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View Full Version : why don't the adblock people make adblock for ie10

06-27-2013, 07:31 PM
just installed http://simple-adblock.com/ and not only did it do nothing it didn't do anything and it's probably a virus

I was only gonna use ie10 to stream wrestling so I could have one browser muted (this one) and one not (that one) because you can't mute indivial chrome tabs

uhhhhhh does anyone want to buy a computer I"m really really tired of having one, netflix and hulu force you to use a web browser but with windows sound control I can change the volume of different programs but not chrome tabs so if I have hulu open in one tab and open this site with an autoplay in another, can't just have that already be muted nope

basically this thread is me retiring from computers until I can afford to have my own company and I don't actaully want any answers I just want to smash this computer so bad and get it over with and be happy

06-27-2013, 07:33 PM
no really though the volume mixer

second life: full blast

chrome: mute

netflix program: full blast

hulu: full blast

guess what that'd be nice, and possible, but nope gotta use chrome for netflix and hulu

chrome: full blast for netflix and hulu

chrome: full blast autoplays

makes so much fucking sense that I just can't stand it

06-27-2013, 07:33 PM
the best thing steve jobs did for technology is die and everyone else currently involved in any way shape or form needs to die too

06-27-2013, 07:37 PM
what if you open another chrome window instead of another chrome tab

06-27-2013, 07:39 PM
you know what I tried that I thought but I just tried it again and that works, but I tried dragging the netflix tab off this one and then that doesn't give an extra volume control so I must of done that at first and figured why the fuck wouldn't that work

I still can't fucking stand computers but you can post at fjs now

sex with dead people
06-27-2013, 07:50 PM
They probably figured nobody would be using IE anyway

Autistic Spectrum
06-27-2013, 08:01 PM
hello stevey, i see you are having computer problems again, let me get on my IT GUY lab coat, and get my screwdrives case/cd case and help you out,