking people up apparently he got stuck on some stairs and then zombies got him so he disconnected and then he just has to hang up because he cant take any more and almost went to pick his computer up and threw it out the window lmao


this is only the second video featuring only me which doesnt happen very often due to me being insanely internet popular and always having someone to play a game with and it is pretty neato since another guy in an SUV that I presume some hacker has been spawning along the coast called Trento drove past me and stopped when I yelled for him these people are definitely hearing me I didnt know direct chat went that far or they could hear me over their engine but they're defo stopping for me and he actually talks to me and we can understand what each other are saying which is pretty amazing and I tell him to head for cherno to pick more people up and we come across a female character with gay harry potter glasses laying down next to a broken down bus called Swak and we let her in then we let in another guy running along the road and hes like YEAAAAAAH! LETS GO PICK UP SOME MORE PEOPLE!!! XD and he sounds literally retarded and then there is some drama where we need to stop for gas but we get shot at so this new guy jumps in the drivers seat and we go racing off but he cant drive for shit and crashes us through shit and puts everyone into shock and I think he thinks the cars gonna blow up because he screams OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OU- and jumps out himself so I JUMP INTO THE DRIVERS SEAT AND IMMEDIATELY REVERSE OVER HIM and Trento was like YOU KILLED HIM :pwn: and I'm like OH GOD IM NOT A GOOD DRIVER (BUT I REALLY DID IT ON PURPOSE LMAO) but the guy survived I just ran over his leg and he gets back in and I drive off but start bashing into everything and Trento is like YOU'RE A TERRIBLE DRIVER BRO and then I see a jerry can and tell them to go get it but Trento is like DUDE IM FAINTED I CANT DO ANYTHING and the other guy is like MY LEG IS BROKEN I CANT GET OUT wow what a great team so I go out and try to get it but its empty and this cheeky cunt has taken my drivers seat and he tries to pick another guy up but runs over him lmao and then we drive around cherno honking and yelling for anyone who wants a ride but then the driver is like EVERYONE READY? EVERYONE BUCKLE UP!! and HE DRIVES US ALL INTO THE SEA and I'm like OH NOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH SHIIIIIIIIIIT :rubyrage: and only one of them manages to get out and I like drown to death or the car blows up or I dont even know I die lmao so that was a fun little adventure idk if anyone but me can tell but that was me trying to be friendly and nice so people didnt kill me on sight and it seemed to be working out well until I got driven into the ocean and then I spawn back in elektro and I make friends with this dude with a winchester called Josh or something like that by bringing him into the supermarket and bandaging him while he takes out the zombies that were attacking him and he seems quite the operator because he knows to use his marakov for zombies and he seems like a nice guy who trusts me and since this game is turning me evil I look forward to killing him and of course using teamwork and strategy means jack shit in this game because the zombies just get me bleeding and break this guys legs through a fucking solid brick wall and my new m8 starts bandaging himself so I drop the two car wheels I picked up and steal a marakov mag from him just in case I find an empty one so I can give it back to him ifchoonoumsayin and then another guy with a flashlight runs up and then I have two men trying to bandage me at the same time it feels good to be a girl because men rush to help you also I just realized that both zombies and humans make the same UGHOHHO grunt when they get shot so everytime someone shoots a zombie I was expecting it to be them being attacked by another player or something and then I hear a helicopter being flown by 0wner overhead and this dude with the flashlight screams SAVE US HELICOPTER and it looks like its landing so the three of us run over there and this fucking dumbass Josh thinks his own footsteps are gunshots lmao get a fucking earing test mate but the chopper sees us and a gunman starts shooting at us as it takes off fucking dickheads we just wanted to kill you and steal your chopper and then I go back to THAT firestation and Josh is asking this other guy for a blood tranny but he cant work out how to put it in his bag so he just drops it in the ground but then I pick it up and run away screaming IM STEALING YOUR BLOOD BAG BYE lmao who says you need a gun to rustle someone speaking of which the final rustlement of that day happens when I see a guy called Ragnar going into a tool shed and I walk up behind him to try and steal shit out of his backpack BUT HE CLOSES THE DOORS ON ME AND THEY BREAK MY LEG AND SEND ME INTO SHOCK AND MAKE ME BLEED AND MAKE ME GO UNCONSCIOUS and I burst out laughing and this guy runs away as I yell GIVE ME MORPHINE YOU FAGGOT :rubymad: at him well played sir well played

Gentleman Doli
05-21-2013, 11:48 PM

05-21-2013, 11:55 PM
Ruby I love you and I think you're hilarious but I'm not going to sit through a 22 minute video let alone 4 of them

05-22-2013, 12:05 AM
pretty good stuff ia ctually watched the jeep one lol

05-22-2013, 12:13 AM
Submitted the one I watched to reddit, lets see if it'll go even more viral


05-22-2013, 12:17 AM
Speaking of reddit plug drugs account is exactly what you'd expect, 800 wall of text posts for a grand total of -4 comment rating


05-22-2013, 12:40 AM
Submitted the one I watched to reddit, lets see if it'll go even more viral



05-22-2013, 12:52 AM

05-22-2013, 12:53 AM

no comments

05-22-2013, 12:57 AM
no comments


05-22-2013, 01:09 AM
second life with zombies

05-22-2013, 07:53 AM

0 points (25% like it)
1 up vote 3 down votes

jonatfuckdotorg 2 points 2 hours ago
what. the. actual. fuck.

Roe_Jogan 2 points 2 hours ago
You are a fucktard.

DanteXIV 1 point 54 minutes ago
Well I'm never getting those two minutes back

Gentleman Doli
05-22-2013, 08:54 AM
jetsp 10 months ago

Very newbie! crap voice man

05-22-2013, 09:05 AM
bro, your voice is fine its the mic. get a new mic.
if you can afford it get a blue yetti
also make sure you are hosting the skype call so you dont get ausralia lag

Lisa Battery
05-31-2016, 07:40 AM